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Everything posted by Gribbleshnibit8

  1. I actually don't know if a UDF will work with a menu like that. I don't know exactly what game mode the Functions are running in, since they can be used at any point, like quest stages. The problem is that GetButtonPressed returns in GameMode (that's the only place I've ever seen it used in Vanilla scripts) and it also only returns a valid value in the same script in which the call to ShowMessage is made: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetButtonPressed I'm not entirely positive why it froze the first time, but I'm going to say it's an infinite loop, and the second one never returns anything because at that point GetButtonPressed returns -1, which is less than 0, so the loop exits after the first check, never returning a value. For good practice, you should return an 'error' code value (use -1) at the end of your function before the END, so that you can tell if something doesn't go right. You will probably need to just have all of that in a regular object script, because I really don't think that the message will work in a function. You can use it to get your data and pass back an array that then holds everything array_var ar_Items let ar_Items[0] := param1Calculation let ar_Items[1] := param2Calculation ; etc etc FunctionValue ar_Items and then in your MessageBoxEX let ar_Items := Call FunctionWithParameters parameter parameter MessageBoxEX "String data with format" ar_Items[0] ar_Items_[1] You might need to use script compiler override to do that, but I'm not sure so I'm not going to cover that right now.
  2. Someone made a mod in Fallout 3 that enables the debug menu. It doesn't have the timer like the Skyrim version does, but it lets you see the 'sweet spot' just the same.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=proton+sword+site%3Anexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas
  4. In the Fallout.ini there is a loading block [Loading] sWelcomeScreen1=loading_screen01 sWelcomeScreen2=loading_screen01 sWelcomeScreen3=loading_screen01 sWelcomeScreen4=loading_screen01 sMainMenuBackground=main_background sTitleMusic=MainTitle sInitialSound=fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav iMaxScreens=4 iMaxScreens_MainMenu=20 fLoadingTextUpdateInterval=5.0000 fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval=10.0000 fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval=10.0000 fLoadingInitUpdateInterval=5.0000 iNumLocationSpecificScreens=1 Try setting iMaxScreens_MainMenu to 1, or fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval to a really big number so that it never reaches it while you're sitting on the load screen.
  5. Or, since the game engine prefers .wav files, you could just convert your music and use that mod. I don't know of any way to make it convert music on the fly (you'd need some NVSE plugin that could access external libraries and it'd just be a mess. So just find a free batch mp3->wav converter and convert your tunes. That sounds like a lot less work than having someone make a complex mod/program just to save you a bit of time.
  6. What you can do is right click on the weapon and select "Copy as override". A window will pop up asking you which file to copy it into, with an option for "<new file>". Select that option and it will create an empty plugin that has a copy of the record in it, and you can edit the copy.
  7. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=VATS_Settings
  8. This was actually finally traced down by luthien, and the culprit is the engine doing stupid stuff. He has made a NVSE function that fixes it, but has not updated his plugin yet.
  9. Mods like Imp's, or any that allow configurable in game settings like that, use scripts, and load order doesn't matter. You might be running another mod, like Project Nevada, that also has a timescale edit in it.
  10. Your presumptions are correct, and no, there is no documentation on it. You're better off studying a mod menu, because the game menus use a lot of ID values that inject large chunks of code in at game time. 10 days will be more than enough, I made this in less than a week.
  11. The issue is the PN script looking at headwrap slot over eyeglass slot. It only stores one value for headgear that can have overlays, and if something comes after that does not have an overlay, you lose it.
