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Everything posted by InAComaDial999
Images in signatures are generally just plain annoying.
Another way to do it is to use an item script. Make a script, e.g.: ScriptName AAFetchBookScript short AAFetchBookDoOnce Begin onAdd if (AAFetchBookDoOnce == 0) SetStage AAFetchBookQuest 65 set AAFetchBookDoOnce to 1 Endif End Then create a custom book item, AAFetchBook, and make its script AAFetchBookScript. The script will only run when the book is added to your inventory, and the AAFetchBookDoOnce check ensures it will only set that quest stage once. You might of course want to add other conditions like checking getStage to ensure they have completed prerequisite stages, etc.
Can't finish Glathir Skingrad Quest
InAComaDial999 replied to Hanker109's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
It's a problem with versions of Better Cities prior to the 4.9.0 release. Download and install the latest version. -
Help creating a timed for loop
InAComaDial999 replied to Noggog's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
There aren't commands to get those in the vanilla CS. You can do it with OBSE functions though. I believe it would go like this: int spellindex int spellduration int spellmagnitude begin ScriptEffectStart set spellindex to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex set spellduration to (GetNthActiveEffectDuration spellindex) set spellmagnitude to (GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude spellindex) ... end -
Help creating a timed for loop
InAComaDial999 replied to Noggog's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
What you're missing is that GetSecondsPassed represents the time elapsed since the last frame your script ran in and the beginning of the current frame. It does not change within a frame. The other thing to keep in mind, is that your entire script is run in one frame, regardless of how long it takes. If you were to make a script that really took 5 seconds to run, then the game would freeze for 5 seconds. Label 0 set loop to (loop + getSecondsPassed) printc "timer is %.2f", loop if ( loop < 5 ) GoTo 0 endif What's happening in the above snippet is that this entire loop is running in one frame. If your game is running at 60fps, then getSecondsPassed is about 0.17, and your loop is being run 294 times. Of course it runs very quickly since it's not doing anything within the loop. Label 0 set loop getSecondsPassed printc "timer is %.2f", loop if ( loop < 5 ) GoTo 0 endif In the above code, you have created an infinite loop. GetSecondsPassed does not change within a frame, no matter how long that frame takes to process. And since it will not increment inside your script, loop will never increment either. So your loop will never end. The proper way to do this is not to do it in the ScriptEffectFinish block at all. ScriptEffectFinish runs only once, at the very end of the spell duration. The better way to do it is to set the spell's duration to however long you want the effect to last, and use the ScriptEffectUpdate block to make whatever you want happen after X number of seconds. ScriptEffectUpdate runs every frame that the spell is active. The timer then looks like this: float timer begin ScriptEffectUpdate if ( timer < 5 ) set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed else ; insert block of code that has to run after 5 seconds endif end The above will increment timer every frame until 5 seconds has passed, after which your block of code will run. If you want the loop to run every 5 seconds while the spell is running, rather than just once, set timer = 0 in that block of code. As far as what you are trying to do, I guess my take on it would be something like this: float timer float timelimit begin ScriptEffectStart set timelimit to 25 ; other stuff end begin ScriptEffectUpdate if ( timer < timelimit ) set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed else if (timelimit == 25) ; insert block of code that has to run after the first 25 seconds set timelimit to 5 set timer to 0 else ; insert block of code that runs every 5 seconds until the end of the spell duration set timer to 0 endif endif end The above will do nothing for the first 25 seconds of the spell duration. After that, it will do the first block of code, and then the second block of code every 5 seconds until the end of the spell. -
Fallout 3 Frame Rate = Speed of Character ?
