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Everything posted by InAComaDial999

  1. This is a pretty good list: Non-Sexy Armor and Clothing List It's not a list of exclusively-male armor, as the vast majority of armors have both a male and a female version. But almost all of them were really designed with male characters in mind, and even the ones that weren't avoid the chainmail bikini and skimpy anime type stuff.
  2. No, it won't matter. Oblivion isn't optimized for multithreading / multicores, and the tweaks you'll find for it don't work and some make your game unstable. In general a Phenom II 560 isn't that fast but it is adequate for good frame rates in Oblivion Well, which 5700 series is it? 5770? As others have said that is really not a top of the line card, but you should be able to get decent frame rates. One thing you should probably do is go into the 3D settings in Catalyst Control Center and optimize it for Performance. It will make the visual quality slightly worse but will definitely improve your frame rate a bit when lots of objects and characters are on the screen. For stuttering, the best fix IMO is Oblivion Stutter Remover. I use it with only the "iSchedulingResolution" setting set to 1 and all the others set to 0, it got rid of all my stuttering issues (the one I really hated was the stutter you see when you circle-strafe). I personally stay away from stuff like Streamline, IMO it tries to do too much and has caused problems in the past. Anyway you should post a little more info: What resolution do you run at? Using AA/AF? Do you have any mods installed? FWIW here are my graphics settings. My system is an i7 920 with a ATI 5870, so a little higher spec: Resolution: 1920x1080 Brightness: 50% Texture Size: Large Tree/Actor/Item/Object/Grass/View Distance: 100 / 92 / 94 / 96 / 98 / 100 Distant land / buildings / trees : On / On / On Int / Ext Shadows: 4 / 2 Self Shadows / Shadows on Grass / Tree Shadows / Shadow Filtering: Off / Off / On / Off Specular Distance: 50% HDR / Bloom: Off / Off Water Detail / Reflections / Ripples: High / On / On Window Reflections: On Blood Decals: High Antialiasing: 2X I set the fade distances as above so that the game doesn't try to load everything at the same time while I am out in the wilderness. If you're just walking around you wouldn't notice, but if you ride a horse it will make things noticeably smoother. I suspect if you install OSR and configure it as I suggested, use the above graphics settings but set your resolution to 1280x720, and set your Catalyst 3D settings for Performance, you'll get really great frame rates with that system.
  3. Showracemenu will always cause your racial abilities to disappear if you change an existing character to a new race. The way to fix this is to add them back to yourself via console, using "player.addSpell <formId>", e.g. if you want to add Dunmer fire resistance to yourself you do "player.addSpell 00047AD4". Of course if this is a custom race that uses custom abilities you have to look up the form IDs for their abilities in the CS.
  4. Looks pretty good but not really "decayed enough" IMO. Like you said, it's hard to tell for sure since it's lit so well in the CS. I'd take a look at some of the really decayed stuff in SI for inspiration, though.
  5. Like Remcoz said, if you catch the disease, go into any town and pray at the chapel altar. Poof, no more porphyric hemophilia. It doesn't matter how long you wait to do it after contracting the disease, as long as you do it before you sleep!
  6. Definitely. And loose items in the wilderness always experience "cell-load havok". That is, unless they are lying on a perfectly flat surface or at the lowest point in the landscape, they will move around randomly. So this can happen even if nothing ever actually interacts with the items.
