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Everything posted by Tomzo711

  1. In response to post #118723158. Catch me up to speed, is there a major difference?
  2. I often find myself browsing mods during downtime at work on my phone as I'm planning my mod lists. I'd love to have a way to either que mods to download or be able to bookmark them for later when I'm able to access my pc. Just a thought.
  3. I had considered that. That's why I was wondering if it would be possible to tie the trigger specifically to the player attacking or being attacked.
  4. I like the music of Skyrim but I hate that it will tip you when you're about to get wrecked because you were caught slippin. Would it be possible to change how combat music is triggered by doing so ONLY after damage is delt either to the player or by the player?
  5. Basically an Addon for SkyrimSouls where if someone or a guard sees you picking a lock it counts as a trespassing crime. I found that with the unpaused lockpick mini game people/guards just walk by and nothing happens. Would be really immersive if you got reported and a guard could pull you out of the game to start the whole "Stop right there you criminal scum" bit. Or if you've entered the building/room they will follow and investigate.
  6. Basically a mod that removes the need to have a button bound to put away your weapons or spells. Pressing the hand equipped key automatically brings them out so this shouldn't be an issue. The "simple" method of doing this I think would be to basically have the mod check every X duration to see if the player is in combat. If not, the put away hands. Possibly may need a check for if in stealth override so you don't accidentally put hands away before stealth kill. Also may need a way to determine if the player is using a torch (they count as a weapon I think?) and if the player is in a dungeon or "hostile" area. The dungeon check could be needed because the player may want to keep weapons and spells at the ready. Ideally this could be all toggled and tweaked via MCM settings. I think this would be handy for controller users particularly because of their limited key options and would free up a button for them.
  7. Basically a mod that removes the need to have a button bound to put away your weapons or spells. Pressing the hand equipped key automatically brings them out so this shouldn't be an issue. The "simple" method of doing this I think would be to basically have the mod check every X duration to see if the player is in combat. If not, the put away hands. Possibly may need a check for if in stealth override so you don't accidentally put hands away before stealth kill. I think this would be handy for controller users particularly because of their limited key options and would free up a button for them. Some other issues I might see is if you're holding a torch for light as I'm sure it counts as a weapon. Also idk if there's a check for if in dungeon where you may want to keep your weapons/spells out.
  8. I managed to get it to work finally. Not sure what I did differently but I've disabled it using the same method I was trying.
  9. I'm creating a controller remap using ReWASD and I'm wanting to know how can I disable the Radial Wheel in the Input.txt while keeping it active for menus? I've tried deleting the LeftShoulder entries that activate it in all sections but on starting the game they regenerate. Any help is appreciated.
  10. I'm changing over now but am having issues merging W3EE with Auto Loot.
  11. I was thinking it would Bork my game. Which do you prefer and why?
  12. Pretty sure I know the answer is a resounding no with a side of you're crazy to even think about that, but I'd it possible to change from GM to W3EE? I came across W3EE a few days ago and it sounds like it takes what GM does and gives you more options and improves upon it while incorporating features from other mods I use. This would reduce my load order quite a bit. Only issue is I'm lvl 16 and would really hate to start over so I'm asking would it be possible to make that change?
  13. Would be neat if it were a mid tier ability you unlock. Each level could increase distance.
  14. Or even make it where holding it would equip it? Is it possible to do without 3rd party emulation software? I've been looking in the input.xml and haven't come up with any solutions.
  15. Edited How do I change right thumb to double press equips/unequips torch?
  16. Solved! I use Witcher 3 Mod Manager. You have to alter the xml through its mod menu tab.
  17. Better Roach Control might be what you're after. https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2000
  18. Ok, so nothing I seem to do changes anything. <Group id="TradeMan" displayName="Mods.Page2.TradeMan_modName"> I've tried changing the highlighted section to "mods." first to no avail and found another example claiming what I posted above would work so I tried it. I've done this with TradeMan, Ghost Mode and Slots Slots Slots. Everything beyond the 10th entry becomes unusable unless I scroll up the corresponding number beyond 10. I can use them but it's aggravating.
  19. I understand that, but where would it be located or what would it be called? And he said some mods, so not all mods can be put into another menu?
  20. That was one I read but what xml are they talking about? And only some mods?
  21. When you exceed 10 mods under Menu/Options/Mods the choices on the "second page" of scrolling do not function properly. I've found suggestions that say you can alter xml files to "fix" this but none of them go into depth. Which file are they talking about?
  22. So I have an idea for the lock-pick mini game that would essentially take the "tumbler" approach from Oblivion and combine it with the mini-game of Skyrim. In oblivion you had a side dissection view of the lock and would use the pick to manipulate the tumblers within the lock. In Skyrim you have an external view of the lock where you just have to find the "sweet spot" and pop the lock open. What if you took the Skyrim external view and had to find the sweet spot for each tumbler? Level - Amount of Tumbers Novice - 1 Apprentice - 2 Adept - 3 Expert - 4 Master - 5 So for example if you come to a Adept lock you would have to find the "sweet spot" 3 times (each time it resets to a new location) until you hit the final one and then the door unlocks. I know many of you are probably looking at me like I just got hit in the head with a brick. Most people despise the mini-game so why would I want to prolong it? I'm hoping to create a mod that would compliment Skyrim Souls - Unpaused Game Menus. By having the two mods together getting into locks would be a matter of time, and with unpaused menus that could prove to make some circumstances interesting. I would plan to make all lock dificulties available to the player from the start of the game BUT make the sweet spots increasingly harder (and possibly harder by tumbler). I would make lockpicks rare and either invulnerable or with beefed up health to compensate for the increased difficulty of the locks. Perks would increase the size of the sweet spot making locks easier. I'm not sure if my original suggestion is possible but I would like to hear feedback from those who know more than myself on the subject.
  23. Update So I discovered some lines in the Gameplay tab. The ones that seem to be of interest to me are: fLockpickBreakAdept 2.0000 fLockpickBreakApprentice 2.0000 fLockpickBreakBase 0.0500 fLockpickBreakExpert 2.0000 fLockpickBreakMaster 2.0000 fLockpickBreakMult -0.0010 fLockpickBreakSkillBase 1.0000 fLockpickBreakSkillMult 0.0050 fLockpickBreakPicksMult 0.0000 So, to sum it up quickly I have no earthly idea what any of this means except that maybe it will in some way alter how easily or hard it is for the bobby pins to break in game. If anyone could please give me a nudge in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
  24. I've been working on a mod that alters how the progression of the Locksmith perks work. So far I have the following: -Player has access to attempt any lock of any difficulty without perks. -Sweet spot of locks are modified to make them more difficult but become easier with the selection of perks. -Final perk no longer makes bobby pins unbreakable. The aim of this mod is to make Locksmith feel more natural by simulating the gain of skill in the art, thus making picking locks easier with the selection of perks. Selecting a Locksmith perk is now essentially the ascention to a new skill level. This is where I need some help. I've found that picking a Master Lock can still be a bit easy, even with a very small sweet spot, if you know how to play the minigame. What I would like to do is modify the health of bobby pins. Doing this, I believe, would flow well with the natural feel of skill progression. Essentially, like locks getting easier with skill, you learn how to be more careful with bobby pins. Basically you're not being as rough with them when attempting the pick and they last longer. Couple this with a mod that makes bobby pins harder to find (I may attempt an optional file for that) and you'll find they have much greater value. Another question I have is in the CK I've found entries in the perks for auto pick chance but in game there's nothing for an auto attempt. Am I missing something?
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