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Status Updates posted by Brittn

  1. I have too much on my mind! So whats on yours?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      Cute horse. What's his name?
    3. Brittn


      so i should clean my bathroom then turn it into a library then set it on fire? OK! :D


      vvk: That would be Sky :3

    4. BlueDanube


      right now ? ehh... pasta, new bike , cat ,and skyrim =,=
  2. *brings back cookies and also milk and pulls you down to sit* Oreo?
  3. There is no 'Writer's Block' thats just an fancy way to express how lazy you are. ----Guilty >.<
    1. Ithildin


      I respectfully disagree. Sometimes being *told* to write, and what to write about, can have an oppressive effect on an otherwise creative mind. "Choose one of the following three topics, and write a 1,000-word essay by Friday. This assignment constitutes 25% of your grade for the semester." Talk about pressure, and the polar opposite of inspiration. =/
    2. Brittn


      aha with me it is, as I have an active mind and Im thinking of like 5 things at the same time, so its very very rare that I cant come up with something. So for me there is not 'writers block' ^^


    3. Brittn


      we can call it that if you want to ^^
  4. peek-a-boo ** leaves some pie **
  5. I have been told all my life what I cant do, never once was I told what I could do. Not once was I told that I have a mind that I can escape into. That I have a mind that will let me fly on wings of butterflies and dance with fire-flies on a mid Summers night. That I have a mind that is beautiful, but that is also dark.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Have you ever been reading and suddenly you switched over to writing remarks about the word's you read only to later find what you wrote and wonder what you were thinking and what inspired it? I have been training my self to make footnotes adding the author whose words gave me a pinch to write on the subject, I also have been trying to remember to put a little foot note next to their name to remind me where I found their word's. I get so fired up though when I am writing I still mor...
    3. Deleted54170User


      ...e often than not switch off the website before I remember. I'll get it with practice, but I keep getting so deeply indulging that I loose track of time and really just feel exhausted. All I want to do is quit and rest. That's when I need to remember to copy and paste their name, website address, or book title in my footnote's. I'll get in the habit better one of these day's. Then I won't be going off in my post's and forgetting those who inspired me and the f...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...older I used will be brim full of good and bad things I thought they inspired as I was drifting along like a leaf in the stream of life.
  6. today was the best day ^^ amazing beach ride with Sky(my second fav horse there), and then we painted Jake and Jim today for the Easter Parade/Fest. 2marrow...I have blue hair dye allllll over me >.<...but it was sooo much fun ^^, I dont mind being a smerf for a while: Mr Jake and Mr. Jim ^^ http://bittney.deviantart.com/art/Purrty-Boys-294530728
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    2. Brittn


      ehhehe they hated every second of it too ^^, I feel srry for Jim as hes pink ^^
    3. Deleted54170User


      Arabian pink and Knight blue. Ooo! Last time I checked after reading the original full version of Gulliver's Travel's, by Johnny Swift, the part with the horse's, horse's are the ones that rule over us. They were the one's likely having all the fun. At least if you believe that kind of stuff that Gulliver's say's that Johnny wrote? LOL Happy Easter! Don't eat too many rabbit eggs! ;- D
    4. Ithildin


      They'll probably enjoy having it washed off afterward, I bet. Can't imagine a horse or pony that doesn't appreciate being groomed. :)
  7. I met a spawn of satan today...if it wasnt him, himself possessing a small little girl
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. vvk78




      Just kidding, I love horses, and riding them can be fun, especially on a sandy beach.

    3. Brittn


      vvk78: Yesh I did know that about Mr. Reeve, and yesh I do know all that stuff have been kicked on many a times this week by little ponies and stepped on, almost got bucked off today cause Lucky didnt like the crop all that much ^^" OH and were takin the kids out to the beach 2marrow for a beach trail ride....have to muck out all the stalls before 9 or I cant go -_-
    4. Deleted54170User