  7. So yesterday I was attempting to diagnose a bug in my game. The symptom was that when I approached Fort Magia from certain directions, the entire cell in which it is located would fail to load, leaving a big rectangular hole in the landscape with just a few items floating in the air. After some poking with TES4Edit and turning mods on and off, I discovered that the problem went away if I disabled the UOP, which modifies that cell. However, upon further testing, I seem to have discovered that the problem occurs not because of anything specific that the UOP is doing, but because of a general engine bug. The bug seems to be this: loose non-static items get havoked when the cell they are contained in is loaded. Normally this is no problem, though poorly placed items can sometimes move around. But if the item is placed near a cell border, and if the item havoks its way across the cell border into an as-yet-unloaded neighboring cell, the contents of the neighboring cell will never load. What led me to discover this was that when the bug occurred with Fort Magia, there was a set of three loose items stacked floating in the air in front of the fort door ( picture here ) and a few items right on the border with the neighboring cell. Those items are normally located inside a small ruined tower ( CS pic here ). Looking in the CS, I noticed that the border between the Fort Magia exterior cell and its neighboring cell passes right through the center of that tower ( picture here ). And the items that were floating in front of the Fort Magia door were all ones placed in the neighboring cell, not in the Fort Magia cell itself. I "fixed" the problem in the CS by moving all of the items into the Fort Magia cell, but still in the little tower ( pic here ). That prevents the problem occurring, because the offending items don't get loaded until the cell containing the Fort gets loaded. But... yup, you guessed it: if I approach the area from across the water, the opposite problem can occur, and the cell next to Fort Magia can now fail to load, leaving a big hole there instead. I decided to make a more general test. I made a trivial mod that places a big rock in Wilderness (17,13) right on the border with (16,13) such that part of the rock extends into (16,13). Then I placed a skull in (16,13) that sits on the protruding part of the rock. Sure enough, if I approach the area from the (16,13) side, the skull rolls into (17,13) and there's a big square hole in the ground. So the problem is definitely reproducible. My suspicion is that the items getting havoked into a neighboring cell causes the game engine to mark that cell's contents as already loaded. So, when the player moves closer to the cell, the engine doesn't draw the cell contents because it thinks it doesn't need to. There is also some interaction with mods in all of this; it only seems to happen when a mod edits the contents of a cell. I also noticed that any items that are modified by the mod do get drawn -- you'll notice in the pic I linked above that there are a couple of rocks and a tree in the otherwise empty Fort Magia cell -- those items are the ones that the UOP moves. Everything the UOP doesn't touch, doesn't get drawn. Anyway, I thought I'd share, as I think this may explain some of the weird missing-landscape issues that plague certain areas in the game when mods make changes to cells in those areas.
  8. You can switch. However, when switching from Kvatch Rebuilt to Kvatch Aftermath, you have to follow the correct procedure to uninstall KR (it is described in the KR README file): In game, go somewhere well away from Kvatch and not in any Kvatch Rebuilt locations. Open up the console (The ¬/` key to the left of the ‘1’ key) and enter the following: SetStage KRUninstall 10 A message should appear asking you to save and exit. Do so, then deactivate BOTH the Kvatch Rebuilt esp and esm plug-ins. Restart Oblivion and load the save you made. Answer yes to the prompt about plug-ins having been removed. Once the game is loaded save again. This is because KR makes changes to the world that remain in your save. The above procedure tells KR to undo those changes. If you do not do this, then you won't be able to enter Kvatch after you deactivate the KR mod (among other possible problems).
