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Everything posted by SilverDNA
Actually, she helped me do the math for that post. ;D http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0513/wtf-japan-gif-headbutt.gif
Werne have you show your wife above mathemathis and the resultig expectation pressure? Do you know what happens after you see the "don't divide by 0" look in her faces ? Bad werne, realy bad things happen afterwards.... :facepalm:
... and the hammer strikes Pushkatu. Reason for the ban is: Banning wihtout giving any reason at all. (sorry, Pushkatu maybe next time...)
If you had my worst hangover, your head would have been where you put your hangovers in your sentence. :ohdear: Try gargling with slightly salted water, but don't swallow it. This should help. Hangovers are a problem only if you stop drinking. I haven't had a single hangover since I learned that. :thumbsup: Although, that might explain why my livers are shutting down. :ermm: Anyway, in adition to ini parsing and autodetection, I also implemented logging using command piping and the failsafe for idiots is nearing completion. I just need to merge everything I made so far into a single file, find a way to sort by date and I can roll it out as open beta. :biggrin: Might be not your liver but your gallbladder if your are lucky.
No, it doesn't. I made a mistake while unwrapping the UVs so the texture on the blade is a bit over-stretched, one triangle only, near the handle. But I finished the texture so I'm too lazy to change it now, I'd have to make the texture all over again. I know a texturing trick to compensate this. if you want sharpeing the texture as well to let it look like a sharp butchering tool you only need to use a brighter version of your texture at the sharp edge of your blade. Hmm, not good. You need to split the blade in half in order to make every part of the mesh the same scale on the UV map. In your case, you'd have a detailed hilt, pummel and crossguard, but a low-res blade. Well, unless you use a non-standard UV/texture size like 512x2048, which is a bit tricky. I agree with Werne's method this way the bladed and everything else has the same size. Usually 2048x2048 is sufficient for a blade. put the blade on top or bottom left or right side of the UV then all else follows according to the size. It's a monolithic Shell script that provides BOSS functionality for Linux, and if I find some Mac user to check if it works there too, it'll also support OS X. - 616 lines for now, and I'm only half way done - 35525 characters written, my keyboard started falling apart What's done: - BOSS-like menu finished - Added several CLI options, bypasses the need to use the menu - CLI-based usage finalized, I most likely won't make a GUI What's still not done: - Actual sorting, I'm having trouble modifying file dates in a certain order using "touch", I'll have to use something else - Logging, no BOSS log on finishing, not a big problem but it's required for idiots - INI parsing isn't implemented yet, it'll use an INI file for game paths and settings What may be done is written in the script, I'm now tired of writing, I wrote 400 lines of code in the past 2 hours and I deserve to sit down and have a beer. Or two. Or ten. :cool: Way to go Werne. :cool:
Count me in. Although, note that the above cleaver is wearing the peak of my current texturing skill. Werne your cleaver looks really well .The blade of this sword could need your touch of that in the centre and a brighter texture at the edge. Maybe some ornaments or different metal types or smiting methods that create different patterns on the metal as well as some different ores. the focus after that goes on hilt and handle and some different approaches for different designs and ornaments on them. (from simple and classic (there is just more than one way for classic in this) to exotic and extravagant are possible.) I like to leave such decisions on the creator of the mesh that wants a texture. It is always good to have some variety to show what is possible with a mesh and a texture.
Hmm, looks nice, but I see some things on the cross guard and pummel that might be problematic, it may just be the lighting though. What's the poly-count of that thing? Also, do you even know how to UV map it? I tred 3DS Max only once, it was awful, couldn't find anything in it. :pinch: Yeah, it was just the lighting. This is the hilt up close and from an orthographic view. The poly count is currently 936, but I haven't triangulated the mesh yet and there's a few areas I could optimise a bit. And yep, I know how to UV map it. :smile: I first need to finalise everything, then merge the pieces and then I can do up a UV map. But texturing... I dunno. I'm not that great of a texturer... ... making a texture that is simple is easy but making a texture that is more life like requires fines. If you call in this topic for help, I think three to four people jump in ( including me ) to help you. just finish it and hand it over to one of us. Simply ask one of us if you are finished cutting the UV.
Christmas = best self cooked meal(s) and cookies of the year ... no unnecessary cuddling ... either Buck Rogers or a Babylon 5 marathon ... and a loot of thinking on a year.
Here it isn't too sweet it is mildly sweet for my taste. (The herbs are responsible for this)
Did I metion that here we have also Glühwein? :woot: http://www.allmystery.de/i/t227592_gluehwein.gif?nc http://www.blogigo.de/Arbeitstitel_Hirnwurz/Gluehwein.jpg :wink:
isn't it obvious... family, cookies, presents, and a merry time ( not nessary in the same order) :wink:
Thanks naomis. You too please! This is how I feel after 5 weekdays .... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9gxa1nH1e1rzgohio1_500.gif This is how I feel at weekend... http://25.media.tumblr.com/c63eec0166ef35c579a481e6f530d8d4/tumblr_mjoey6r9SY1s702fpo1_400.gif :blush: Edit: Exchanged picture for exact the same picture from a diffrent board.
Buisy as a bee but today and tomorrow I take my off days, or else i get a serve midlife crisis
:biggrin: happy naomis is gooooooooood ;D
Saadus. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvw6xs9Ghr1qd4zqpo1_250.gif
http://alfa.gifs-planet.com/TOP/364.gif follow the light or follow the eyes.... :wink:
Today I watched a "Fly Porn" on youtube because I was so bored I can't even describe the horrors I have seen and will not post any "fly porn" here. :ohdear:
If Werne sees this he might be drooling on his keyboard... ( I know he is married but I think he isn't dead yet...) http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/9357/thundercats-cheetara.jpg Those are tame compared to the ones in the google search I went through...once you seen it..... :blink: I saw them but i didn't post them for a reason ... :blush:
If Werne sees this he might be drooling on his keyboard... ( I know he is married but I think he isn't dead yet...) http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/9357/thundercats-cheetara.jpg