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Status Updates posted by Brittn

  1. Eck! its been long enough that i guess Im back at being a newbiew? ? So many old faces and so many new faces...but mostly the old! Ive missed you all my dears and yes, I do hope to start writing some more! But not now, its late....and im not as young as i once was! I just wanted to say Ohia! :teehee: :dance:
    1. AurianaValoria1
    2. Deleted54170User


      It's sooo sooooo quiet. Nice to see you post. :dance: :bow: :- )
    3. Brittn


      its good to be back :> !! <3


  2. dear gawd it's been ages since I was last on here! How has everyone been, or has every one left...idk..
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      She looks sweet!
    3. Deleted54170User




      What a coincidence! I wrote you last on Mar 01. Today is Mar 31. I'd like to add, "Nice work on your pix". :- )

      It is 2014 now though.


      How are you?

    4. Deleted54170User


      Hello?! I would like a little Xmas spirit in August? Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz! Brittn Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

  3. ahah yes yes it has been a long time, dont really get on nexus much anymore, so i missed all the birthdays and christmas and new years and what not. lulz. but its been good, not like i want it to go, but when has life ever. haha, but how have you been?
  4. Well now 18 and out of school!! something going good in my life for once!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brittn


      hehhehe ^^ January 31 is the official date
    3. Ithildin


      Finished once and for all, then! Congratulations! :D
    4. Brittn


      hehehe *happy dance*
  5. hey, Its ok! Im good busy with school and all, gonna be graduating early so I have to get all the announcements apply to colleges and what not then the big research papers and all...gawsh this year is killing me, but its only a few more months left ^^
  6. thought I drop in and say HI! :D
    1. Deleted54170User


      I read through most of it last night and found myself intrigued to go on. Some time all we need is a wisp of fresh air and we slumber. I closed my eyes only for a second and awakened to find it was past my normal travels to the room of sleep where schemes are plotted in our dreams. Very Good, I will finish it this evening, as evening is when I find reading stories like your is best. Wolves are night people too.
    2. Brittn


      zank you Pag! ^-^
    3. Brittn


      and chapter 2 redux is up....3 should come out 2marrow ^-^ Im excited to get this ball rolling once more!!! :D
  7. I feel as if I am a butterfly, but I cant find my wings to fly. - Sharon Smith Henderson
  8. holla!

    Just got back from Tennessee. actually lol. It was amazing up there in the Mts. HOw you been?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User
    3. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting drunk just to prove to my self I can do it on my own without anyone helping me. It is kind of a lonely habit, but I have had it with taverns full of strangers putting strange things in my drinks and me waking up in some foriegn country where the sand is warm in the 10:00 AM Sun and I have to walk back to the hotel to find out who I was with before I leave for work. Oh! That's right I'm on an extended holiday. Miss you!
    4. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* I've got a new look. It still has the quality of curiosity I have in it. How do you like the new me?
  9. Something new, that I hope you all join in on! :3 http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/699426-write-in-tune/
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I am getting ready to take a drive in my car for another road trip. Since Route 66 no longer full length highway I changed to plan B. Going to places that were desolate small towns when I was a child. I went to Kalispell, MT last time and it has become a whopping California styul subburb. O.O Do you have your Summer months calendar filled with plans and ready to power up for your Summer activities?
    3. Brittn


      well somewhat. Im taking summer school so I can grad early next year, and then next week were going to Orlando to visit some family that is coming in from Mi. other than that....I have nothing really planned, everything is by ear for now.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I hear you. I took classes in the summer for extra cred's. Anthropology was one of them. Sounds like you have a plan and another is likely to emerge from it after that was is nearing an end. Enjoy! :- )
  10. OMG!!!! YES! I figed. It out! If you use mounted combat, you cant have FINS installed! -well atleast I couldnt- YES!
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Well, that sucks. I use that for my pose mod. Guess I'll have to cut it when the patch comes out.
    2. Brittn


      now, is the patch and beta different?? If so, then the FINS might be able to work with the patch. I had forgotten that I had installed FINS after the beta, and then taking mrys/dantes advice I started thinking and realized that they both messed with animations and figed Id give it a shot.


      but the patch and beta might work differently. all I know is that all my mods are working soo ^-^ I happy

  11. Part 3 of Lost Soul is up in the Garden ^_^
  12. Dear Esther best book/game ever! I loved it, and now for some reason I feel like taking a nap, only good books can. :}
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nadin



      It's like walking through a painting.

    3. Ithildin


      Sounds fantastic - I can't wait to try it!


      I just realized I spelled "Antie" wrong. She writes it as "Anti". She's weird that way; she also refers to my uncle as MOUB, Mean Old Uncle Bob ... so that's how my birthday cards from them are always signed. "Love, Anti M and MOUB". Oh, and she also adds their cat's name.

    4. Brittn


      Nadin isn't it gorgeous !


      Ithil you wont regret it! teehee MOUB :P i would never think of some thing that clever lulz

  13. climbing around in the attic trying to find some things for my muma, and my dad and I hear a little chirping. Twas a baby raccoon! :D We knew we had raccoons in the attic but were never able to get one, so we pulled him down last night and waited for the mama to come and get him out of the box. She almost did but for some reason could not get in the box -_- silly raccoon
  14. So yeah, made some soup and the plastic wrap melted to the bowl...then decided to explode....so now my whole left hand hurts.....ohhh Aloe my new love <3
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      Aww, poor thing. :P That's got to hurt.
    3. Brittn


      hahah it did, then silly me put it right in the crook of my neck -habit when watching tv- and yeah...I kept my hands far far away from me ^-^, but it feels better today.
    4. Ithildin


      I'm really glad it's feeling better, and that you had aloe on hand. (Cruddy pun.) :)
  15. guuuuuuueeeeesss whos back! :D yesh, now that summer is here I will be able to work fully on my Brittniana story line. ^-^ Here is a sneak peak as to what she looks like fully modded out: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=88480
    1. BlueDanube


      glad to have you back :D , i'll just sit in the corner while you work with the story.... *stares* O_O
    2. AurianaValoria1


      I like the pic! =D
    3. Ithildin


      Terrific timing with that action shot - and a very happy summer break to you! :D
  16. so water tank is broken at my house....every one has to take turns out on the drive way using a water hose to take showers...and use the woods...oh how Im becoming so close to nature -_-
    1. Ithildin


      Wow, hon ... I'm a nature lover, but I really like *warm* showers. D: How long will it be 'til the tank's fixed or replaced?
    2. Brittn


      we have our own well so we have to get the filters and the casing as that is what is broken. and they were to send it yesterday...but they only sent the filters -_- sooo we are supposed to have the casing tomorrow evening.
    3. Ithildin


      That's shorter than I was imagining, thank goodness. I hope the outside temperature's nice and warm tomorrow, and for as long as it takes to install the new parts. :)
  17. Riding in the country with no destination, windows rolled down, feet on the dashboard, radio blaring, sweet iced tea, and friends = great time.
  18. nuke-a-sheep >.>
  19. I want to live life at its fullest, because I don't want to say later in life "I didn't, because I was too scared to take a chance to take a risk."
    1. BlueDanube


      well said, life is full of risk indeed. no matter how many time we avoid it, we'll always have to face it in the end.
  20. Why is it that when your at your rawest moment that the one person you need the most is gone?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueDanube


      hey brittn :D, i hope that rawest moment you mention is long gone now.
    3. Brittn


      vvk, maybe and if so then that was very suckish and i hope I never go in that ever ever again.


      Blue: yeah just got out of it and im all good.

    4. BlueDanube


      glad to hear it :D
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