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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. ??? i don't get it, why on a Piano???


    meh my desk is awesome, i really should take a picture.

    Its almost a antique :biggrin:


    Also my asus 3d monitor pivots in a 360 degree angle :biggrin:

    Why not a piano ? :huh:

    You desk is antique becasue you are playing on it for around 15 years now :biggrin:

    mounted on a hidden arm (inside the piano) your 3d Monitor could be also moved in angles... :biggrin:

  2. For your real life you might find this helpfull...

    ... Just in case you have forgoten how it is.


    friends profiles are the wurst




  4. In Russia Nexus Forums aren't jumpy today. In Russia Nexus Forums jump on your today. ( or something.) For me Skyrim Nexus isn't jumpy today, but I have just that troubles on the forums. ( friends profiles are the wurst) :blink:

    And if sleep doesn't come to you Thor, it might be a good idea to use that old rubber hammer (fake) you have, on your self to get some hours shut eye and a more normal sleep pattern.

  5. in some regions of Germany we have the Christmas weather we wanted to have on Christmas last year. It is snowing here in some parts of this country and it is cold.
    My biorhythm in killing me because it thinks we are having warm 20° C late spring time. I feel tired all the time.

  6. Werne.
    My advice: log of from nexus shutdown browski (must be a polish browser you are using) :ermm: .. delete nexus cookie and and start browski again and log in and try again it. Hopefully you can download something then if you haven#t already tried.






    Very yumy both soups

    Ugh, the green stuff... :yucky:


    I much more prefer home-made lasagne and bacon. Lasagne and bacon are not "just food", they're a way of life! Especially my wife's lasagne, always find a woman that knows how to cook. :wub:

    Since the womens got their working equality less and less women learn to cook a decent meal ( they should know that the fastest way to a man is through his stomach) .. and more and more men can cook better than most women now. I'm one of them who likes to cook different stuff and try out new recipes. it is similar to modding sometimes and I get a good meal.

    and I like soupes sometimes too with a slice of bread, but i wouldn't mind taking a 10 Kg bacon lasange or a fungi/ leech/ ham lasange ( i can make them both my self.) :wink:




    And that explains why my brain never works. ;D

    Best post ever ;D

    Why my brain works so good ? I have cut of the blood supply for everything below hip level. :biggrin:

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