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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://shadowness.com/file/item6/165292/image_t6.jpg SAGA: Elf (Nature faction) by Liquidd I like it !
  2. Maharg67, your doom comes in the form of ... Fluffy! http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/small/0808/fluffy-fluffy-blademasterv-lol-random-ect-lol-demotivational-poster-1220235333.jpg Darn, was he fast!
  3. Brokenergy, your doom comes in the form of Champignon cream soup.. (Should help against that terrible cold of yours .. Get well soon!) http://www.mamas-rezepte.de/bilder/gross/champignonsuppe.jpg
  4. http://shadowness.com/file/item6/163111/image_t6.jpg awesome Bengal Tiger Picture from thebearjed made with Photoshop
  5. Psst and Kallisti Black Barron don't rob the illusion and the hopes from the young and idealistic ones .. if you do this in an too early stage of life the result is demoralizing to the old ones too. In hard times it is the only self deceit that is left for some of them .. to call the women's an invisible unicorn. Leave them their 5 tons of flax.


  6. Beautiful Sydney Opera house in the morning.http://shadowness.com/file/item6/168236/image_t6.jpg
  7. My pictorial advice for 1st kissing... IF .... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_58PzNMV8c3w/TSVCNf8j4NI/AAAAAAAABpQ/F5LXnOvyPSs/s1600/xeolhades_mouth.png+ http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/326912013/drawing_barb_wire.jpg ...the result will be .. http://www.tz-online.de/bilder/2009/02/02/65779/1676305213-spange_475px.9.jpg My advice is gentle... http://anasahmed.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/kissing_965824.jpg ....or you end up ... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_B5XCaHkFkOE/S_a3k82CP6I/AAAAAAAAAVo/lMGHrNsJnDU/s1600/hurts.jpg Got it ? Now you have been warned of 1st kisses that can go awfully wrong!
  8. http://shadowness.com/file/item6/161846/image_t6.jpg Now what a wonderful win against Thor! :biggrin:
  9. http://shadowness.com/file/item6/172359/image_t6.jpg See text inside Picture...
  10. brokenergy, your doom comes in the form of joining the Rhineland Military! You are formally enlisted now. Here the RM manual... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iyqrLV3QAU Be aware that this video does not represent my political opinion: I only finds ze accent soooo hilarious. I never would join with military loolwoots!
  11. If chaos and Insanity is surrounding you ... ... can lol ... can rofl ... can say wtf ... then you must be in the eye of the storm! ... then you must be the cause of chaos of insanity. ... then non interference is the prime directive! ... then Interference is the prime directive! ... then it is time to ask yourself if you turned the right way in Albuquerque. ... then it is time to go over to the lunatics and ask "What's up Doc?" ... then it is usual a good idea to ignore the insanity and quickly go away. ... then pull down your pants and slide on ice. ... then it might be a good idea to pull out your Wile E. Coyote help sign. ... make all the poses of Charlie's Angels! ... can pretend to have a hearing or seeing problem that. ... can sing: "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." ... say out loud "I'm Batman!" ... can say " Oh dear more hoot hoot for my tut tut, wow that's good! if none of the above line here in the past , present or future has made any success bringing back saving or maintain your sanity then it is quite possible, that you are as well as chaotic and insane, as every other individual on this planet and the best thing would be to paint the moon red and sponsor with the colour white Coca Cola™ on the side facing this planet and on the other side that is never visible from the planet in Intergalactic language in golden letters. "Planet of the psychic bampot's ahead! Don't land! If you need to land beware and don't take any living being with you for the sake of the whole galaxy!"
  12. Let me recite the Epitaph of Robert Frost here at this point... "I had a lover's quarrel with the world."
  13. Next one could be either posted as last words or as 1st words.. and the if you try out to find out the truth you will get the truth in the last 1st words but who said it as last words and where and why where the 1st words the this words..... ???? .. arrrrrrggg.... Here the last and 1st words... "Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two." If this isn't funny in some way ....
  14. I agree on your analysis .. :blush: I came to this idea after reading on this site .. about child abuses ..related to another topic .. i found the emotional abuses the most intresting in this matter. (Link) I thought of this because I tried to find answers why so many people here got banned. This is debated heatedly on all similar topics on board which stuff that is related to the topic in a more complex way. Since I have loots of questions I only tried to answer them for me self and by means I was able to dig up. It is only a try to find an explanation why we behave in such a manner in larger context on a basis that could be largely accepted. No one needs to agree to this it is only a try to find some truth and explanation in the chaos surrounding us.
  15. My above comet was a real shoot in the blue. I admit this. The aspects of the intimacy of men regarding that they uses codes as well not to openly ask about their most intimate needs. Reflecting this in their language more often in the male to male behaviour, as well as some of it is also handled as second related subject to many published works about feminism, be it conflicting partnerships, or emotional abuse,s to the expression of violent behaviour, to domestic violence. (There is much on all that points to this diction that most of the works about feminism have this in common when analysing male behaviour on scientific works in contradiction with above mentioned fields subjects) It needs not a genius to draw a line from emotional needs and wants to see that there could be some truth in the behaviour of male gamers wanting skimpy armors for a female heroine. It is a not a great secret that males that openly and direct asking for the own most intimacy needs is seen by others as a weakness. Since sociology and psychology are soft sciences this can be disputed I would recommend reading on subject the following works to start with. "A new psychology of men" by William S. Pollack "The emotionally abused and neglected child" by Dorota Iwaniec Yes, this can be cross related to another topic here in debates... guess why I thought about this ? rofl Harbringe...
  16. http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc15/fabian365/f365%20smilies/smiley-stroking-chin.gif I don't think harbinger is completely wrong. .. There could be something deep in side the male psyche that is looking for something that they otherwise can't find in reality. Need to dig throu the scientific records and statistics .. hold on just a sex .. ops oh no no no sorry about that ...just a second . http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc15/fabian365/f365%20smilies/smiley-stroking-chin.gif... I still haven't found what I'm looking for .. ah yes.. now I got it .. They seam in search of a motherly protector where they emotionally can drop their defensive wall that they would in reality uphold to protect themselves. This could be a possible explanation. i don't claim that Psychology is always correct. In fact it is just guess work and poking with a stick in the dark. On the other hand much problems could be solved if we just pull down our pants and slide on ice. This was a house call .. but the 1st one is for free..
  17. Sorry ghanzz, Dying is easy, comedy is hard. George Bernard Shaw He died earlier 26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950
  18. "I just had eighteen straight scotches. I think that's the record." Dylan Marlais Thomas
  19. SilverDNA