InAComaDial999 replied to ubuntugod's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Yes. You'll notice that normally Fallout 3 will cap the FPS at 60 even if you turn off vsync -- even if you force vsync off in your video driver. The only way to truly turn it off is to edit the ini and set iPresentInterval to 0. But, when you do that, everything in the game moves at a speed proportional to your frame rate. If you are getting 120fps, everything moves twice as fast as it should. There really isn't a fix for this. You can use something like Fallout Stutter Remover to cap the framerates (no idea what that would do to your 3D Vision thing though) but it still causes issues with lip synching. It's just yet another way the GameBryo engine is a buggy piece of junk. -
Nice, forgot all about Kvatch Rising - it was still a WiP when I last looked at GIskard's mods. KA was interesting for sure, I had that and the County Kvatch Guard Towers mod and it made for a fun environment in which to run a city. I'll have to give Kvatch RIsing a try.
Install Fast Exit. There are lots of potential reasons this happens. The most common seems to be mods that delete vanilla objects. When that happens, the game tries to free up resources on exit that are not actually in use, causing a memory access error. It has no effect on your save games or in game behavior, but it's really annoying.
One suggestion: taxes. I realize part of the motivation for having such high prices is to give players something to spend money on, but still, paying for all that stuff all on your own week after week would drain anyone's coffers pretty quickly. I think it would be interesting to have a tax system, where you set the rates and they have consequences. Give your town a "town budget" that has to be paid for, and then a means to raise and lower taxes. If the taxes are too high, people will complain, leave town, or maybe commit more crime; if they are too low then you'll have to pay the difference or guards, servants, etc, will quit.
Playing Oblivion, After Skyrim, Plus Mods
InAComaDial999 replied to ArchMageMatt's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Heck I still play Morrowind now. I've only played around with MGE a little, but I have a nice setup using Morrowind FPS Optimizer so I can play at high res widescreen, and a host of retex and visual enhancement mods, and the game looks and plays fantastic. Compared to MW, Oblivion and FO3 are like empty eye candy. I enjoy both of them, but I keep going back to MW. I'm really hoping Skyrim will break this trend, but I'm not counting on it. -
Fallout 3 on the PC and XBox 360
InAComaDial999 replied to donniemunro's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
I got FO3 for the 360 on the day it was released, I only got it for the PC a few months ago. I thought it was really solid on the 360. It never crashed on me, didn't have a lot of bugs, and VATS really helped with the whole console controller vs FPS problem. Eventually I got to the point where I didn't mind the 360 controller at all, even without using VATS. Now that I'm playing it on the PC, while my wife is playing FO3:NV on the 360, yeah the graphics are a whole lot better on the PC. No more fish-eye lens, much higher resolution, etc. I get a constant 60FPS on the PC at 1920x1080 with 2XAA/4XAF and Ultra quality, and it's a far cry from the brown soup that was the graphics on the 360. (In the 360's defense though, I do think the graphics for NV look better than the ones for FO3 did) On the other hand, I really don't think FO3 actually plays any better on the PC. The keyboard controls are imprecise and laggy - if you let go the ASDW keys you don't always stop right away, VATS takes a while to come up, etc. Between that and the various stutter problems from the GameBryo engine it's really distracting. -
Better City Waterfront crash
InAComaDial999 replied to knightofyourlife's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Sounds like it could be a corrupt spawn point. If you know for sure that BC:W is the cause (that is, it only ever happens in areas BC:W changes, when you enter those areas) then do the following: - deactivate BC:W - start up your game and load your save - go into an interior cell far away from any areas that BC:W touches, like a guild in another city. - wait (T key) for 24 hours, five times. This will cause all cells to be reset. - save your game in a new save - quit Oblivion, activate BC:W - load your save, try causing the crash again If the problem is due to a corrupt spawn point, this should fix the problem. Of course there are other ways mods can cause crashes, but this is pretty common. -
Playing a warrior-archetype?
InAComaDial999 replied to ElricOfGrans's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
My most recent character was a warrior type. But, like WastelandAssassin said, there's always more to the character than strictly swords and armor. In my case, my character was a custom class called a Cavalier, which is basically a paladin. In addition to combat skills and Armorer, she focused on Restoration for healing herself and others; Illusion for rallying followers, striking fear into opponents, and persuading people; and Conjuration for driving away undead. There's plenty of fun ways to play thieves, mages, and warriors; the key is to make good use of the magic system. -
Yep, that is a pretty common reason for this to happen.
