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Everything posted by InAComaDial999

  1. I've been doing this for years, there's nothing to it. Your ini file and save games are stored in "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion" and obviously your game is wherever you installed it, typically "Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion". All you have to do is make copies of those two folders. Whichever folder is named "Oblivion" is the active one, so you can have "Oblivion_FCOM", "Oblivion_Vanilla", etc, and switch between them by changing their name to simply "Oblivion". This is really all mTES4_manager does.
  2. For the UI, use DARNIfied UI. For the zoomed in dialog, edit your Oblivion.ini file -- the one in the My Games\Oblivion folder, not the default one in the Oblivion install directory. Change the fDlgFocus=2.1000 setting to a higher value. 4.0000 will turn off the zooming altogether, 3.0000 will make it a little more reasonable without taking it completely away. For the Persuasion minigame, I would recommend Persuasion Overhaul OBSE. Not 100% like the one in Morrowind, but more immersive than the default. For fast travel, there are a lot of mods that add Morrowind-style travel options. They all tend to have issues, though. The best one I have used is Cyrodiil Travel Services. Sadly it doesn't feature Silt Striders, but it's not bad otherwise.
  3. The character's level is in the save game, as are all the quests the character completed, etc. There is no clean way to fix that in that savegame. The better option is just to use a tool like Oblivion Face Exchange Lite or the face exchange tool in Wrye Bash. Make a new character of the same race, save it, and then apply the face from the savegame to your new character. That way you'll get the appearance you want without all the baggage.
  4. Yep, leveling in Oblivion is a little different from most games, for sure. I'm sure you can find plenty of good leveling guides - the one at UESPWiki is plenty informative. The main thing to understand, is that if you want to level efficiently -- that is, be able to achieve the highest attribute increases each time you level up -- you have to make a custom class. And, when creating that custom class, do not choose all three skills that belong to a particular attribute. E.g. if you're making a thief type class, choose any two of Security, Sneak, and Marksman, but not all three. Of course, there are mods that change the leveling system altogether, but again it's best to play the game a bit and see whether you really can't live with the default leveling system before you change it. I've always played with it and never found it to be really crippling, at least so long as I was playing a well designed class.
  5. It's a mod. There are a number of simple pose mods that include that kind of pose, but based on your description the person who took the screenshot was probably using DMC Stylish.
  6. I use Gimp. Used it for years on Linux, then started using it on WIndows to edit DDS textures for Morrowind and then Oblivion (for that you need the Gimp-DDS plugin). Definitely cheaper than Photoshop.
  7. That's bloom lighting in candlelight. Turn on Bloom lighting and go stand near the altar in any cathedral and you'll get the same effect. Not really anything to do with the skin textures themselves.
  8. If you don't have an earlier save then it's pretty much the only way, yes. It should work. The statue and painting thing happens after you become Countess and you rebuild the Arena. A few days after all of that, you'll notice Lenka Valus standing outside the Cathedral by an easel, with a rug not far away. Talk to her and she'll offer to do a painting of you and create a statue from the painting. You go stand on the rug, and she paints you. After that, it works a lot like the statue you get in Bruma. I actually have opted not to do this in my current game, as the statue is kind of buggy: it floats above its pedestal, and its AI is enabled, so it will do things like light torches at night. It really isn't an important part of the mod anyway, just a bonus you can take if you want it.
  9. I replied to your post in the other thread, about how to become Countess in KR. As far as KR vs KA, they are totally different mods. KR as you know starts with you helping the people of Kvatch slowly rebuild. At the end of the quest, if you choose the right options, you can become Count/Countess, but it is not automatic. KA is totally different. KA is intended to be activated only after you have completed the main quest. Once you activate it, you get a message telling you that the Council wants you to become the Count/Countess of Kvatch. Once you accept, you have a few quests to do to fully rebuild the city. There is really no option for you not to become Count/Countess, unlike KR. The version of Kvatch you end up with in KA is also completely different, with different buildings, a much more lavish Castle interior, more NPC servants, etc. For my personal tastes I found KA kind of over the top; KR is a lot more in keeping with the general tone of Oblivion. And just to be clear: KA and KR are totally separate mods and cannot be activated in your game at the same time. They both create different, completely incompatible versions of the rebuilt Kvatch.
