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Everything posted by Tefnacht
Hello Namaskar. I would suggest to simply create a completely new NPC from scratch (not duplicating any existing one) and leaving everything at the default settings. He doesn't even need a name, just some ID. You got that exactly right about the cell. Just a new interior cell that is not connected to the game world in any way. Stick the dummy NPC in there and give it a reference name so you can access it from scripts. The cell can be completely empty with just the NPC "floating" in there, although I usually create at least a floor tile and a simple nav mesh when I create dummy cells for NPCs. I see no reason why you couldn't activate the work bench activator from a terminal button script if it is a persistent reference. It should look something like this, if I remember correctly: WorkBenchREF.Activate Player 1No, my player home is not publicly available. I shamelessly nicked quite a few resources from various other mods to make it. Good luck.
Hello Namaskar. To do what you want to do (crafting with items from a container instead of items from the players inventory) you need a "dummy" NPC. Usually you open the crafting menu with the command: Player.ShowRecipeMenu WorkbenchRecipesThis will show the crafting menu. It will use source items from the players inventory, enable recipes according to the players skills and spawn the crafted item back into the players inventory. Everybody knows how this goes. A little know fact is that this same command can also be used on a NPC references instead of the player. In this case, everything that would normally be taken from the player is instead taken from that NPC. Both inventory and crafting skills (and possibly perks.) Imagine you have a "dummy" NPC reference called MyDummyREF and you use the following script command: MyDummyREF.ShowRecipeMenu WorkbenchRecipesThis will show the crafting menu like normal but now you are crafting as if MyDummyREF were the player. You use his inventory and his skills, rather than your own. The crafted item is put into the NPCs inventory, not yours. -- To "fake" crafting from a container, you need to do the following things: 1.) Adjust the crafting dummy NPCs skills to match the skills of the player. 2.) Move all items from the container into the crafting dummy NPCs inventory. 3.) Open the crafting menu, using the dummy NPC reference. 4.) Move all items from the crafting dummy back into the original container. -- This whole process can be a bit "finicky" because you need to give the game some time (at least one frame) to do its magic between steps. Moving items between containers and adjusting NPC skills doesn't actually work instantaneously, so you cannot do it in one single step. Here is the script I am using for the reloading bench in my own player home. I hope it isn't too confusing. If you activate the bench, a message box will open and ask you if you want to craft ammo from your own inventory (0) or the ammo storage box (1) or abort (2). The ammo storage box reference is called TMHAmmoStorageREF and my crafting dummy NPC is called TMHCraftingREF. The dummy NPC is stored in a dummy cell different than the player home cell, the NPC doesn't actually have to be loaded for this to work. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I hope this helps you and good luck. ScriptName TMHAmmoPressScript Short active Short key Short stage Short skill Begin OnActivate If GetActionRef != Player Activate Else Set active To 1 ShowMessage TMHAmmoPressMenuMessage EndIf End Begin MenuMode 1001 ;Message box is open If active == 0 Return EndIf Set key To GetButtonPressed If key >= 0 If key == 0 Set stage To 10 ElseIf key == 1 Set stage To 20 ElseIf key == 2 Set active To 0 EndIf EndIf End Begin MenuMode 1077 ;Crafting menu is open If active == 0 Return EndIf Set stage To 50 End Begin GameMode If active == 0 Return EndIf If stage == 10 Player.ShowRecipeMenu ReloadingBenchRecipes Set active To 0 Return ElseIf stage == 20 Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Barter TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Barter skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Guns TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Guns skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue EnergyWeapons TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue EnergyWeapons skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Explosives TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Explosives skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Lockpick TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Lockpick skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Medicine TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Medicine skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue MeleeWeapons TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue