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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. Drowning....can't....*unconscious*.
  2. Good. We missed you. Glad to have you back.^^
  3. Nowhere, I'm still here. Just up and about. :)
  4. Hey. *Snaps his spine in the hug*, what'cha been up to? :)
  5. *Cough* salt....*cough*....ack....*falls on floor, squirms, hand reaches for air pathetically*...no.... x_x
  6. Corlan is banned you know, but, I don't really want to talk about him.

    Anyway, I'm glad you're back on Nexus. You're staying this time, yes? ")

  7. *Breathes the cake into his stomach*. Oh...a slice huh?
  8. Hey! *Spine crushing hug*

    I didn't know you were coming back. Yeah sis, I'm okay, but what about you? :D

  9. This isn't sugar. -_-
  10. I could give it to you, you know.
  11. What happened to the other one?
  12. Say, why U no visit us in Xat anymore?
  13. because...I need sugar? Yeah, let's go with that.
  14. I'm here to haunt you because....uh.....because....because....
  15. Hey, wishing you a belated birthday. Uncle misses you, and of course, I do as well. Hope you're well and that you come back. Take care. :(
  16. LOL. Okay then, I'll take Brazil. I'm Portuguese anyway, so neat. ^^
  17. Yeah, and the one most likely to fall in the next 20 years. But maybe I could convert it into one of those giant parking lots. Or a maxi mini mall. Yes, that's it...I'll turn it into a maxi mini mall. Soon will my greed turn into profit.
  18. Not really, not for me, anyway. Oblivion...IDK, maybe it's because it's my first true RPG (not counting fable I), but I think it's way better than Skyrim. It's got a better story IMO, a better reward-system, fairly good surprises, and Skyrim is just....meh. The next ES better be good, because I didn't wait one year to play an unfinished game. My expectations weren't met this time.
  19. Damn, I wanted the Asia's, but at least I got Italy. :)

    Now to gather my future army...

  20. Yeah, Skyrim lost its magic pretty fast. It was disappointing compared to Oblivion.

    Anyway, I've been fine. I'm writing quite a bit, thinking about college and all of that. Big stuff you know? Tough decisions and all that. *Sigh*.

  21. Already done before you asked. :)
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