  10. If you have already returned Molvirian to Kvatch and he has become Count, then you have missed your opportunity to become Countess. Whether or not you get the choice to become Countess depends on a dialog choice you make at Molvirian's cottage, right before he returns to Kvatch. I completed KR not too long ago, and I kept all of my save games along the way. I just reloaded my save right before the crucial decision point, here is how it goes: At the end of the "From the Shadows - A Knife in the Dark" quest, when you return to Molvirian's cottage and show him the ring and the frostbitten finger, you get three dialog options: "The people need their leader" "I don't care, you're coming with me" "Return, fleeing won't solve anything" Take the third one, "Return, fleeing won't solve anything". Molvirian will immediately leave and return to Kvatch. This dialog option is the ONLY one that will make you Countess; the other two will not. Travel to Kvatch, find Molvirian, and he will tell you "I think you need to speak to Savlian". Find Savlian at the Wolf's Head Inn. He will tell express his gratitude for finding the Count's son, but say that Molvirian doesn't want to be Count and asks whether you want to be. You then get to choose whether you want to be Countess or not. If you turn it down, Molvirian will reluctantly take his place at the throne. Once Molvirian becomes Count, there is no way for you ever to do it. So, unfortunately, this means you will have to reload an earlier save if you want your character to be Countess.
  11. Yes, yes, any time something goes wrong with your favorite mods, it's either the user's hardware or the user's stupidity causing it. Heard it before, not impressed. Sorry, but just because there are a bunch of hacked-up patches to try and make UL work with other mods, does not mean it actually works well. It is, in fact, incompatible with a large number of mods that place objects or alter landscape in the regions they touch. And largely due to the UL folks' disregard for other mods, they do things like delete objects rather than disable / relocate them, causing CTDs when other mods try to do things to those objects. UL is a giant mess that makes for pretty screenshots but is basically useless for a stable game.
  12. Sure. Install in this order: First, better bodies: EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion -- this is a complete body replacer including armor and clothes. You will need to choose body type while installing. OR, if you're OK with the stock body shape and just want less blotchy / more natural coloration, then instead of the above just install Vibrant Bodytextures Femmes. That will re-color all of the upperbody textures of female races to match the facial textures below, but will not change the body shape or clothes. Then, face textures: IFT Improved Facial Textures -- adds higher resolution base face textures, better looking normal maps and age maps. Facial Textures by Enayla -- nicer looking base face textures. Replaces only the base textures, which is why you need to install IFT above first. And, for better looking hair, my favorite: Corean -- download only the "coreanhair" file. This adds a selection of hairs for the player. Having tried out pretty much all of the hair mods out there, this is the most "natural" one that fits in well with the original look of the game. A couple of quick screenshots of my character in Sheogorath's palace. She's using the Vibrant Bodytextures and the face and hair mods above. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/th_Oblivion2011-01-1408-17-47-56.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k90/in_a_coma_dial_999/th_Oblivion2011-01-1408-17-41-38.jpg
  13. UL is a great source of CTDs and future incompatibilities, so it's best avoided.
  14. Note that HGEC and Robert's Male Body Replacer do not actually conflict. The only "conflict" between the two mods is that they both supply a face texture, and each race can only have one face texture. There isn't really a way around that, if you install both mods then whichever one you install second is the texture that will be used. This does not cause any actual problems however since both sexes use the same head mesh. Neither mod modifies the eyes. Robert's does come with an ESP that is compatible with Beautiful People, if you don't have Beautiful People installed then those eyes will be missing. The solution there is simply not to use the Beautiful People compatible esp. But that has nothing to do with HGEC.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE TODAY'S FREE GIVEAWAY WINNER!! PLEASE CLAIM NOOOOOW! Yeah, that finally prompted me to install BlockSite just to get rid of that junk. And regarding users' own PCs being the source of this: they are not. However, allowing ads of this sort on your site is a great way to cause your users to become infected -- e.g. My link this case, in which Google, DoubleClick, and other popup ad servers were duped into serving up 0-day exploits.
