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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Easy for Germans if you can use the ö and the ä in the right spot... :thumbsup: the only trick is that you need to know how it is written and how it needs to sound and it is the preferred hurdle in language here too. so we make up a language barrier for defence.... here an good example how to over come it ...:whistling: Sandra Bullock gets in Berlin a Bambi Award 2010, declination still need improvement, but we grandly overlook it since she does it so well, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzbrztZFCFA :biggrin: Yah Moi I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!
  2. For Ballagor! For Rødgrød! for Æbleskiver! For Häagen-Dazs! For the Lounge ....wait Woot .. Nobody here ? ... okay peace sisters and brothers I have now lunch and a Latte macchiato
  3. In stead of boring me to oblivion I only say Shhh... and take the win !
  4. In my country the laws ( Germany ) are the following: active suffrage is denied to prisoners. (The right to be elected)passive suffrage is allowed through postal vote. / the right to vote)If a inmate is released from prison, after the prison time and after probation the former inmate's rights to participate in active suffrage is fully restored.Exception to No. 3 it is unlikely that a typical criminal is participating in active suffrage although political criminals of the former GDR have even the right to become president of the FRG as it will now soon happen, since our last president had to resign. so if i may say so it is not fully impossible but unlikely that someone that has had a sentence for a capital crime will come to a political office. In my opinion it is just and fair. Now since it came up in this topic .... the US has signed the, but not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is in the stars when it will come fully to the US, but it is only a matter of time. The passive suffrage of disabled person is allowed in the US, but the US still denies it the right to disabled persons of active suffrage. ( funny the US had at least two presidents in office that i can recall from head that had disabilities ( and if a presidential candidate has a certain age the possibility of a disability is higher with a certain age than not. now Ironic ... so there is sense in only letting the young, immature and healthy be elected for the office of president ... ) Now you may look at the spoiler provided on Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities..
  5. http://shadowness.com/file/item6/163111/image_t6.jpg I find this artwork from "thebearjed" awesome.
  6. Werne, Your doom has come in form of "Schadenfreude"! http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/demotivational-posters-schadenfreude.jpg
  7. Sorry Thor, I apologize but I still find this version .. better! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8jLkn0v8uI&feature=related OH and thanks for the win- :biggrin:
  8. This time I'm for Balagor... *sideways whispering into Balagor's ear* "Forbedre på min mave, for en tre menu på min tallerken, eller alt hvad du kan spise brunch. For en bedre L." :thumbsup::biggrin:
  9. Raging and supporting out loose punishment is one thing but what about valor or honor? Is honor not lost in this ravaging? In my opinion yes, because it is focused solely on the punishment.. Who are the real victims? The veterans that lost a limb or are paraplegics, suffer from PTSD are the most are more egregious examples. Not that I do not understand the anger, but in this matter what is more honorable, crying out loose punishment or focusing on how veterans that return from a war with severe disabilities are treated by their country. Especially how they are treated by the individuals of a society when confronted with them? In a country where the 2nd survivor is only 1st loser where people that never have witnessed war can spit in physical or in verbal form, in public on a server disabled veteran person. A real truly honorable and heroic disabled veteran might then take up the point of PTSD and claim that having a PTSD as veteran is bad, but it is even worse if a child that is sexually abused and much younger when it develops a PTSD has to struggle with a PTSD in childhood than soldier who was willing to fight for his/her country and did know the risks. And even a not so truly heroic character might point out that most Veterans with a PTSD get into trouble with the Law after service for their country and end up getting into to legal trouble. A British study reveals that over 50% of veterans with a PTSD get in civilian live in trouble with the law. Is there a responsibility from the country and the people of such a country for those veterans which have fought for it? I say yes! However now lets take a look at the typical officer to the enlisted soldiers. Why do most of them join the military? And how are they treated if they come back from war with a limb lost and a PTSD? In my opinion there are some countries, mine included, that lost in this more honour in manhandling the dignity and rights of such honourable persons than in losing a war. On the case especial I want to raise awareness to the point why it is so desirable to imposter a veteran or a military-affiliated in a country that has a high desire to keep much military if you would please read this well-known story to Germans. A true story of the "Hauptmann von Köpenick" aka "Wilhelm Voigt (WIkipedia link) . There isn't a long line from a deceiver to a local hero, in Willhelm Voigts case it might be mentioned that the punishment was rightful and just for its time in my personal view. I didn't follow the complete case in all aspects now but I hope that the punishment is not exemplary and hard, but fair and just and as far as I read up the particular case that the op mentioned there it would be good to mention that it raised awareness to the hereby me posted above 1st two paragraphs. In my opinion these are more important than the case itself. Edit : What is valor in war worth without honor and at least the same dignity and rights after a war than non-disabled persons?
  10. Sorry! Can't touch this .... na na na ... *wanders of with the win*
  11. There are some people who making a contest out of every fly fart, those geniuses in there own mind then set up a topic with a poll and try to get elected (metal note to self check for newer version of auto correct! This one nearly brought me in to trouble), with a poll in that topic and try to convince others, that they are the best ruler ... sometimes their arguments, why they should be lounge lord or queen are entertaining funny. You either like it or not, but if they get elected then they wait till another one brings it up, it takes usually a year, then they start picking on each other again and make another topic with a poll. Well thank you for starting it again Daedthr ... we will have next week another election of the new lounge lord/queen it seams ....:biggrin: EDIT: In my opinion everyone is a lounge Lord/Queen who makes a post that I like
  12. Brokenergy, your doom comes in the form of a cute Chibithulhu! http://westfieldcomics.com/wow/art/large/DEC085062.jpg
  13. SilverDNA


