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Everything posted by Pagafyr

  1. The Internet Service Provider's equipment has been dropping the connection after each thread I moved to from another. 4 times the connection quit while surfing from Ban for fun, Wisdom in Six Words, The Last Poster Wins, and to my PM to check messages.. I wonder if it has anything to do with the heat outdoors. The heat outside got over 100 degrees F. in some parts of the city. It's still 100 degrees F. at 5:22 PM MDT.
  2. Answer: A baseball team. 9 players, eighteen legs.
  3. Thank you. I actually woke up with the first bit going through my head like a dream. I wrote them down and the rest followed. Seems like you found your dream wave. I await to see what you'll create with your words now that you've caught the drift and wrote bits of your memory before your dream memories faded back into dream land. I keep a dream sleep journal. I used to have a pencil and notepad on the night table which reminded me to think about my dream sleep when I awakened. I started recalling the visions in my dreams a bit better because I knew that pencil and notepad were there for me to. I will be interested to see what you inner story of your wisdom brings to light in your next words. I only post stuff that is relative to what I have read. I keep my journal for references to help work out daily life. And dream sleep has helped resolve daily stuff rather then have strange dreams and mysterious realms. I began to study birds recently. I discovered Ravens while in a national park. I dreamt about a bird and my memory of childhood when I picked up an injured bird and took it home to see if Mom could fix it's broken wing. It was a big black bird like a Raven. I think it was a Crow though.
  4. I ban you because you gave me moment to pause and reflect on the friends I have now.
  5. I ban Oblivionaddicted because a little bolt of lightning struck my creative thinking cap and lit up the tiny bulb so brightly on top of the propeller I almost flew out of the crafting room. :woot:
  6. Exactly ... shut yur pie hole ... nobody cares about the end of existence things you spout .... You are like Ezeikiel shall I ignore You ? How would that feel ? Please do. I write 500 words on how human beings are pretty stupid, and your take away was "end of existence things". However, before you go, I must thank you for so eagerly and brilliantly demonstrating my thesis. I gotta agree with this sentiment. (humans are stupid) Sure, we have some fairly intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. This has been demonstrated over and over again throughout history. I really hate it when you agree with me. It implies I must be horribly wrong and requires me to rethink my position. It makes me suspect everything I have learned and experienced in my 70+ years. o_O The world is a wonderful, and puzzling... place. :smile: Lately I have been studying the bible ... and I think I Finally see what it is trying to say . You wana know waht ? That Humans are Stupid ! Well hehe ... that and ... God loves his creation .... which again and again ... wants to try to figure out how to help them become better humans. Your one and only never has lost faith in you. Your one and only isn't trying to figure out anything. Have you read where it says in the bible anything about how to boil water during a storm? I can say, you've led me along on your path for a song. And now you want me to believe you have found God! Again. Your god has never left you alone. Your god has been carrying you even while you lost your faith. Or so it says in the pictures posted about two footprints in the sand. The reason you begin to only see one set of foot prints is because you're being carried by the one you think you have lost touch with. Until you regain your sense's there will only be one set of footprints in the sand. Nature will wipe them clean too as your host carries you to the promise land. That's the way it could be. So stop trying to put the host in his place while he carries you. We here are all babes in Wonderland! Find your game and play to your hearts content. Hehe .... itsx all about quoting .... hence I did it right ? The trick with religion is ... we are all Agnostic , but on different stages of evolution in realizing it . By god I think I see your problem. You should be doing like all the other country singers who are older than snot. They sing religious songs and make records of those to pay their board and room as they get to that age where they are NOT as hot to trot. Living around New Orleans like you do maybe you'd prefer the Blues versions of religion! :cool: Soul man!
  7. I see therefor I have sight. I see food I have hunger. If I do not see food. I am not hungry at all. I see words that are useful. I use words to get fed. Words use me for health reasons. So I need food and water. Money and collateral are secondary needs. Food and water are necessary needs. It sure was hot out today!