  16. I don't see anything wrong with either the before or the after pics. In terms of textures her body and face look exactly the same in both images. The lighting is different and textures do look different depending on the light. Characters' expressions are always neutral in the inventory view, but in the outside world they will change based on what has been happening. If she is frowning it is most likely because she just got into a fight or took damage in some way. The expression will reset itself eventually on its own, or when you interact with another NPC.
  17. Could you post a screenshot? The in-game and inventory window use the same textures, so it's hard to understand what could be causing it without seeing it.
  18. You should really play the game as it was meant to be played before adding tons of mods to it. Here's what I would install for a first-time player. Installation in this order: The official DLC Basic bug fixes: the UOP, UOMP, UO SI Patch (if you have Shivering Isles), and UOP Supplemental UI: Darnified UI Appearance: Corean (only the "coreanhair" mod), improved facial textures, Facial Textures by Enayla Install and run BOSS to ensure everything is in the right order. And that's it.
  19. Absolutely, stealth characters are viable and a lot of fun to play. Building a good class is key, though, and the stock classes really don't work very well due to leveling issues. Here's the build I used for my most recent stealth character: Specialization: Stealth Attributes: Agility, Luck Skills: Alchemy Blade Block Light Armor Marksman Security Speechcraft Take the Thief birthsign and go with a sneaky race like a Dark Elf or a Wood Elf and you're all set. Yes, it's a stealth-based character, but it doesn't have the Sneak skill. The reason for this is that you'll be using Sneak all the time, and if it is one of your major skills you'll level up way too fast. However, since this is a Stealth specialized class and Agility is one of its two attributes, your Sneak will go up quickly. I really liked this build. I was able to level with two +4 or +5 at every level up, and raised my Luck each time as well. By the time I was around 10th level I was incredibly deadly at sneak attacks. I couldn't go toe to toe with strong opponents with a sword, but I could finish someone off if I got the drop on them with the bow first.
  20. It is not possible. What happens is that if you get "bitten" by a vampire (actually any form of damage will do it), you have a chance of catching Porphyric Hemophilia. If you sleep while infected with this disease, you will become a vampire. You may be confusing that with actually getting bitten in your sleep. I suppose it would be possible for a mod to do what you are talking about, but it definitely doesn't happen in the vanilla game.
  21. The Priory is pretty barren when it is abandoned. I think there is only one container in the whole place (a chest). I would not trust any containers in the priory before it is restored; I believe those are generic containers that respawn. When the Priory is restored all of the containers and furniture get replaced with safe ones.
  22. You don't have "Oblivion for Mac OS X", there is no Mac OS version of Oblivion. What you have is the Windows version of Oblivion running under an emulator. So you can install mods for your Oblivion and they will work fine.
  23. And if you pay "the slightest bit of attention" you realize that what Megatarius was talking about has to be done manually, because neither the folders nor the installer go into that level of detail. There isn't an option to only install the big structural pieces of the Ayleid ruins without also installing the doors and statues, you have to remove that stuff manually if you don't want them. FWIW that will work fine, btw. Install RAEVWD, remove and/or don't install the parts you don't want, then run TES4LODGen. TES4LODGen generates the LOD data based on the meshes it finds, so if you remove or don't install something, it just won't be in the LOD data.
  24. My current character completed Kvatch Rebuilt a while back and became the Countess of Kvatch. Castle Kvatch is now her primary residence; it's a comfortable and spacious home, with plenty of safe containers. The first place she called home was the Priory of the Nine. Not long after defeating Umaril and restoring the Order of the Nine, she left the Priory and the Relics of the Crusader, to avoid the temptation to use the Relics for personal glory. She wandered Cyrodiil and eventually became owner of Battlehorn Castle after rescuing its occupants from marauders. She also purchased a house in neighboring Chorrol, since she and Countess Arriana Valga's became close friends after she recovered the Countess' missing painting.
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