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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. The last resort for people that feel totally rejected from society: ... The Pillow !!!




    A poverty testimony for society to reject somebody because he feels different and thinks different.
    We are all different. If one gets rejected we all get rejected. We all lose by this. It is a classical lose/lose situation.
    Very sad ! Lvl000 don't lose yourself in a mega pillow. It only separates you from us all.

  2. I can't vote for Ironman! See reason below:

    I can't support a drunk Superhero. He may fly into a building while drunk.
    If he dos gets this under control, I reconsider!

  3. >:(

    Why not have this...




  4. http://cdn.motinetwork.net/motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1101/chuck-norris-chucknorrisfacts-charlesbronson-epic-demotivational-posters-1294011537.jpg
    Sorry Thor. I can't be on your side in this. I apologize.

  5. I don't think I'm a genius. Either I am experienced or I know how to use of ... http://scratchbook.ch/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/fnord-fnord-fnord-backe-beans-and-fnord.png ;D

  6. Some guy came to my door a few minutes ago, yelling how I must embrace God and Jesus or I shall burn in hell. Then he asked for a donation and tried to sell me some book about religious crap.


    I slammed the door in his face, and after a few moments of running around the house, I managed to smack him in the back of the head with an egg while he was walking away. ;D That egg has been standing on my balcony for two months, wanted to throw it into my neighbor's living room but this guy was too annoying.


    So, I guess I just got a first class ticket to hell. :biggrin:

    In above situation possible return answers would be... (the following order does only secondary matter)


    Answer No.1 " How much money do you give me if I read your religious book?" :whistling:


    Answer No.2 "Do you want to convert to the goddess Eries?" :geek:

    *remark.. Alternative you can bring in the the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Invisible pink Unicorn.

    I uses the Discordianism, because I have Principia Discordia ready next to the door and I can explain it to a degree proper. It can be really fun with Discordianism because, if you say that you are a Pope and can show the one a POPE Card that you are a Pope of the POEE. Best is if the one on the door reacts biased and blasé then you preform the sacred rite of the Turkey Curse against this follower of Greyface. ;D


    Answer No.3: Turn your head after the explanation back into your room/flat /house and say the following "Honey, we have a new guest for dinner! Please butcher another cat on your sacred altar." Then turn your head back and smile hideously. :devil:


    Answer No.4: "I don't have time now, I need to save our species from extinction, if you got the wink!" ( works best if you look like you come directly out of bed) :wub:


    Answer No.5: "I don't have any money right now. Do you take credit card?" :psyduck:


    Answer No.6: "Religion is only for theses, who don't have control over their lives! Go now please!" (If it needs to fast because your Pizza is going to be black in a minute.) :pirate:


    This is onyl a view selected answers you can give to such rouges that want to sell you something on the door. Above are meant for religious door sellers and can be combined and interchanged and modified according to the response.


    It can be really fun to such persons ringing at your door. :biggrin:

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