  12. I was thinking about this not too long ago, probably after reading one of these threads again. Devin has it right, as far as how I was planning on implementing it. To whoever does make a stab at this, there are two ways I was thinking of implementing it. Use the player name field to get text input, since that's already implemented for string input. The problem is it's probably limited to 128,256, or 512 characters (or some other variation of the multiples of 2). So you'd be limited in what you could take in, etc. Create a custom menu with a text entry position, fake cursor, etc, as well as a place to look at and read notes. It would probably be possible to load the terminal interface under this and hijack it, or create a menu under the tutorial menu (think PN cyberware) and skin it to look sort of like a terminal.Method 1 is pretty easy, but has limitations. Method 2 is much harder, needed a somewhat complex custom menu, but is pretty much free of all limitations except scripting, since the interface and underlying mechanics can be rebuilt to whatever you need. A few other ideas on this. GetKeyPress takes an index of Nth key held down, meaning you can use it to detect modifier keys as well as what actual key is held down. This would let you do capitals and whatever special symbols the game fonts support. There is a Format Specifier in NVSE to convert a DirectInput scan code into the appropriate key value, ie. k, 1, [, etc. This would be very handy as you wouldn't actually need to code into the script every possible character, though some should probably be disallowed. Creating a custom menu is not that hard, actually, it just has a learning curve. If anyone does want to tackle the issue, I will answer serious questions about it (that is, come with a question and explain everything you've done, don't just ask me to do it).
  13. If you have not, make your GECK large address aware (Google "make geck large address aware" for guides if you don't know how). That will go a long way toward stability. Beyond that, consider removing NMC when working in GECK (if you convert it to BSA files it will only load when you launch the game, again Google "turn nmc into bsa" for a couple of guides). I myself had an issue one time where a cell just stopped letting me load it. Some record somewhere was bad and I could never get back into the cell. I wound up duplicating it into a new plugin and finally got it to load again.
  14. There is a modder's guide linked in the description (at the bottom) and the sticky post on the PN thread. It details how to use all the major features of PN.
  15. You can click in on the scroll wheel to rotate the camera around independent of player movement.
  16. You have to load the mod into FNVEdit, and in the File Header at Record Flags right click and choose Edit, and select the ESM flag. That will make it appear to GECK as an ESM, and let you save it with the esp extension, thereby mastering your mod to an esp.
  17. Yeah, that's too many mods, or so close to the limit it's not even funny. The save also counts as a 'mod' in the load index, so you have to keep that in mind. You should merge some of those weapon and armor only mods. A quick google search will give you several tutorials to follow for how to do that. It requires FNVEdit and it helps if you know how to at least make a merged patch. Something you don't have and should, for that many mods.
  18. If you feel really adventurous you can add an animation to the model that will hide and show the part with the glow map. Showing or hiding a non-glow part opposite.
  19. If it functions purely by adding to the regen value, then I don't see why it shouldn't be able to add regen seconds to a weapon that didn't have them before, by using a positive number. The best solution is of course to just make a quick weapon clone and some mods and test it. Don't even have to clone a mod, just tell it to use the 10mm mods and give them some different on-weapon values.
  20. Also the site has [code][/code]tags that you can use, which are much better than using underscores to get spacing.
  21. Not having used them before, but from that description, it sounds like they work this way: Regenerate Ammo (Seconds) is for use on a weapon that should regenerate ammo over time, and just reduces that time (or increases it with positive values)Regenerate Ammo (Shots) says that every Nth shot should 'create' one extra shot that does not reduce the ammo count of the weapon.For what you want, try making a weapon mod with Regenerate Ammo (Seconds) and set it to a positive value of say, 2. That should be that ever 2 seconds, it will generate one ammo.
  22. The ammo one is (as my own mod did) most likely simply setting the weight value to 0, which in hardcore mode would mean the game sees the weight as 0, and so it has no weight. There is a script function "IsHardcore" which lets you know if the game is in Hardcore mode. The stimpak limb healing when applied directly to limbs through the pipboy is controlled by that function, to stop stimpaks from restoring crippled limbs. There are two Game Settings values, fHealingRateSleepingBase and fHealingRateSleepingMult, which MIGHT affect something with sleeping health regen in hardcore, but no guarantees. As far as the "why would you want that" goes. The point I was trying to get to without outright saying (I am now, obviously) is that Skyrim seems to be a game made primarily for people maybe a little less dedicated to the whole Hardcore aspect. Fallout is (in my experience) more often of the "lets make this as real and hard as possible" type. As always, with any of these games, if you don't like the way it works, and you can't find a mod that does what you want, do what all the rest of us have done. Make the mod!
  23. Over at TTW there was some testing done in regards to adding new reputations to Fallout 3 locations. It was determined that something in the reputation system seems to be hard coded to only recognize the original vanilla factions, despite allowing you to select new ones. Very unfortunate.
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