FO3 suffers from pretty annoying microstutter and mouse/keyboard lag. This has nothing to do with your hardware - it happens on my PC even though my framerates never drop below 60. The main culprits are things that theFallout Stutter Remover addresses - the 64hz problem and the low Windows timer resolution being the main ones. Unfortunately, FSR causes other problems like lip synch issues, but you may find those less annoying than the lag. Oblivion suffered from microstutter problems too, mostly the microstutter caused by the 64hz bug, but those were easily fixed because the game ran at the same speed regardless of the frame rate. The problems are worse in FO3 because Fallout does some really strange things with frame synching. You may have noticed that the game stays at 60fps even if you have vertical synch turned off in the FO3 launcher menu and even if you turn it off in your video card's 3D tuning utility. The only way to get framerates higher than 60 is to edit your ini file and set iPresentInterval to 0. That will remove the 60fps cap and even fix the stutter problems, but the side effect is that everything runs proportionally faster -- if your computer is able to render the game at 120fps, everything happens twice as fast as normal. The upshot of all this is that anything that fixes the 64hz stutter problem, also causes the game to unnaturally speed up. So people's lips get out of synch (the longer they talk, the more out of synch they get), you move just a little faster than normal, etc. It's a really irritating "feature" of the game engine and so far I haven't seen any way of fixing it that doesn't break something else.
This is a well known problem and is not specific to any particular mod. It can be caused by loose objects (bottles and skulls are particularly bad, but anything can cause it) near cell borders rolling across the border into an as-yet-unloaded cell. There are a few well-known places in vanilla Oblivion as well as Shivering Isles where this can happen.
Kvatch Rebubuilt: From the Shadows Quest
InAComaDial999 replied to Artilles's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
This part of the quest is really silly and very frustrating. You rescued Molvirian, but now he won't do anything. You now have two options, neither of which is really obvious at all: Enjoy! -
Yes, it is part of the quest requirements.
There are already two mods that do that: Kvatch Rebuilt and Kvatch Aftermath.
"instead of replacing the original Data folder, it merged with it" -- that is normal. It sounds like you did that part right. You also have OBSE so that shouldn't be the problem. As far as black buildings - OAVO includes RAEVWD. RAEVWD is known to cause that issue if you have Bloom lighting enabled. Try switching Bloom lighting off or switching to HDR instead.
Try these for starters. All of them are nice, big quest mods that add many hours of gameplay. Also, Verona House Bloodlines (fixed version) is great, and fits particularly well if your character has completed the main quest.
Yup. Unfortunately Azura's Star and Black Soul gems' behavior is hard coded into the game, so there is only so much a mod can ever do to fix it. Normally the way it works is that souls will go into the smallest gem that can hold them. Azura's Star and Black Soul Gems are considered Grand Soul Gems for sizing purposes. However, they are both treated as special cases: the game will try to fill Black Soul Gems after any normal Grand soul gems the game will try to fill Azura's Star before any normal Grand Soul Gems The wrinkle though is that the game will try to fill Black Soul Gems before Azura's Star. Having both in your inventory leads to wacky behavior like Azura's Star always filling last.
Just finished the main quest
InAComaDial999 replied to NottheAdoringFan's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I thought the MQ was fun overall but a letdown at the end. The oblivion gates get kind of tedious, but then when you start rallying the cities against the invasion it starts to feel like a big fantasy story. But then the actual ending is very anticlimactic, you basically just push everyone into place, stand back and watch what happens. Agree that it doesn't compare to Morrowind, but then Morrowind was at its heart a computer game while Oblivion is really a console game. -
If you installed it by hand, the best way to be completely sure you have deleted all the files from the mod is to install it again and then immediately undo it. Open the archive and drag the "Data" folder into your Oblivion folder, and say yes to the Merge / Overwrite questions. When it's finished, hit CTRL-Z. It will ask if you want to delete these 350 files (whatever the number is). Say yes. It will delete everything you just copied, without affecting anything else.
Yes. They are under Magic in the Object Window.