  8. Did I just hear a lonely parakeleon tweet?
  9. I can't see it so I can't tell. It's camouflaged too well.
  10. I ban you because; before I Googled it I didn't know that either.
  11. Lyrics of, To Dream the Impossible Dream.
  12. Exactly ... shut yur pie hole ... nobody cares about the end of existence things you spout .... You are like Ezeikiel shall I ignore You ? How would that feel ? Please do. I write 500 words on how human beings are pretty stupid, and your take away was "end of existence things". However, before you go, I must thank you for so eagerly and brilliantly demonstrating my thesis. I gotta agree with this sentiment. (humans are stupid) Sure, we have some fairly intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. This has been demonstrated over and over again throughout history. I really hate it when you agree with me. It implies I must be horribly wrong and requires me to rethink my position. It makes me suspect everything I have learned and experienced in my 70+ years. o_O The world is a wonderful, and puzzling... place. :smile: Lately I have been studying the bible ... and I think I Finally see what it is trying to say . You wana know waht ? That Humans are Stupid ! Well hehe ... that and ... God loves his creation .... which again and again ... wants to try to figure out how to help them become better humans. Your one and only never has lost faith in you. Your one and only isn't trying to figure out anything. Have you read where it says in the bible anything about how to boil water during a storm? I can say, you've led me along on your path for a song. And now you want me to believe you have found God! Again. Your god has never left you alone. Your god has been carrying you even while you lost your faith. Or so it says in the pictures posted about two footprints in the sand. The reason you begin to only see one set of foot prints is because you're being carried by the one you think you have lost touch with. Until you regain your sense's there will only be one set of footprints in the sand. Nature will wipe them clean too as your host carries you to the promise land. That's the way it could be. So stop trying to put the host in his place while he carries you. We here are all babes in Wonderland! Find your game and play to your hearts content.
  13. The history of Billiards is an interesting one. I Googled it and found out... A recognizable form of billiards was played outdoors in the 1340s, and was reminiscent of croquet. King Louis XI of France (1461–1483) had the first known indoor billiard table. Louis XIV further refined and popularized the game, and it swiftly spread among the French nobility. I ban you because you probably already knew that.
  14. What do you get when you cross an Elephant with a Rhino?
  15. I cannot tell a lie about what's maddening me within. If I could get up and play baseball again, I wouldn't fuss. I would get on the sandlot and kick up some dust. Then prepare to send the baseball over the fence, even if by some chance it might meet with disapproval after the ball went crashing through a window and upsetting someone's breakfast. I would risk being sent back to the dugout, just to be able to hit one more home run from the sandlot.
  16. There was electricity back when. No refrigerators. And the only snow & ice available occurred during the Winter.
  17. I ban you for bannig me ttwice during the month of July. And because now; I am going to take a study course about billiards. Never have I actually played billiards.
  18. The spirit of banning another strengthens me. I ban thee Oblivionaddicted. And here's a couple more for good measure in case I missed someone else. ban ban
  19. I spent the last few days gazing in, through the Window of my monitor's skin. Glossy shadows, Bright colors, dark media, looking through at some of Cyberworld's growing meadows. Searching my PM's Searching for my RL friends, Searching for a companion mod, With voice acting and a story with which I could pretend, I was suffering from life calling me across a border putting in a spot because I was grabbed hauled off by people who were thinking I was a rebel like the rest they had captured. Not someone with a gum ache with a piece of food that got lodged under a tooth in the gums. Keeping my focus on bigger worries helped. I couldn't get the RL problem out not even with a tooth pick. A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend in serious need of a dentist not even a friend will hang about long with. So my friends. Today it's all over. The problem resolved. So where are you now? Gone off on an adventure? An adventure you're on, one which I will never be able to catch up to you until you've finished it. You'll be in your graves if I kept following your trail, seeing your tracks I know you will by the signs if I were to try by the time I do. So I will shrink from my fears, instead I will hold our memories Dear! I will have good thoughts. Have fun, don't worry about me. We'll meet again. When we all can gather, to start the next game as if it were just the way life is, we must continue to play even when temporarily we've lost a good player. I must get on. the pain in my gums is almost gone. I managed to get through it. And now I have past the Survivalist's last test. The test that they gave the man after they tortured him near to death. They said to him. Heal thyself Physician! Yet not like him, with title of one Still. I cured myself again.
  20. Wisdom isn't a fact until two or more people realize that the wisdom they realize together is to their thinking the same, Identical thoughts. xrayy If you decide to try the tooth restoration gummy chewy gooey stuff let us know how it works out. Be sure to take pix of your teeth too. Before and after too. Oh! I hope you don't have any teeth capped. Ooo! That could really put the hurt back into our mouths, just like when our first baby teeth were growing in. Ewww!
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