yawn ... I think some people here shouldn't be behaving like a whining ... yeomanette. (plural yeomanettes, a woman serving as a yeoman in the U.S. naval reserve force during and immediately after World War I) And if we would expand the game for non English terms we might have an cultural interaction ( only the explanation needs to be in English and it needs to be (recherchierbar German term for: ) researchable, Now try this to say it in German without any accent. If betting wouldn't be illegal here, I would wage 100$, that even Aurelius, or his wife can manage this word without any trouble on 1st try. I'm close to even assume that his dog can manage this word after a view tries of special training. But on most others here of your I have serious doubts on the 1st try. Make this one open and you might learn a word or two from other languages if you like ...the world challenges the anglophobic...