  9. Like LFact said above, you cannot "really" do this, as each race has only one set of body meshes and textures. Also, each wearable item has only one mesh and texture for each sex. However... it is possible to fake it, with some limitations. Remember that character models in Oblivion do not "wear" clothes; the clothing mesh actually replaces the body parts that the clothing covers. If your character puts on a short-sleeved shirt, then the entire torso and arms -- including the bare forearms -- are actually replaced by the shirt mesh. So, we can use this to create the appearance of NPCs with different body types, by creating different versions of the same articles of clothing using meshes for different body types. Then, we can edit NPCs' inventories and replace their stock clothes with the new ones we have created. For example: I use the HGEC EVE female body replacer and clothing/armor replacer, with the Normal C-Cup body type. So, every female in my game has a fairly slender build and a C cup size. But let's say I want Marana Rian (the Imperial stealth trainer in the IC) to be a more robust woman with an HGEC "Extra Buff Edition" body. She normally wears a Blue Velvet Outfit. So, I create a meshes/myclothing folder, and copy the mesh for the upperclass shirt 03 from the HGEC EBE body in the EVE compilation into my new folder. Then, I open up the CS, and create a duplicate of the Blue Velvet Outfit called "Blue Velvet Outfit (EBE)" which uses my replacement mesh as its female mesh. Then, I edit Marana Rian to use my new outfit instead of the stock one. Save as a new plugin, and activate. Here is my Imperial character standing next to the newly buffed Marana (click to enlarge): http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/Oblivion/th_Oblivion2010-11-2616-06-32-89.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/Oblivion/th_Oblivion2010-11-2616-06-43-92.jpg As you see, Marana's entire body from the neck down, with the exception of her hands, has been replaced by the Extra Buff Edition outfit. Her shoulders are bigger, her chest is bigger, etc. Because the two meshes are variants of the same body, they use the same skin texture and skin UV, so everything looks good. However, if I had made Marana's new outfit using a mesh from a different body like Robert's or BAB, this would not have worked at all; those bodies use a different skin texture and a different UV, so the HGEC skin would not match the body at all. Of course, this only works if the NPC is actually wearing the clothes. If I take Marana's dress off, she reverts to the Normal C-Cup body.
  10. There really aren't any mods that replace the textures of the stock clothing items with higher res / better looking ones. The clothing replacers for the various body replacers, like EVE, the ones for Exnem's, for BAB, etc, just replace the meshes but leave the textures alone. There are various mods that do replace specific types of clothing, particularly robe replacers, but the quality of those is hit or miss.
  11. I'm currently using the "Defensive Staves" mod - Defensive Staves v25d. It includes a replacer esp that just modifies the appearance of most of the default staves with new ones, without otherwise changing the staves (does not change stats, drop rate, etc). I use it along with More Staffs at Rindirs so that he actually sells, you know, staffs.
  12. They're both good, but for different tastes. Kvatch Rebuilt is a bit more lore-friendly and the quests are a whole lot more low key. At the end, you have the option of becoming the Count/Countess of Kvatch but you can also just put the rightful ruler in the throne if you want, again sort of the low-key hero like in the vanilla main quest. On the other hand KA is more aimed at power gamers, the quests are more high powered and the rewards are quite a bit more grandiose.
  13. You need to read the note, that will tell you what to do. It will also update the quest stage so you'll get the quest marker.
  14. This may be a stupid question... but are you really certain that this did not install properly? If you just installed the body replacer, without also installing a clothing/armor replacer, then the only way you will see a difference is if you look at naked NPCs (or yourself naked). This is because, when you put on an article of clothing, you are really replacing the entire mesh for that body part with a new one that includes both the clothes and the visible parts of the body. In other words, if your character puts on a short-sleeved shirt, then the bare arms are really part of the shirt, they are not the same bare arms that you see if your character is naked. To get the clothes meshes that match Exnem's body, you need something like Clothing and Armor Replacer for Exnem's Body I ask because 1) this isn't necessarily obvious and 2) there is normally no need to use any form of archive invalidation with body replacers.
  15. Number two is Eyren's Vampire Hunter Armor. The link goes to the HGEC version, the one in the pic is the version for the The Girl Next Door body, also on nexus.
  16. Or just install Kynetarse's Custom Race Fix. The Unofficial Oblivion Patches do fix this issue, but not everyone wants to download and install such a massive set of changes to fix just one thing.
  17. The way you have this coded, it will cast the spell every time regardless. You need to check what the player selected using GetButtonPressed. Something like short Choice ... MessageBox "Do you wish to make an Offering?" "Yes" "No" set Choice to GetButtonPressed ... if Choice == 1 MessageBox "Mephala accepts your offering!" Cast 1aDarkLairMephalaShrineSpell Player Player.RemoveItem Nightshade 1 endif Look at the examples in the MessageBox page.