MeleeWeapons skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Repair TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Repair skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Science TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Science skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Sneak TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Sneak skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Speech TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Speech skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Survival TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Survival skill Set skill To Player.GetActorValue Unarmed TMHCraftingREF.ForceActorValue Unarmed skill TMHAmmoStorageREF.RemoveAllItems TMHCraftingREF Set stage To 30 ElseIf stage == 30 Set stage To 40 TMHCraftingREF.ShowRecipeMenu ReloadingBenchRecipes ElseIf stage == 40 Return ElseIf stage == 50 TMHCraftingREF.RemoveAllItems TMHAmmoStorageREF Set active To 0 EndIf End
Hi. I have no idea if this will be of any help to you but since no one else seems to have any advice on the subject ... let me tell you my little story of the game completely freezing up at random and how I solved it. First: I am using the ENB patch as well because without it most fire and magic effects, as well as spider webs, are invisible in my game. My graphics card is a rather outdated nVidia 7950 GT. Don't laugh :) It only has 512Mb of video memory and this was part of my problem. I had installed a nude male body mod that included ridiculously large textures without really noticing the size. A generic 80Mb body texture paired with 21Mb normal maps for each race. My game only froze up while I was traveling outdoors. At first it seemed to be random but then I noticed it happened at places where random encounters are triggered, close to bandit camps and sometimes close to cities. So I figured it had something to do with actors and started investigating. More or less by accident I noticed those super large body texture files. After I removed the mod the game stopped freezing up on me. Since then I have reinstalled the mod but downsized the textures and saved them in a “better” DDS format, to keep their file size in line with the vanilla sizes. 2,7Mb instead of 80Mb. Now it all works like a charm. This may or may not help you. If you are using mods including textures, check the file size of the replacement textures. From my experience I think the game might have trouble juggling textures in and out of video memory, sometimes running into an endless loop of loading/unloading if all the textures really needed at once to render a frame exceed the available VRAM. I might be a “special” case though, since my graphics board is so old and I am using the rather new 290.36 drivers. If you're not using mods like that ... I have no idea. Good luck. PS: To monitor your VRAM use in real time there is a nifty, slender little freeware tool called MemStatus. Its fun to watch the game chew up and release video memory as you walk through the world.
NV equivalent for showplasticsurgeonmenu
Tefnacht replied to Agnot2006's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. I am a little confused by the question. The command is still exactly the same like in Fallout 3: ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu I just gave it a try and it works like I remember. ShowBarberMenu (to only change hairstyle) works too. Maybe you made a spelling mistake when you tried it? To make sure it exists, you can type “Help Surgeon” into the console. It will list all available console commands, script functions and game settings with that word in it. It should list ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu as a script function. I tested it on New Vegas with NVSE 2b12 running. Maybe that makes a difference but I doubt it. Good luck. -
Hi. No. Creatures cannot jump. Even actors cannot really jump, even though they have the needed animations and can be forced into playing them with a well timed “PlayGroup” script command, like Quetzlsacatanango suggested. Both creatures and actors can “jump down” over a ledge under certain conditions (it depends on the NavMesh). Well, actually they can only walk over the edge like lemmings. A Brahmin doing this looks really odd, an actor doing it actually uses his “JumpLoop” and “JumpLand” animations. But neither creature nor actor will ever jump “over” a small obstacle in their way. The AI is not capable of doing that. That is one of the reasons why followers get lost so often. The player jumps over a small fence, the follower, unable to jump, calculates a new path to catch up with the player and runs off in a completely different direction to navigate all the way around this “trivial” obstacle. ... usually running right into the enemy camp or a pack of Cazadores, thus getting killed. Maybe someone else has more encouraging information. Good luck.
