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Status Updates posted by SilverDNA

  1. So much to do so little time ... I'm bussy as a bee.
    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. SilverDNA


      yes but guessing takes longer ... and I like nice people
    3. brokenergy


      Sil, why does my mind go to the gutter often?
    4. SilverDNA


      B.E. I could guess. My best guess is that the answer can be found within your mind and you are the only person that can truly find it.
  2. Alles klar Kumpel? Es sollte Dir eignetlich bald mal besser gehen wenn Du Grippe hast, oder hattest. Ich mach mir sorgen um Dich. Beste Wünsche von Hier nach Da wo auch immer Du bist.
  3. Arg, a ja sam tek nedavno Ves je rekao da nitko ne bi trebao boraviti na zahod. :-S
  4. Planet Germmany a report from a british view http://planetgermany.wordpress.com/
    1. Show previous comments  65 more
    2. SilverDNA


      the pattern and it is painful to know it and seeing it around the world used the same way for the same motive I don' want to use it to show off as others do. I want that pattern on the open, but to bring it out to the open, this then would produce the same result as I would just in example. How much better would I be?
    3. brokenergy
    4. Deleted54170User


      Yes! It is a part of life, a repeating function, around the world, in our own back yard, and even in the most sacred of place's. Those who care watch those who don't and keep it at bay so it doesn't get too big for the rest of the world to handle.
  5. Ne ohrabrujući. Gripa ili prehlada, ili nešto drugo?
  6. :-( Ipak, ili ponovno?
  7. Dobro pupak! Kako ste?
  8. I'm all that is associated with my name and non at the same time. So DNA is part of me but resampling only possible for me exclusive. That's how I can be all things associated with my name and non at all. Tricky, isn't it ? ;-)
  9. Oh sorry :-S Happy belayed turkey munching!
  10. Happy Gobble Gobble eating day!
  11. BananaMania Bananafication and may the Great Banana Maker watch over us all XD

    Last poster wins topic

  12. My personal tastes are mostly instrumental pieces (seldom scores with lyrics) Rock metal is okay for me but not my 1st pick. Since over 25 years I'm a fan of Tangerine Dream. Like this link
  13. I like good music and we all have our preferences in this since our taste is different. We can only take the best that we like from the other as it is offered. :-)
  14. Hello and just a return Peek... Btw Nice Gothic music i think i saw that score 2 months ago on my youtube proposal list.
  15. Nope no feast but I like a good meal and my kofta is, no, was very delicious. I don't make it very traditional although but who cares as long as it is the only good of globalisation to learn new things and recipes for trying I'm currently looking into some traditional Pakistani recipes for next weekends inspiration.
  16. Hey my kofta variant is still something worth trying. The only thing I bend to my will is my kofta on my plate right now and it has mozzarella cheese as topping and my bread is from a Turkish bakery so have fun and I have my plate XD
  17. Sensible smooth Jazz will be deployed Crystalised Silver by UI-70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzJoaU1bXYM
    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Ithildin


      All the leftover crumbs must feel like sand between your toes. :3
    3. VesemirTheWitcher
    4. SilverDNA


      Nope I liked the crumbs of as well the epic bath is clean now as well as my toes, but I fear my back has still some left on it it feels like sandpaper.
  18. it depends on the awareness of the social environment surroundings and I would say the more ignorant one with a psychical disability is the less he /she would be torn in the way of the below made comment.
  19. Disabled are torn much more between fear and longing, when it comes to to allow any physical closeness between sexes.
  20. Turkey? I love to have that on my plate ... come here ... gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble XD
  21. vvk78 Sugested on Swedishpancakes personal page that I show you this link I hope you like it ... Link : http://www.pleacher.com/mp/mpoetry/mpoet.html
  22. I think you misunderstood that is heathers new dress ;-)
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