    Hi all!

    Ciao Dovahkriid. I hope you have a good time in the forums and welcome to The Nexus! May you find what you are looking for!
  20. Original: "Μή μου τοὺς κύκλους τάραττε!" Latin: "Noli turbare circulos meos!" English : "Do not disturb my circles!" Archimedes of Syracuse
  21. "I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis." Humphrey Bogart
  22. The part you're missing though is that this is a game. Nobody is going to play a game where they have to stand around practically immobile for 1-2 hours while they have different armor fitted to them every time they change equipment. Like in the case here, reality is second to practicality or establishing a desired aesthetic. You might as well complain why games don't have you answering to the call of nature every 3-5 hours (at 30x timescale) or why female characters aren't affected by their monthlies. Or why players can't accidentally cripple themselves permanently from a bad fight or falling off a ledge wearing armor. It's aspects like these which normally wouldn't play out well, and would arguably ruin most games... Unless the idea of Call of Duty:Filing Clerk seems like a good idea to you. @ Vargant I could do with some passed time on changing armor (not nessary clothes). this is nagging on me since I play fantasy computer games (80's) and I think it is possible to solve thou a global script, but my scripting skills aren't that great. (I have only minor skills in scripting. I should start to give some perks into this. Making metal note to self.... just a second... ) On the other things you have proposed, if they are applied by the programmers, or are additional modded into the game I take them and be happy to have a bit more immersion, but I personally could live without them as well. And I like to have different armors in design and style. I don't care if they are skimpy as long as they give me a different style to the game, aside from the vanilla ones that are come mostly along and look often look boring after 100 hours of gaming. I'm happy to found here modders that make armors that i like. As i started here I've gone throug all of the at that time it was about 170 pages of armors for oblivion. I'm still grateful for this option and especially to the modders that made my game look interesting and less dull.
  23. "More Light!" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  24. @Vagrant0 Yes I know these facts .. 1st. I want to add to complete this then that it needed one to two people to get the knight dressed in full plate ( not splendor plate ("Prunk Plattenpanzer" or "Prunkharnisch" as the ones where called in German that you mentioned in your post )) and it needed 3 to 4 people to get him on the throne .. ops wrong ... , no not the throne in a bathroom either, sorry, .. on horse back! This could take up to 2 hours depending on armor and medieval period. 2nd. I was more concerned about the issue that a lot of games don't take properly in account that doing on armor does take some game time. 3rd. I over exaggerated it on purposes so you can have either a lol or you see what the difference is on getting into different kinds of armors. 4th. The more parts an armor has the longer it takes to get them on. no one will dispute this @myrmaad The anti-thesis to your posted picture is then a well know image of Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) in a neon swimsuit.. ..if I got it right? :wacko::unsure::ermm:
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