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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. Well guys, you can give me your condolences now. Why, you ask? Cause I got married. :biggrin:


    Not a church wedding, I believe I would spontaneously combust if I were to even pass near the church, and we're both atheists so we both believe a church wedding is just a waste of money. :yes:


    No honeymoon either, if I get any more honey I'll die from exhaution and dehidration. :cool:


    Just a paper saying I'm her pack-mule husband and vice versa. Which would in turn mean I'm stuck with her for the rest of my life. I don't mind, she doesn't snore, smells good, knows how to cook, knows how to use a washing machine, likes to drink beer and she can make the ceiling paint fall off when she burps. What more can a man ask for? :happy:


  2. Endorsements? it gives feed back that something is good. Take your guess now why soem people are so desperate to get their own stuff endorsed. :facepalm:
    Some Years back we had a music producer in Germany that bought his own music to raise it in the charts. He paid people to go to stores to buy the CD's of his Artists. Guess what moral outbreak happened as the medias got wind of this. :facepalm:
    Now guess why I'm needing a new keyboard, because of constant face keyboarding. :wallbash:



    That's something I'd very much like to do after I read some of the posts here on the site.

    http://blog.ivman.com/wp-content/Kbface.gif where ever i read posts in the internet. I will need soon need new keyboard. I accept donations.


    How to be a professor in Croatia:


    • Have a subject and dont teach the class anything about it for a whole year
    • Acquire money anyway


    Congratulations, you've mastered the education system in Croatia.


    Tutorial written by Iv000 © all rights reserved

    Thank you, I wasn't sure as to how the guys that teach here become professors and now I know. ;D


    And in other news, I decided to start a little business of my own since apparently, the military wants to fire me (I was about to quit anyway since my contract expired, this way I at least get more money). I've reassembled my old PC (Pentium 4 1.8GHz, 1GB RAM, 4x80GB IDE HDDs), installed Debian 7 XFCE on it and I'm currently using it as a home server, data storage for me and my girlfriend basically.


    However, I talked with this one guy I know who wants to host a webpage for his company so we agreed that I'll be hosting it from that piece of crap next month. He doesn't want to pay 2500$ just to host a webpage so we talked it over and I agreed to do it for 500$. I'll have to learn how to use Apache, shouldn't be too hard though. My internet connection will be a bit crappier but my download/upload speed is decent so I don't think I'll have any problems, 28/2.6 MB/s speeds should be enough for a small company business webpage along with my needs.


    And this way I can sit home on my arse all day and make money by doing so, it's a dream job. :happy:

    I hope It works well for you and your account. :thumbsup:

  5. Thor, hammer the allergies away. That would be :cool: .
    Not wanting to play anything? I had that before... My advice play a game you loved that's a tad bit older and you have forgotten something about you like to would expirience again.








    Being tough isn't the only virtue attributed to men. there are others that really matter more.

    Indeed, like an ability to open a pickle jar without doing this to every fork in the house:


    Thats not toughness thats technique and finesse in combination with a bit of muscles and brains (knowledge in basic physics helps too)

    You said toughness is not the only virtue of men and that there are others that matter more. Opening pickle jars is a virtue, is it? :biggrin:

    True But never the less skillng pickel jar opening is only second to eating the pickels. :biggrin:



    Also, here's a fun fact, my girlfriend always spends at least 5 minutes trying to open a pickle jar (usually destroys a fork or two in the process) before she brings it to me. And then after I finally pop it open, she doesn't want pickles anymore because she's angry due to failing to open the jar in the first place. :mellow:




    There is one that needs pickle jar opening skill indeed. It doesn't need much strength to open it. Only the right uses of skills. She needs to raise her skills to level up. ;D



    I can't say she isn't trying to raise her skills, even excels at some, but she sucks at opening jars.


    She was rather successful in raising her one-handed skill to 100 with a meat tenderized though, the door on my poor oven was brutally violated in the process but she doesn't seem to care much about that. The reason for that violence - there was a spider on the oven door handle. And she missed it. :facepalm:

    Sheesh... She has a terrible aiming skill too ? She may need glasses for that...

    For the jar show her this method ( it is only one of many, but it will work for her.)

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