Help with a scripting problem in GECK
Tefnacht replied to kampeao's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. The command to close a terminal is called “ForceTerminalBack”. It can only be used from a terminals item result script. If you are in a submenu you might have to use the command more than once to completely close the terminal, otherwise the terminal will only return to the previous menu (like choosing the Back option). As for the second question, I believe with terminals you have to specifically run the condition on the player reference for things like GetItemCount to work, since “subject” would be the terminal itself. In the condition editor, for “Run on” select “Reference”, then click “Select”. In the “Choose Reference” window, browse the lower dropdown menu and choose “PlayerRef ('Player')”. The cell does not matter in this case. Close the window with “Ok”. If you did it right, the “Run on” menu should now read “Reference 14 (Player in ...)”. Good luck. -
Hardcore vs Essential
Tefnacht replied to MerlinCross's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Hi. That really depends on the mod. All the vanilla companions are specifically scripted to be mortal in hardcore mode. Its not something the game automatically applies to companions. I dare say most companion mods don't differentiate between normal and hardcore mode and behave the same either way. If the mod companion is designed to be essential, s/he will still be essential in hardcore mode too. If a mod author went all the way to make their companion support hardcore mode like vanilla companions do ... they would mention it in their documentation. Its quite a bit of extra scripting work. Using a essential companion in hardcore mode has no negative repercussions as far as the game is concerned. For example: You can still unlock the “Hardcore mode” achievement while using 'em. Have fun. -
console command to find out what cell you're in?
Tefnacht replied to geekminxen's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. I do it like this: At the location in the game, use the console commands “Player.GetPos X” and “Player.GetPos Y”, write down both values and divide them by 4096. The rounded result is the X/Y cell location of the cell in the GECKs Cell View window location tab. Happy hunting. -
Need help with limb condition script
Tefnacht replied to Mattressi's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. My guess is that the quest you have your script attached to is using the default “Script Processing Delay” of fife seconds, meaning the script is executed only once every fife seconds. This would explain why you don't see anything happening if you sleep only one or two hours, because in the short time the hours tick by, the script is usually not executed. Every once in a while, if you sleep for one hour, the script might actually run if the fife second delay is about to run out just as you click “Sleep”. But its not reliable. The easiest way is probably to just set the “Script Processing Delay” of the quest to some lower number, to force the script to run more often. 0.5 for example would make the script run twice a second and pretty much guarantee that it always catches the first hour of sleep. Usually I am not a big friend of quest scripts being executed that often because it can be a resource hog on slower systems. In this case however, I don't really see any other possibility short of scripting each and every bed base object in the game individually, which isn't really feasible :biggrin: I see another little problem with your script: You do the healing all at once, as soon as the player clicks “Sleep”. This could be exploited by choosing to sleep 24 hours and then clicking cancel after only one hour of actual sleep. The player would still get the healing benefit of 24 hours sleep. There is also the possibility of a quest event waking up the player prematurely. Therefore I suggest doing it like this (have the quest run the script twice a second or faster): ScriptName aaSleepHealCond Short lasthours ;to remember last GetPCSleepHours result Begin MenuMode 1012 ;sleep/wait menu is open If IsPCSleeping == 0 ;if the player is not yet sleeping (or he is only waiting) Set lasthours To 0 ;reset hour counter Return ;and exit EndIf If lasthours != GetPCSleepHours ;if hours left to sleep changed Set lasthours To GetPCSleepHours ;remember current hours left ;do healing here for one hour worth of sleep EndIf End Using “Begin MenuMode 1012” instead of just “Begin MenuMode” causes that part of the script to only run while the player actually has the “Wait/Sleep” menu open. It won't run during dialog, bartering, playing blackjack, picking locks, etc. This script would heal the player once for each hour of actual sleep. Since there is no GameMode block, running the quest script very often should have very little impact on performance during normal play. Have fun and good luck. -