      I get it! The bosses daughter is testing you. Too be tested by the bosses daughter is like an opening interview for a better paying job. Ooo! You must have some serious shine on if the bosses daughter is giving you the what for?
  8. Well twas my fiest day of work today at the stables....and Im still not sure yet how I feel. Oh never mind, I do...I feel like hell atm. but ohs well I love the payment and sortta love the job, thank gawd that camp is only a week I will onyl have to teach kids things for 4 more days ^^
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Stables? Do you get to teach horses things, too, or at least enjoy their company? :)
    3. Brittn


      no no I just get to enjoy the company and ride them. ^^
    4. Ithildin


      Fantastic - who wouldn't love such a job? :)
  9. well I dont have anyone to go with this year, and then I dont have a dress or anything else done or planned out so yeah. then I might grad. early next year so I wont be in school when prom comes back round ^^
  10. orly thats great! started mine also, now lots of time to sleep in ^^
  11. Aha, Spring Break. What a great week to leave off at. Foodfights, students and cops getting pepper sprayed in the eyes, and Yo Mamma jokes. hummmm....what a fun and lively week, and it makes up for the past 4 years it has been dead -sortta-.
    1. Flintlockecole


      Gotta love pepper spray. Tazers suck, but a thick coat foils them.
    2. Brittn


      ehehhe, we all wished we knew why it happened ^^
    3. Deleted54170User


      I hope it did not hurt. "Snicker" Spring, sprung when I had sat on it and pressed it down and up I shot like a bird, looking like a clown. Such a surprised look, looked like a smile as I was falling upside down. Now it's a frown while I am standing on my head. Spring Break, Oh! Dread! Any one for a cup of tea. OooweeEee!
  12. hahah omg it got called off...wow I would have killed them heheh
  13. heheh you caught meh! ^^ so how you been.
  14. hahahh just wait for the wedding time, all those dress lulz ^-^
  15. ahhh...prom..humm how far away, only a month or so? eh, Im not going so Im going to be very chill and as Im graduating early, I wont get in next year either so eh? :P but busy helping pick out dresses for like 5 or so girls is not so much fun. ^-^
  16. Im good ^.^ how are you?
  17. thank you ^^...just keeping my on things round here, never know what will happen.. :P
  18. I leave for one day...and then and only then do yall decide to go crazy with things? O.o..I can never leave now... V.V...such a sad time.
    1. Flintlockecole


      "I was also drunk, crazy and heavily armed at all times. People trembled and cursed when I came into a public room and started screaming in German"
    2. Ithildin


      ... Someone went crazy? What on earth did I miss?
    3. Deleted54170User


      Ooo! Looking around the profiles and comment's. You must have been peeking at someone else other then that guy with the hatchet wearing a hockey mask with his hair sticking out so far he could really be a lion behind a mask pretending to be a human. I'll ask him.

      o.O Hey! Mister! Did you escape from Dr. Moreau's island? Were you a lion before? "ROARR!" I think that's a yes. I am outta here! *Runs away, waving arms, and screaming, "Don't eat me!"*

  19. **wink wink** :P
  20. heheh who doesn't love hugs :D, and yesh I shall sing to them to help them grow....oh wait...grow...maybe my singing wont help ^^
  21. spam! :P with crackers ofc. ^-^
  22. thought i would drop in and say hi! Hope all is doing well! ** many hugs **
  23. IT IS DONE! Gawd...my eyes hurt and my fingers hurt...But it was in love..so please please enjoy: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/602050-water-flower/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brittn


      (I debated on if I should kill her or not, and I couldn't deiced....so I left it like i did just in case if I wanted to pick it up)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Tragedy, something I know all too well. Once wrote something where all the characters died because they all held onto something they knew they couldn't have again. "They all clung to the past, something which has passed and will never be, Empires in Ruin can never be again and the dead can never be brought back to life". Things happen whether they're for the better or worst.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Do it some more! Let your hair down like you did with the light on the beach. :- ) More More! Encore!
  24. I have been writing a short...(well medium) story over the past few days. And I am very proud of it! ^^ I cant wait to post, but I have to type up all the pages...o.o. But anyways yay! Something new. Tho. Tbh I have like two more that I still need to type up...gawd Im lazy >.<
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brittn


      heheh aw thanks ^.^ **hugs**
    3. Ithildin


      "Lazy", no ... I'm betting "busy" is considerably closer to the mark. I look forward to reading it whenever you have time. :)
    4. Brittn


      hehehe no no..twas laziness ^-^
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