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Status Updates posted by SilverDNA

  1. I wish you a happy Easter!
    1. Ithildin


      Happy Easter to you too, Silver! =)
    2. Flintlockecole


      Happy Easter Gebirgsjäger.
  2. Sorry Nephew, I had an unexpected connection failure and then and HD seizure.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Around 30 to 45 minutes
    3. Keanumoreira


      Oh, quite awhile I see. :/
    4. SilverDNA


      Happens sometime, but this was most unexpected. Normally I try to prevent such things before they happen, but this time it hit me out of the blue into the blue.
  3. We reached the max of possible coments so I start a new one ... Life is hell and death is my escape, I'm on good tearms with that old fart. Otherwise I try ot hide away myself in books, food and games, if I'm not looking up social science stuff.
    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. SilverDNA


      .. and good for their wallet in supporting medication from pharmacy companies that they have a agreement with. Since this month and approved through judgment form highest German court that doctors here can even do complacency appraisals for insurance companies resulting in diagnosis that is fitting with the insurance company opinion. Guess who is in charge here over your life and health?
    3. brokenergy


      No one, paranoia is a really bad thing to have. Do you know how many people still believe that vaccines causes autism? This despite 12 years of research to the contrary. Drugs are not bad unless you don't listen to the doctor. If the doctor is giving you drugs for no other reason, then do not go to that doctor. There are people out there who are dying, don't take for granted what drugs have done to the world
    4. SilverDNA


      thrust no one who has a white collar and calls himself a doctor try to find out if the diagnosis is correct before taking the pills. Backed up with information go and consult another doctor with out telling him what the other diagnosis was.. and they have a list of measures for diagnoses than and their costs in mind more than you might think . Such things surfaced here in scandals in hospitals the last 3 quarters of the last year.
  4. So How is my Nephew in a suitcase ? Btw nice history books on the shelf next to your living room (the suitcase) ;-)
    1. Keanumoreira


      Oh no, that isn't my house, lol. That's the house where some of best friends live. And it was cramped. Very cramped... X-X
    2. SilverDNA


      Understood so you wanted a bit more cramped feeling and lived in the suitcase.. okay bit not very good fro claustrophobic person.

      Btw learning damages shortly the brain as a new studies from the Gladstone Institute in San Francisco revealed. ;-) If you want an excuse to not learning at all. you might even try to look it up.

    3. Keanumoreira


      No, my friends wanted to push the limits of my contortionist-like abilities. suffice to say, it went horribly wrong. And yes, I'm reading up on that now.
  5. UNP Jewelry Variants V3.1 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28780
    1. SilverDNA


      UNP Jewelry Variants - version 3_1 - deutsch : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29586
    2. vvk78


      Very nice. I will use it when I roll out a female character for my next Skyrim playthrough.
    3. SilverDNA


      Thanks! I hope you have fun with the mod and the textures I made for it.
  6. You may try out this piano score out of my link book. It maybe something you could like.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Np. I like good music. One of my favourite tunes I can listen to in almost ever variation (Have Youtube links for this one in Epic, Techno, Jazz and Rock and Classic Style), I have searched up for your with Violin and Piano. (I think from your earlier post you may like this too.)

    3. mythicdawnmaster


      That is sublime! Oh how i prefer this type of song over what is considered modern and "In".
    4. SilverDNA


      Everyone has its own taste when it comes to music. How much true one can be, if he or she leaves fashion and mainstream aside and simply listens to the music one likes. ;-) Above tune is in every version catchy and since there are so many different versions it is easy to find the one that fits to the taste of someone else. (I did like above version as well.) This is the epic variant for comparison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3kfst-3isI
  7. Habe mitbekommen, das Du jetzt Urlaub hast und ich hoffe das du das in vollen Zügen geniest.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverDNA


      lol Farin Urlaub hab ich gerne in den 80ern gehört, aber seit den 90ern hab ich zu den Toten Hosen gewechselt :P

      Urlaub was ist das ? Kenne ich gar nicht! Urlaub; ist wohl das Laub alter Bäume aus der Steinzeit, oder etwa nicht ?

    3. kowalski99


      Ich tippe auf Letzteres.Weils bei mir auch schon ewig her ist dass ich sowas mal hatte.Wieso bist du den zu den Hosen gewechselt?Also ich hör die Ärzte seit fast 30 Jahren und bin immer noch begeistert.;)

      Hatte übrigens vorhin deinen Horaz vs. Cicero Kommentar auf Aurelius's Profil gesehen.thumbsup

    4. SilverDNA


      Irgendwann in den 90ern fand ich die Ärzte nicht mehr so toll. Höre die alten Sachen immer noch hin und wieder gerne. Am liebsten höre ich immer noch Tangerine Dream.

      Aurelius hat so seine guten Momente, ich aber auch. (Danke) XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      :- ) Broad smile *-....-* with dimples on the ends. :- )
    3. Flintlockecole


      Groß. All that blank space for gilding and engraving... *drools*
    4. SilverDNA


      Flint. Be careful what you wishing for, cause your wishes may come true! If you know what mean ;-) A bit of patience is required although.
  8. Bin hier schon in Shorts und schlürfe Cocktails auf Dein wohl und wenn es mir zu kalt wird heiße Schokolade mit Sahne und einem Schuss Whisky ;-P
  9. I wish you a Happy Birthday Lexx! I hope you enjoy yourself and have a very good time.


  10. Welcome Back !*Hug* Happy New Year to you too. I hope this year will be a very good one for you.
  11. Happy New Year Pancake! Best wishes from here to there... and a very jolly 2013!
  12. Happy New Year to you! I send best wishes for 2013 along.. *dingelingegeling*
  13. Happy New Year 2013! *Honk-Honk*
  14. Happy Doggy New Year to you and your better part of you! Best wishes for 2013!
  15. A Happy New Year Nephew Keanu! My condolences you just buried 2012! May 2013 the best year you ever had.
  16. Happy New Year! Best wishes for you and your family for 2013!
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