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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. Hey sis, I miss you *hugs*. How's everything with the boyfriend? Life going good so far? :)
  2. I don't really want to talk about it, but I appreciate your concern. I'm fine though, really.
  3. Yeah...I'm okay. Thanks. :)
  4. Yes, of course I do. I've picked up a thing or two from your "amateur" writing. ^^
  5. You too. Happy new year. :)
  6. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm well rested now. :)
  7. Happy New Year to you too. Enjoy the champagne! *Hic* :P
  8. I wish you a late Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Wherever you are, I hope you enjoy it. Please, come back soon.
  9. Um, hey. I don't believe we've met, but A knows you, so any friend of his is a friend of mine. So, hello I guess.
  10. Merry Christmas to you as well. :)
  11. You too...AND PIE! :D
  12. You too Uncle. *hugs* :)
  13. Thank....you.....gah. :)
  14. Same. Hope you get something nice. :)
  15. You too. May your presents be many. :)
  16. Shhhhh!!!! Shup up shut up (btw, Merry Christmas) SHUT UP!!!
  17. Eat my metal ass! She won't come anywhere close to me and my reaper benefactors!
  18. No! *Kicks Samara to the floor and grabs on to a Reaper ship*. Ha! Away my allies! To victory!
  19. Oh my God, you wouldn't dare use a justicar against me. :O
  20. *Pulls a ship down and throws it like a toy at her, watching the dust and fire spread like the inside of a tipped snow-globe*.

    Ha...fool. Knew she couldn't stand against a pressure as simple as getting hit with a stick.

  21. NEVER! *Uses his biotics to fling her over the railing and them flies down to some random passing ship of some kind*.
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