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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24643354. #24643854, #24643949 are all replies on the same post.

joz23 wrote:
Qrygg wrote: First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

If anything I choose to view the cut from Valve as a thumb-in-cheek move: "Valve is allowing modders to charge money for their mods? Well let's take a piece of the pie, no need for Valve to grow rich off modders hard work!"
PharCry wrote: Qrygg is right, no one is forcing you to download and install content that is not included with the game itself.

But the cut Valve is asking, is a bit absurd... 75% for something they never even touched as far as the game goes? That seems a bit shady IMO...

First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

100% optional FREE part of PC gaming.. Until yesterday.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

So its better to sponge as the community slowly dies?

We are talking a slow death here. May as well take what I can as the ship goes down?

I honestly dont know what to believe. All I know for sure is that this is not good for the modding freedom we have all come love. I dont understand why so many are blind to where it is clearly going to end up. Its like they resigned themselve to the fact that its going to happen no matter what, so the'll just position themselves to benefit from it while they can.

People really are selfish. They are only thinking about the now, not the future generations of modders. Edited by sh0d4n
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First off: I'm sorry this whole kerfluffle wrecked your holiday plans, Dark0ne.


Second: Thank you for prioritizing the Nexus, its modders and users, to clarify and be a peacekeeper.


Third: Thank you for being a champion of choice.


To all those who are angry in the midst of all this: Remember that, although Valve's pay strategy is patently unfair, it is the mod author's choice to have their work in the curated Workshop in the first place, with full knowledge of the deal. Some authors may go strictly curated, and that is their choice, and that is fine. If you don't want to pay for a mod, you still don't have to. There are myriad choices here and through other sites--including the standard Steam Workshop--so instead of complaining, vote with your downloads. And if you want to vote with your wallet, use that [Donate] button!


As to the Nexus getting kickback from curated sales: I heartily approve. It's a way a mod author can show a bit of support without taking money from their own pocket, a tangible token of gratitude, and again--totally up to the mod author. This isn't a back-room deal made behind closed doors, and the amount of bile in the community over it is embarrassing.


As far as how mod DRMification, or Valve/Bethsoft's greater strategies will pan out, or the way this will change the modding community (or not)...that all is too far off to know. The reaction against the curated Workshop has been startling, and cannot be underestimated, and as long as we champion CHOICE rather than "modding the way I want it to be and ONLY that way," I think the Nexus, and the greater modding community, will thrive.


So, everybody, chill out. It'll be okay.

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In response to post #24644019.

Penfold187 wrote:

Nice post thanks :)

However we humans seem to be somewhat like our cousins, Chimpanzee's and are most willing to fling poo in all directions, sad really :(

I prefer to do what Robin is doing, sit back and read and analyze how this is going to play out.

Personally I have no problems with mod authors trying to recoup some kind of monetary reward for their hard work.
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In response to post #24642989. #24643104 is also a reply to the same post.

Boerner wrote:
Amelli wrote: +1 agree

I agree to a certain degree. but he takes the 5% from valves cut if i read correctly and kind of gives it back to the nexus community in the way of accepting less ads. it's not like he's taking 5% of the modders 25%.
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Excellent article Dark0ne. You're saying what I've been saying to anyone that asks me about the entire matter. There is nothing wrong with a mod author wanting to post their content for a fee just like there is nothing wrong with a mod author offering a mod for free. I agree entirely that lashing out towards mod authors that choose to offer paid content on the workshop is completely and utterly selfish and wrong.


I've already voiced to many people that the mods I currently have posted on the Nexus are going to remain on the Nexus completely free of charge. While I do have plans to release a few paid mods just to test the waters that in no way means I do not plan on offering some free mods along the way. Free mods, here on the Nexus, are if nothing else a good way to build a following or get your skill seen. It's good for a portfolio and it's good for experience. There's also that great feeling that you get when people thank you for giving away something you made.


On that note however I do have a bit of a bad taste in my mouth for people taking mods that were already free and changing them to paid mods. As I said, all of the mods that I have already offered up here on the Nexus for free are going to remain free. It doesn't seem or feel right to me to start charging for mods that I've already given away for free before paid mods were even a thing. I encourage anyone that with plans of releasing paid mods to at least do so with NEW ones and not ones you've been giving away for a long time already. You gave that away already, make something new if you want to charge for it. I mean to say, it's your choice but I encourage you to not be an insincere giver.

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In response to post #24644444. #24644464 is also a reply to the same post.

pokenar wrote:
PharCry wrote: That's just a dick move

And ironically also makes the mod-author-chosen donation from Valve even more necessary. Maybe drop a couple bucks for a basic membership instead?
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I can see this is a very difficult situation for Dark0ne and that some aspects might conflict between what he personally feels is right and what is best for the site. Quite clearly, it is not in anyone's interest to get on the wrong side of Bethesda to the extent that they ban distribution of all unofficial mods to all of their games. I don't agree with some of the points, and I think it is overly defensive (perhaps not surprising given how heightened feelings are right now), but I certainly understand how unpleasant being in this position must be.
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In response to post #24642989. #24643104, #24644544 are all replies on the same post.

Boerner wrote:
Amelli wrote: +1 agree
benissugger wrote: I agree to a certain degree. but he takes the 5% from valves cut if i read correctly and kind of gives it back to the nexus community in the way of accepting less ads. it's not like he's taking 5% of the modders 25%.

I guess the 5% was just to get Nexus involved and to send the Lawyers later...
we will see how this goes...
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In response to post #24639724. #24644264 is also a reply to the same post.

MSFoxhound wrote:
ff7legend wrote: My biggest concern over this is the possible enacting of a DRM (Digital Rights Management) policy within user-created mods. It's bad enough that DRM has invaded PC gaming over the years & has become quite intrusive. I don't condone or support piracy in any way, shape or form period. However, if DRM ends up in user-created mods, said policy will only fuel the piracy trade even more. We already pay $60.00 (I don't know how much games are in the EU since I'm from the U.S) a game here in the U.S, plus the cost of additional DLC. Now companies like Valve & Bethesda want mod authors to start charging for mods in an effort to profit handsomely from the mod community's work. The policy of 75%-25% just reeks of corporate greed, with the largest percentage belonging to Valve/Bethesda. As if Valve/Bethesda don't rake in enough money as it stands now off the sales of games & DLC. I'm sorry but I don't condone or support paid mods period for the above reasons. Mods should be a free source of content as it always has been. This will ultimately lead to the total destruction of the modding community at large in the future just so companies like Valve/Bethesda can earn more profits each quarter. It makes me sad that our community could end up destroyed over Valve's/Bethesda's lust for all the power/money they can get.

"These whole thing have stayed communist for too long, and it would be a wishful thinking to remain that romantic."

I agree. I have been modding for NWN 2 from 2008-2010 and these had been golden times.

As soon as the pay-mod announcement was made on Steam Workshop, I knew that modding as I knew (and enjoyed) it will come to an end.

I am afraid there is really not much left than to thank everyone for their time, effort, creativity and passion and move on. Edited by thestoryteller01
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