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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. Twinkies have to go? Oh say it isn't so! Why Hostess...WHY?! :(
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Iv000


      Never had one, the fact that I won't have one doesn't bother me. What bothers me is what you said Keanu, that a lot of people lost their jobs.


    3. K00L


      Well they actually wouldn't have lost jobs but they decided to go on strike because the company was going bankrupt and couldn't pay them as much as before.

      Also I've heard rumors that Hostess may not actually be dying anymore... I don't know though because I didn't look.

    4. Ithildin


      That's what the article I linked was about (Hostess possibly not going under). :D
  2. The flu is most unkind. :(
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Lol, that's one hell of a cold. XD
    3. Ithildin


      It's been a long time since I had a cold or flu. *knocks on wood* I hope you sick folks feel better ASAP ... and LOL Ves! :D
    4. SilverDNA


      Sorry to read that Vess, Hammām for you and tea and for the Hammer and chisel to get rid of the annoying Nose constipation. @Ithildin knocking on Heavens door is more likely especially by Invoking the demon by speaking it out open. it is like creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  3. Happy Veteran's Day, even though it's not today and it's really tomorrow. Oh well. Happy early Veteran's Day. You all get a cookie. :D
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      The boys have a day off from school, but hubby has to work, le sigh. *noms cookie, leaves a new batch in exchange* <== they're still warm!
    3. Keanumoreira


      AMAZING. Thank you Ithildin. ^.^
    4. SilverDNA


      Uhm... Happy Veteran's Day.
  4. Greetings. Hope you are well.
  5. I see you watching...stalking. What's up?
  6. So I voted today. Very uneventful, very stressful, but its good to make an impact, however small.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. brokenergy
    3. Ithildin


      I like your style, Queen of the Nexus. Piss 'em all off, I say. :D
    4. Flintlockecole


      I piss the government off by being self-sufficent and by owning firearms as well as having a library filled with knowledgeable books.
  7. Good, good. Everyday should be the day when you advance one footstep in the right direction. :)
  8. Don't bother. I work all week. I won't have enough time to stop by. Try the weekend though. I'm doing fine by the way. Glad to hear that you are too. :)
  9. Thank you Granny, and that is okay, and I'm not angry with you. I'm simply concerned of your state of well-being. Glad that you're doing alright. Perhaps we can speak soon, hmm? :)
  10. I went in, expecting the SAT to be difficult, and instead, it was a cakewalk. I can't vouch for the Math part, but I kicked the Reading portion's ass. I can expect to hear just how bad in 2-3 weeks. ^.^
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheSwedishPancake


      Nice, Keanu. :) I bet you aced it. ;)


      @Sil: I'm not going to college so it's not like math is going to matter. I can add, subtract, divide, and multiply. That's good enough for me.

    3. AliasTheory


      Well, I may be no math major, but EE gets pretty technical. So I can try help with math if you want. Don't ask me too much about series expansions or formal proofs though.
    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      Bet you did well enough. lol i'm glad you didn't go through the stupid trauma i did with my huge crapo testy thing. got any specific univorcities in mind? and what will you be studying in there?
  11. I haven't had a chance to drop by in Xat. How are you doing?
  12. Sandy? Is that the hurricane I've been hearing faintly about?
  13. I haven't spoken to you since the last Ice Age. How are you doing? :)
  14. Yeah, I'm okay. You know me--not really the kind to stop in and visit. My apologies. How are you? ")
  15. I burn whatever I please...except for myself, of course. No, no...that requires an insanity that I have not yet accomplished. :)
  16. Yeah, take care of yourself.
  17. Queen? I am no one's servant but to my own conscience, and my conscience is telling me to B-U-R-N.
  18. Yeah, maybe that's the medicine we need. :)
  19. "You linger like the smell of rose; the things that haunt and chill and close, The rain that pours and floods like this… The weakness of sweet Summer’s kiss Desire hot that burns within, and makes you writhe beneath your skin The feel of lips that say goodbye Linger sweet kiss! A hollow cry. I beg to hold your beauty near Pray lovers’ love, but cry the tears For all these things I cannot do - Here’s one sweet Summer’s kiss for you." - Robert Frost
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* Quote, "I think that is the spirits talking." Exactly so, Keannu, exactly.
    3. AliasTheory


      Oh hey, look what happened to pop up on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal today!


      NICE. Also, don't forget to highlight the red button.

    4. Keanumoreira


      Lol, what a coincidence.
  20. What's so monstrous about sun-bathing? Think of this way; more people will get tans, and in half the time! Skin cancer is just a nasty side-effect to looking good. :D
  21. Things are difficult here too. Trying to balance a menagerie of problems at the moment. Hope you don't stress your brain out too much. Stay sane. :P
  22. You know what I'm talking about. And you stay safe too. For your sake, bb. Don't let life let you down.
  23. *Venetian*. My grammar is off, lol.
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