Hi. Can you give us the error message you get when you try to save the script with the IsKeyPressed command in it? Because the snippet given by Skevitj in post #13 is exactly correct and should work just fine. That it doesn't work for you really only leaves the assumption that you did, in fact, not launch the GECK with NVSE running (or you are suffering from a Windows/UAC induced problem). Let me explain how to install NVSE and the GECK PowerUp and use it with the GECK. This might be redundant stuff you already know and is all explained in the various readme files, but I'll still write it down here as a step-by-step guide just in case :) - Make sure you are using version of the GECK. Launch the GECK, click Help → About and check the version number at the top of the pop-up window. If your GECK is too old, download the recent version here (from this site) and install it. - If you have the right version of the GECK installed, download the latest version of NVSE (2b12) here (from this site). Unpack all the nvse_... files into the same directory as your FalloutNV.exe file, overwrite if necessary. The archive contains a directory called “src”, you can ignore that (it contains the source code for NVSE, you don't need that). - Download the Geck 1.4 PowerUp from the Nexus here. You want the file “geck-powerup-nv-0-1-6-20110707”. Now it gets a little tricky because we really only need one single file from that download. If you extract them all it doesn't matter ... but only one file is really important: nvse_plugin_geckpu-nv-14.dll. This file needs to go into the NVSE plugin directory, located in your games data folder: ...\data\nvse\plugins\ If you do not yet have a “nvse\plugins\” folder in your games “data” folder, simply create it. Extract nvse_plugin_geckpu-nv-14.dll to this location. All .dll files in this folder are treated as plugins by NVSE and get automagically loaded along with NVSE. (All the other files in the download are only needed if you want to run the GECK PowerUp without NVSE.) - To launch the GECK with NVSE enabled, locate the executable “nvse_loader.exe” in your “Fallout New Vegas” directory and create a new shortcut to it. Open the properties window for that shortcut and add the option: -editor to the very end of the Target field and click Ok. - Now if you double click this shortcut the GECK will be launched with NVSE running and NVSE will automatically load the GECK PowerUp as a plugin, enabling script error messages and some other useful stuff (like the option to disable the spell-checker). This should do the trick. If you do all this and the GECK still gives you trouble with the IsKeyPressed command, you most likely suffer some UAC (User Account Control) induced problem where your operating system denies the GECK write access. Is your Steam installed in the “Program Files” folder by any chance? That usually causes nothing but mischief for mod authors. Well ... sorry for the lengthy post. Good luck. :)
is idle chatter really as easy as choosing a topic?
Tefnacht replied to geekminxen's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. Infos (lines) in a topic are evaluated top to bottom. The first info with matching conditions is chosen. Usually all infos in the idle-chatter topic have the “random” bitflag set. This means all those infos get collected into a list, the game engine rolls the dice and chooses one of them at random. They all have an equal chance to be picked. To stop the constant chattering, add a empty info at the top that does NOT have the random bitflag set and uses those two conditions: GetIsID <Your actor> == 1 AND GetRandomPercent < 75 Since infos are evaluated top to bottom, this info will always be evaluated first if your actor decides a random bark is due. GetRandomPercent returns a random integer number from 0 to 99. This means with conditions set up like this and the random flag NOT set, this info will be chosen 75% of the time ... and since it is empty the actor won't say anything. After this info you add all the “normal” comments you want the actor to say. Those should all have the “random” bitflag set and use only the GetIsID <Your actor> == 1 condition. 25% of the time the first info will not fire, because GetRandomPercent returned a number equal or greater than 75. In this case the other infos below it are evaluated and one is chosen at random. Remember to set the “random end” flag for the very last info in your list. I don't think it is absolutely needed but it is cleaner. IMO. RickerHK will probably have more information to add. :) Good luck. -
Hi. Another way that works too is to use the CloseAllMenus console command once you get stuck on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. screen (or any other menu screen for that matter, like endless dialog loops). Not saying that Fongers method is wrong or doesn't work. It does and works well. But if you have a auto-save leaving the Lonesome Road area, running straight into the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. screen, you can use that save and just close the menu with the “CloseAllMenus” command. Then you don't have to “suffer” through the LR epilogue slides again. Now you run around with one unassigned special point but the game won't ever bother you with it again. The normal Level-Up screen is clever enough not to ask about it if all your special skills are at 10 points already. Have fun.
Add to The King's Dialogue?