    A Short Love Story A man and a Woman who have never meet before, but who where both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a tarns-continental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room they were both very tired and fellt asleep quickly, he in the upper bed and she in the lower. at about 01:00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold." She replied: " I have a better Idea. Just for tonight, let's pretend that we are married." "Wow! That's a great idea!", he exclaimed. "Good", She replied " Get your own freaking blanket!" After a moment of silence, he farted. The End.
  14. http://mediacdn.snorgtees.com/media/catalog/product/w/i/winning_fullpic.jpg Me of course
  15. Delikatessen, your doom has come in the form of... Limbo http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1110/limbo-difficult-phase-understand-you-demotivational-posters-1318728461.jpg
  16. A laundering reck and my kitchen... you never want to mess with me when I'm in my kitchen ( I'm fast when I'm furious with a knife and a pan and ...)
  17. Where are you.. where do you hide ?
  18. You know these are the final nights oh and I try to get my hands on Jeanette Voerman if only I could get past her twin sister... else I need to try my sticky fingers on VV... XD hope to see you ;-) and btw Made is back
  19. Brokenergy, your doom comes in the form of Pyrophobic madness! http://www.worldofmunchkin.com/cards/madness/img/cover_lg.jpg
  20. "Hey, you there, throw the knife to me ..."
  21. I was crying out of happiness because you are well and happy it seams and this was all I wished for you since you left.
  22. okay a bit tired right now.. but okay in general. Modding this or that game .. playing this or that modded game and so on. you sound so positive it nearly waters my old yes so I'm taking the bait.. really happy to have you back here again (BIG HUGGELS) I know it wasn't an easy time for you. Dread, now my eyes begin to water...
  23. SilverDNA


    to say 100% taxation is robbery is easy. Now at witch exact point taxation turn into robbery ? when taxes are raised and then the money is spend on other things by the government as it seams fit? ("lupus est homo homini"/ "man is man's wolf" as Plautus would have put it?) When taxes are spend in such a way that they have nothing in common with the original raised taxation model ? when the money of the trusting citizens that are given through taxation are abused by the such created fond managers? when money is of such taxation is thrown directly out of the window in the name of the people and the one really responsible isn't held responsible because it was the peoples will in witch he/she did it ? ...or when the money of such taxes is used to raise studies of lobbyists in a biased way such furthering a damage to society? Above are only a view examples of what can happen and the all happened in Germany within the last 20 years... sorry but the models of abuses are interchangeable to any country in my opinion and still my above question remains.. at witch exact point it is legit to call taxation robbery and abuse of power over entrusted money from a democratic citizens? sorry but if the ones that make bad decisions with money entrusted by them how do you call it in a private sector ? Fraud? do you let such people get away with it ? funny a governments actions speak sometimes louder than words and so I think it is valid to check all raised taxes point by point if the money is spend on the Tax original intended cause it was risen .. if it is spend in another way or it is used to abuse basic constitutional laws ... oh dear... then it isn't a valid taxation then it is fraud. And this is only the simplified version of a very complex problem.. Who watches the watchmen in a democratic nation? If the citizens can be lead like a bull on the nose ring from one fraud to another always keeping reasons on studies that are forged by lobbyist amd are paid by taxmomey... should be clear where this leads to or isn't it ?
  24. oO Have to agree with Maharg on your Freudian simbolism in this one. Did you check the site of dream symbols? (you remember the one i gave you the link sometime ago) again or was it written from observation ? Never the less this is a poem from you I like because it has social aspects and borders within it and it is shaking the bars of this cage. Thank you for a good poem Keanu
  25. It is Carnival here ... so I'm hiding..
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher
    3. naomis8329


      Not Easter yet hun xxx another week or so if I remember rightly that is. I don't like loud noises at the moment they make me sleepy :( xx
    4. SilverDNA


      Ahmm a full belly makes me sleepy. Loud noises ... I have my doubts this can be good to get a good sleep.
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