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Everything posted by Beefyh

  1. ! I think I know. I have COBL, which has an option to silence general messages from misc clutter. I will try disabling this. Thanks for the help Nealus. :laugh:
  2. ? What the h*ll... I can download just fine... Edit: Now I can't download... It worked 5 minutes ago.
  3. This is probably too much, but I don't really want it animated. http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=wolf&order=9&offset=216#/d1hyr2d Make it looks like that? :)
  4. Doesn't matter what he comes up with, There'll be a BBB anyways. :wallbash:
  5. Wow. DL from me :) But seriously, I think we should stay on topic as this is SolarFire's thread. Unless.... SolarFire gives permission for everyone to post ideas? ;D Edit: But seriously.. I mean... How long did you write this? :mellow:
  6. I lol'ed. :) My brain is shot, maybe more ideas later....
  7. :) I figured you would. That's why I wasn't sure if you were going to make mine. It's ok if I don't get one, do what you do.
  8. This sounds awesome :). One question: If I am not using a hunger mod or whatever, does the kid still have to eat? :P ...Oh. Hunger might be included in this? :teehee:
  9. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25023 It isn't blocked for me?
  10. Zap. :thumbsup: Silver isn't the only one who can ruin your dreams of 20 :)
  11. Here's an idea! Make Oblivion crash a bunch so you are forced to save a lot. Sometimes, when you are starting up the game, it crashes randomly, and sometimes you can play for a WHOLE hour. :thumbsup: You don't even need to worry about downloading or installing this mod, it comes with Oblivion when you select two or more mods to install. Also, I have another idea! Make enemies kill you one hit so you get pwned everytime! They know where you are all the time so don't try to hide. It doesn't work in Oblivion anyways. Make your death painful! Whenever you die, your heart is weighed against the RAM of truth and you pretty much CTD every single time. Ugh... it's 5 in the morning and I'm cranky lol. :ninja:
  12. Nope :/ Here's my load order if anyone is really interested. The last couple after WerewolfTheAwakening.esp aren't sorted yet, but the problem was before these anyways.
  13. Hows about... "Everything is worth what it's purchaser will pay for it." ~Publilius Syrus "When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disapointed they are not it." ~Bernard Bailey "I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." ~Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "Every mile is two in winter." ~George Herbert "Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason." ~Unknown "A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age."" ~Robert Frost "I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter." ~Winston Churchill "If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." ~Anatole French "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." ~Oscar Wilde Bleah, I'm going to bed :)
  14. A fresh start... Seems like things didn't exactly work out this time around.... :wallbash:
  15. Ban LordFrostcraig for giving Thor. a second strike when LordFrostcraig *actually* deserved his 3rd strike anyways.
  16. Yay for Oblivion -.- . It is so much fun to fix :)
  17. Nevermind lol, While my internet loaded, there were 3 posts :wallbash: I really should stop using Alltel :/ Edit: omf g. lol, sorry for my confusion :) I'm deleting my posts
  18. <Post Removed by Beefyh> There is no delete button anymore?
  19. Hmm... let's see I like Oblivion Oblivion Oblivion... etc. But seriously. If you are doing this for free, I would LOVE a wolf one. I'll post an image if I find one. Or maybe Tool :thumbsup: ... Thx for taking these mate.
  20. Worst: Watched a kid sit outside waiting for his mom, after he tried the doors to a building that were locked. I didn't tell him the other doors worked :). < That is kinda evil isn't it? Now I feel bad for him.... Best: Found out Alonsomartinez plays Combat Arms when I found him in one of my games :D Rock on Alonso.
  21. Well.... as long as we are on the topic, does anyone know why the general messages ('Your Acrobatics has increased to 54' etc.) would not show up every once in a while? Sometimes I'll be playing and it'll work and then all of a sudden it'll stop. :/ I think it is DarNified UI but I can't be sure.
  22. I believe this will help. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12859 :) In your exact words.
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