Tefnacht replied to randomproduct's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. All the dialog of all the Freeside characters is consolidated in the quest called VFreeformFreeside. The topics for the King are all called VFreeformFreesideVFSTheKingTopic with a number at the end. Happy hunting. -
Pretty much all your problems go away if you allow a small dose of suspension of disbelief here and simply accept that your character had absolutely no idea the button would launch a ICBM at a unknown target. I can give you a few approaches why this isn't even that far fetched. 1.) To get to the Ashton silo, you already used a identical looking console inside the Hopeville silo to open a door. In the exact same way. ED-E unlocked the console, a suspicious looking lever rose out of it, you pulled it, the door opened. Following the rule: “Don't touch any buttons in a missile silo”, and you knew you were inside a missile silo, you shouldn't even be at Ashton. How did you know the Hopeville silo was empty? That there would be no ICBM launch? Or that the whole thing wouldn't blow up in your face? Right. You didn't. You still pressed the button. Does that make you a psychopathic idiot? 2.) Ulysses never said anything about the Ashton silo being armed and “hot”. There are no notes. No hints. Only the quest is named: “The Launch” and there is a locked door with a pop-up message about “completing the launch sequence to open the door”. The button is labeled: “Open silo”, not “Launch nuke”. Assuming your characters pip-boy does not have a quest screen and assuming the pop-up message was just for the players sake while the character just sees a securely locked door ... he has absolutely no hint that Ashton is armed. 3.) ICB missiles are not usually launched by the press of a single “red” button. It takes two operators working together, following a very strict protocol and they are located in a bunker way below the ground, not in a building on the surface overlooking the launch tube hatch. Stuff like that only happens in video games. If you stop using hindsight and meta-gaming, allow for a little leeway, the unintended ICBM launch can be a very great character moment. You just wanted to unlock that door into the bunker and instead ... you have to watch in helpless horror as the carnage you unintentionally caused unfolds. You can feel guilty, reproach yourself for not thinking it through, cry, maybe arbitrary curse Ulysses for tricking you into doing it ... there are so many options. Being “the good guy” or being hyper intelligent does not prevent you from making mistakes. S**t happens. The way to hell is paved with good intentions.
obvious plot gap is really horrifically obvious now.
Tefnacht replied to minngarm's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Assuming the destruction of Hoover Dam would end the large scale conflict between the Legion and NCR is pretty naive in my opinion. The Legions endgame is to ultimately destroy the NCR. They just stopped at the dam because it is the first NCR stronghold on their way. You don't move your front line beyond such an enemy fortification without taking it first. Blow up the dam and the Legion will simply move on and lay siege to the next NCR base they find. To cross the Colorado you don't need the dam. Its just a river. A very big river, granted, still not a impenetrable wall. If the Legion really wanted to cross it in full force, they would find a way. Nuke the dam, killing thousands of NCR and Legion soldiers and pretty much wiping New Vegas from the map ... you just cause severe suffering for the Mojave, deny the NCR a power source the Legion wouldn't know how to use anyway and ultimately change nothing. The only party you really crash is House's. Without the dam the strip is practically shut down (or caught up in the blast too). The NCR and Legion who have their roots way outside the area will simply count their losses and then continue their fight somewhere else, killing each other over other things. You just end up with A LOT of irradiated blood on your hands and a really messed up reputation if word ever gets around. Both major powers in the wasteland would want you very, very dead. I can see absolutely nothing “good” in nuking the dam. I really see no obvious plot hole. -
Don't mind the gaming police :) What some people consider “fun” is just a chore to others. Play however you want to. -- I downloaded the mod to learn the form names and ID numbers, but I did not reverse engineer every single part of it. While I am pretty sure that removing the effect entries from the perk would not damage any other part of the mod ... I cannot promise it. But I am confident. The most easy and quick way to do it is probably with FNVEdit. - Load “Reactive People – Ultimatum.esp” with FNVEdit. - In the left list, find the perk called “sagclosedoorsperk” and click on it. - The right list will change and show a lot of informations in two columns. A tree called “Effects” should be listed there. - If you rightclick directly on “Effects” you get a small context menu with “Hide conflict rows” and “Column Widths” in it. That is not what we want. Move the mouse cursor to the right, staying in the same row as “Effects” until you reach the second column of the list. It is empty. There is nothing there. - Rightclick into this empty space and you will get a context menu with “Remove”, “Add” and some other things. Choose “Remove”. A warning will pop up and you choose “Yes, I am absolutely sure”. - The whole effect tree should be gone now, except the word “Effects” which is grayed out. That is good. Close FNVEdit and save the changes when asked. The resulting mod still has the perk but it is now a “empty” perk. It exists but doesn't do anything. All other functions of the mod should still be intact and work like expected. Good luck.
