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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. I think I rember something a Druid metioned to me .. "Sad tree, sad Neighbour"... Although I must admit the Drud comes from a region in my country where tree hugging is quite common. Idk if he is right.
  2. http://nd05.jxs.cz/671/388/5b8373bf4e_82092336_o2.gif
  3. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/2555945/north-by-northwest-airplane-o.gif
  4. Bilyro is banned because his social genetics statements is intolerant and thus not in within the site rules.
  5. http://funnypictures.me/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/funny-pictures-no-time-to-explain-get-in-the-banana.jpg Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
  6. M48A5 http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/signs/thumb_smiley-vault-signs-057.gif *warm huggles* Ithildin :smile: Edit : *warm huggles* Naomis :smile:
  7. I had my first serious talk with my half brother a week ago. We didn't get to talk often because he was busy with his family and work and stuff like that (he's 36). So basically we talked about everything that brothers would talk about, sexuality, society, politics, school, college, career etc. He was surprised that I already chose a college to go to and my career path and that I'm so serious about relationships, all that with my 17 years :P I grew up because I was horribly worried and anxious about not heaving a good future, so I decided to step things up a bit. Maybe your son had a similar experience, but then again not everybody is as paranoid as I am :biggrin: He still hasn't settled on a career choice, he is still looking at his options. He just realises that he needs to achieve certain grades to go to 6th form and then he needs to decide what he's going to do with regard to A'Levels. These will lead him into his chosen career and then depending upon those grades, get him into a good university of his choice. (Altho I would prefer him to stay near home so I can keep an eye on him lol.) the air for him must be thin, with you around ... for men growing up it is important to get indipendant as well as selfconfidence ... best to be around but only offer advice if he asks for it .... oh and one more thing naomis.. So you're saying when the time comes, I need to let him spread his wings and just watch and be there if he needs me? The very thought of him and his brother leaving home fills me with panic. Silly I know, but for boys the dangers are so great, sometimes I think greater than for girls. Girls wont hesitate to ask for help and will usually have pretty good judgement when it comes to others. Boys can be easily led and get into all kinds of scrapes. Oh heck, I've got a lot to learn haven't I :( I feel the same way about my sons leaving. Sheer panic. *hugs* It is quite simple. You can offer help "no" is "no" and yes means: "yes, but don't take over my life" It seams to me that you have fear to let them go. Don't worry. Have instead confidence in your motherly skills. I think you two are great mothers.
  8. Naomis it is only important if they fall that you are there if they need your support or advice they will seek it out boys need to gather their own experiences. The boys need to experience this all on their own and make up there own mind this way the learn to be independent and not tugging on mothers skirt all to often ... this way you have less to worry and more time for things that you like .. for instant that game you metioned. And No, Naoims. You can't force them to eat up their Instant experience soup by force.. this will only result in rebellion. If they come to you and ask you something simply be their mom. If they fall pick them up and put them back in the nest for a while. If the have learned to fly alone you did an outstanding job. Please keep calm, don't panic and wear a towel. ( i hope you don't wear a towel only .. then I would have reason to panic) Remeber old Shakespear ... A Midsummer-Night's Dream, Act III. Scene II. "That every man should take his own, In your waking shall be shown: Jack shall have Jill; Nought shall go ill; The man shall have his mare again, And all shall be well."
  9. http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/signs/thumb_smiley-vault-signs-131.gif
  10. I had my first serious talk with my half brother a week ago. We didn't get to talk often because he was busy with his family and work and stuff like that (he's 36). So basically we talked about everything that brothers would talk about, sexuality, society, politics, school, college, career etc. He was surprised that I already chose a college to go to and my career path and that I'm so serious about relationships, all that with my 17 years :P I grew up because I was horribly worried and anxious about not heaving a good future, so I decided to step things up a bit. Maybe your son had a similar experience, but then again not everybody is as paranoid as I am :biggrin: He still hasn't settled on a career choice, he is still looking at his options. He just realises that he needs to achieve certain grades to go to 6th form and then he needs to decide what he's going to do with regard to A'Levels. These will lead him into his chosen career and then depending upon those grades, get him into a good university of his choice. (Altho I would prefer him to stay near home so I can keep an eye on him lol.) the air for him must be thin, with you around ... for men growing up it is important to get indipendant as well as selfconfidence ... best to be around but only offer advice if he asks for it .... oh and one more thing naomis..
  11. http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/en/t3750.gif
  12. My sparkling silver hide wins.
  13. It's all been done before. So do it louder FIXED IT!
  14. Fixed it .. Done and ready. Simply continue wining.
  15. Funny you have this selective memory. You offered me your broken chocolate heart 1st and it was tasty. (btw thanks for this.) For selective memory you are banned
  16. You cheated! Hang on. I can can fix this bug...
  17. do you know that old tune that goes like this .... "Feelings! Nothing more than feelings..." :whistling: Good for you I don't take away your candy soul. :biggrin: But for the lack of feelings you are banned again.
  18. Heads I win, tails you lose. Broke... guess what happened .. you lost. :teehee:
  19. If you heart is made out of chocolate, it is easy to break .. and I love chocolate. :wub: Please don't be sorry that I now must ban you for it because I can't resist my chocolate addiction any more... :woot: I ban Pushkatu, because of a broken chocolate heart. :biggrin: (Sorry Pushkatu again. Better luck next time.) :blush:
  20. For Werne an eye for an eye isn't enough.... Werne wants the whole unfriendly cyber takeover and humilation .. In this case Werne seams to have been seriously anyioed by this neighbour... Just a sugestion... if he changes to a new password... simply enter the last pasword he used. It is like switching the the size of someones shoes to one size less and next time two sizes higher. do this 3 times in a row then let him continue as if the problem is solved. if you want to scare him try to find a patern in his pasword changes and predict a password for him on his pattern, if you are finished with this ... :whistling:
  21. You are stealing bandwidth from someone who is paranoid ... sound like a self fulfilling prophecy to me ... and it is a normal habit of people with paranoia. So why you wonder Werne ? It would be on the long run easier to replace your router... if you ask me. Unless you accept the constant challenge.
  22. Now i have some time to spare for this hand it over so i have a go at it.
  23. Meanwhile in Germany ..... Here in germany while in the eastern part we have a large flood. :ohdear: A loot of people show a loot of sympathie and help there ,but the situation will probably last till next week and it is still a uncertein if the dykes hold that long. :geek: In the west a smell surfaced that smells like Lovage over the town of Cologne.. :huh: Goolgemap has a page for where the smell has been reported. :blink: Tweets on that matter are hashed as #Maggikalypse and are fun to read...The humor on this is grand... :biggrin: http://www.ksta.de/image/view/2013/5/11/23238852,20067100,dmFlashTeaserRes,maggieinslive.jpg
  24. Hot Topic is to rebellion as Hot Pockets are to nutrition. http://www.community-solingen.de/images/smilies_neu/tongue.gif
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