  18. Go to http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page 1. see GetItemCount 2. see MessageBox 4. see RemoveItem and Cast
  19. No. Vagrant0 is correct. There is a variable, accessed through the functions GetPlayerInSEWorld and SetPlayerInSEWorld, which determines whether the player is in the Shivering Isles worldspace, and which controls the dialogue accordingly. If you have a script that calls SetPlayerInSEWorld 1 while the player is in Tamriel, normal Tamriel NPCs will lose their dialog. There are also other side effects, so you can't really use it lightly and I wouldn't recommend setting that flag when you enter your house.
  20. Neither. If you drag the "textures" folder from the archive and into the data folder, Windows will warn you that there is already a "textures" folder in there, and ask whether you wanto merge the two together. You want to answer "yes".
  21. An OMOD is an archive that has been packaged in a format that OBMM recognizes. OMODs may or may not have ESP files, that depends on the type of mod that it is. OBMM will show all mods that have an ESP file in the left side panel. It will show all OMODs in the right side panel. If you manually install a mod that is not an OMOD and that has no ESP file, that will not appear in the mod lists. Beaming Sunglare is such a mod: it is just a texture replacer, with no .esp file. So it won't show up in the two panels on the OBMM main screen. Beaming Sunglare has no .esp, it is only textures. To install it, just drag the "textures" folder from the archive, into the "Data" folder in your Oblivion directory. Then, use the OBMM archive invalidation utility to ensure that the mod actually takes effect. Note that if you want, you can turn the Beaming Sunglare mod into an OMOD and install it that way. Click the "Create" button on the main screen, and use the "add archive" feature and select the Beaming Sunglare zip file. That will make an OMOD out of the archive, and it will appear in the right-hand panel of OBMM. You will then need to Activate the OMOD by selecting it and clicking "Activate". You will then need to run the archive invalidation utility as above. The advantage of making an OMOD out of it is that OBMM will know about the files that are part of the mod, and will remove those files if you "deactivate" the OMOD. If you choose to install it manually instead, you would need to manually remove the files if you decide to get rid of the mod.
  22. Age maps, actually. Ozmo made high-rez skin textures for Mystic Elf, and they're included in Ozmo's texture pack. Ah, didn't know that Ozmo's package included face textures. If age maps are the issue, the best thing is to install Improved Facial Textures, and then install whatever other texture packs over that. That way you get the much better age maps from IFT, but the base skin textures from the texture pack. I do this with IFT and Enayla's face skin textures, and I have no problems at all with blotchiness. I just use the standard body skin textures that came with HGEC v1.21, they are high-res enough for my taste and they blend very well at the neck with Enayla's face textures. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/Oblivion2010-01-2304-31-57-20-S.jpg
  23. IIRC Ren's original Mystic Elves use a fairly low resolution face texture. Try using NEC's Mystic Elf race, which adds a variant of Ren's races with higher-res face textures.
  24. There is no way to unlink the sliders, because the various parts of the face are linked to one another. Move one, others move along with it. There is no real way to change that. That being said, it isn't that hard to make a good looking character. The procedure I follow for starting a female character is: 1) slide the Age slider all the way left 2) slide the Complexion slider about half way between centered and all the way left 3) arrange all the face shape sliders as close as possible to center From there, you should already have a decent-looking character. After that it's a matter of tweaking the sliders as subtly as possible. On the PC, this mod is very helpful: Chargen with Numbers. It displays the values for each slider so you can tell how much you are moving things around. Makes it a lot easier to keep track of what you are doing. The big problem though is that Oblivion makes it hard to make good looking toons simply because the textures they used are really low res. I use these mods to help with that: Improved Facial Textures -- higher res base textures and age maps Facial Textures by Enayla -- designed to work with IFT above. Replaces the base textures with nicer ones that are consistent with the original Bethesda textures but are much smoother and higher quality Using those, you can make faces like this: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/Oblivion/calista1.jpg Which I dont think is all that bad.
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