You say you knew beforehand that opening the silo would launch the ICBM. How did you know that? Did Ulysses say anything in that direction? I don't remember, he had so much to say. Maybe I am an idiot but I was surprised the first time I hit that switch. The only hints I do remember from my game is that the quest is called “The Launch” and the Ashton silo door gave some pop-up about the door being locked until the launch sequence is complete. I consider both these “hints” unavailable to the Courier. Was there anything else? I see no problem with a “good” Courier launching that nuke by accident while attempting to open the silo to get to Ulysses. I mean, who would expect a missile to still work. With everything in such disrepair. It was a honest mistake. Even “good” people can do horrible things without intending to. Considering what happened the first time the Courier came to the Divide, that seems to be the main theme of this DLC. On his second visit he does it again: “Condemned to Repeat It.” ... and in the end nothing bad came of it. You accidentally vaporized a big encampment of Marked Men. Good riddance. That saved you a lot of ammo :biggrin:
Yes it IS a perk. The perk is called “sagclosedoorsperk” (xx010FC4) and has three scripted entries using a “Activate” entry point and the “Add Activate Choice” function. One effect entry is labeled “Lock”, on is labeled “Hit the door” and one is labeled “Don't touch it”. They all have conditions to work only on doors. It is the same mechanic used by the Sandman perk, just with doors instead of actors. The perk is set to be hidden so it doesn't show up in the pip boy or the level up screen. It is added to the player by the quest script “SagReactivePeopleScript” that runs 10 times a second. The script checks if the perk is present each time and adds it if it is not there. This means to remove the dialog box popup if you activate a door, you have to edit the perk and remove the three effect entries. You can do this with FNVEdit or the GECK.
Struggling with menu scripting for the last two hours
Tefnacht replied to Geeves83's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. I might be totally wrong here but I think for effect scripts the only valid script blocks are ScriptEffectStart, ScriptEffectUpdate and ScriptEffectFinish. All other blocks are ignored in a effect script. AFAIK. Not sure where I read that or if it is even true ... My suggestion is, before anything else, make sure the MenuMode or GameMode block of your script is actually executed. If you're using NVSE add a debug message with the PrintToConsole command. If you're using vanilla ... maybe use ShowMessage or PlaySound or something simple like that. Just to make sure the block is actually running. If my suspicions are correct the part of your script dealing with pressed buttons is never executed at all and therefore does nothing. Using a ScriptEffectUpdate block instead of MenuMode might do the trick ... assuming your effect has a duration greater than 0, otherwise ScriptEffectUpdate would not be fired either. Good luck. -
Hi. Adding a menu choice to events like opening a door or activating sleeping actors is done with a perk. Probably a “not playable”, “hidden” perk. Removing this functionality could be as easy as removing that perk from your player character with the console ... unless the author added some “failsafe” quest script that adds the perk back if the player doesn't have it anymore. In that case you could use FNVEdit (or the GECK) and simply delete the perks effects. Then you would still have the perk but it would no longer do anything. Good luck.
