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Status Updates posted by SilverDNA

  1. Ops ... Sorry , okay I then the other way around with the pills.
  2. Ok, but tired of ruining around just for the pleasure of others a bit.
  3. So because of your allergies you snorted where nobody snorted before... I nearly slipped on it and felt nearly into this snotty thing you left. That's bad because I walk roads not much travel today.
  4. May your glass be ever full.

    May the roof over your head be always strong.

    And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

  5. Herr Wolfenstein, Whaaaasssss up ?
  6. Oh Made (hug) XD
  7. Oh this is sad to hear that you have lost all your work with your melted ArrrgDriv. Most of my troubles should be over now ( or sow I hope) and I have a jumping heart hearing from you. ;-)
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Since when did get Kiss again into fashion? Isn't that a bit overdressed for Thanksgiving ? :-S
    3. brokenergy
    4. SilverDNA


      Well, that's fantastic ? Was just wondering what you are wearing for thanksgiving dinner. Ok if you wear the the brand "His" you can wear what you like. I was just wondering. Greetings from the Counterweight Continent. ;-)
  8. Again, we missed each other. Then I might need to split my head to search for Mr. Hydegomoth.
  9. Yes I'm busy battling formulas and letters .... it is Hell on earth to fill out formulas for the devils advocates.
  10. Rilke did write a some letters to young poets that are translated most of them. Here try out this link .. http://archive.org/stream/lettersofrainerm030825mbp/lettersofrainerm030825mbp_djvu.txt
  11. I'm ok if you subtract that summer makes me always tired and sleepy. Hope you are well and happy over there.
  12. Kay I hope you are still into poetry. If you are listen to Dennis H. reciting letters to a young poet from R. M. Rilke


  13. If you have problems with the tune add Trumpets or Drums. on Mixing it is more difficult and this mostly requires a soft touch mastering it.
  14. Great works, Ves! Your latest score is a epic dramatic piece.
  15. Slow rigging up the sails to surf the turf. How are you doing?
  16. Back soon with a new rig.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lexx666


      Sounds good.
    3. brokenergy


      One with lasers?
    4. SilverDNA


      Nope one Rig where you never can be sure if you ride the Rig or if it rides you!

      I'm not sure about the case .. maybe I mod it into a beer box like this ... http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg25/scaled.php?server=25&filename=42302221.jpg&res=landing

  17. Sorry Ves, have fallen into the void . sleep well
  18. Sorry was on the phone while in chat
  19. Thank you for your very good posts in debates.
  20. sorry i Don't see grannys mistakes anymore.
  21. After enough sugar to my brain 4. must be the upholding and preserverance of power, only then you can enjoy 5.
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