Hi. I never experienced anything like what Luthienanarion describes there. And I added and removed my share of mods during a game, regularly getting the message “This save game relies on content no longer available ...” and moving on from there. I never experienced “mod index offsetting”. FOMM is not to be completely trusted with load order indexes, however. Under certain circumstances the load order reported by FOMM does NOT match the actual load order used by the game. FOMM is too “naive” and simple and does not take all factors into account that could force the game to load a certain file sooner or later. “Wrong” load orders can crash the game on startup or make it unstable. But the game itself is pretty clever and automagically fixes some errors by itself. Some of those errors FOMM is oblivious to. @Clouce: You never gave an example of the command that failed to spawn a mod (or DLC) item. Besides FOMM possibly reporting invalid mod index numbers ... maybe you misunderstood how to apply those index numbers. So ... I want to test you. Please don't be afraid. I am not trying to make fun of you or make you look like a fool. Test: We want to spawn a “Lobotomite Mask” (from OldWorldBlues.esm) in the players inventory using the console. From consulting the GECK we know that the numerical form ID is 0100E68A. Assuming this is your load order: 00 FalloutNV.esm 01 DeadMoney.esm 02 HonestHearts.esm 03 OldWorldBlues.esm 04 LonesomeRoad.esm 05 ... What would be the console command to spawn the item in the players inventory?
Replacing The Base Head...
Tefnacht replied to HSovieticus's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. To create a completely new head mesh from scratch, that can be customized with the character editor, has a mouth animated during dialog and shows facial expressions like “happy”, “sad” and “angry”, the GECK tutorials are more than useless. At least to me, head meshes are severe “black magic”. Voodoo. Sorcery. Animation of the head IS done completely different than animation of the body. There is no skeleton involved. There are no animation files. Each head available in the game is defined with four different files: The .NIF file, a .TRI file, a .EGM file and a .EGT file. As far as I know, the technology involved here is called “FaceGen”. I believe the .NIF file defines the basic, static head mesh, including UV mapping. The .TRI and .EGM files are somehow responsible for morphing and manipulating that mesh. Personally I think the .TRI file groups vertices together by numerical index and the .EGM file has the information what groups to manipulate and how to manipulate them relative to each other for each expression. The .EGT file has something to do with manipulating the texture, like adjusting the skin tone. But I don't really know. It's Voodoo. On the TES Nexus there is a program called the Conformulator. This program deals with .TRI and .EGM files. It is supposed to help with creating hair and clothing meshes (like hats) that adapt to different head shapes ... ... but creating a completely new head? No idea. I wish you the best of luck. Crack this nut ... and let us know how you did it. :) -
Need help with scripted containers... (sorting script)
Tefnacht replied to a topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi. Using GetButtonPressed in the same OnActivate block as the ShowMessage command will not work. It will only run once and always return -1 in this case because the player did not actually have time to make a choice yet. You need to move the part of the script that reacts to the message box into a MenuMode or GameMode block. I found it most efficient to use MenuMode 1001 (message box menu mode) to do this. GetButtonPressed will return the players chosen button only ONCE! Successive calls to the function will only yield -1 again. You have to store the result into a local variable and then perform your checks on that. ScriptName MyWeaponSorterScript Short active ;set to 1 while this script waits for the player choice Short key ;result of GetButtonPressed Begin OnActivate If GetActionRef == Player ;if activated by the player (not a NPC) Set active To 1 ;we now react to the player choice ShowMessage FFWeaponCloset ;show the dialog box EndIf End Begin MenuMode 1001 ;during dialog box menu mode If active == 0 ;if this script is not responsible for opening the dialog box Return ;abort EndIf Set key To GetButtonPressed ;read what key was pressed If key >= 0 ;if a key was actually pressed If key == 0 ;if it was the first key Player.RemoveAllTypedItems FFWeaponClosetREF 1 0 40 ;sort weapons ElseIf key == 1 ;otherwise if it was the second key FFWeaponClosetREF.Activate Player ;open the container EndIf Set active To 0 ;done, we reacted to the dialog box EndIf End Have fun. Edit: RickerHK's script is a good one too, of course. Reacting to the menu choice during game mode also has its merits. For example: Some actions require ongoing execution of the script. The MenuMode 1001 is only executed for a few frames after the player made his choice. If your script needs more frames to do its magic, you will have to use a GameMode block like he does. -
Hi. Looking at the script you posted I noticed this: The commands “PlayGroup Left 1” and “PlayGroup Left 0” both turn the klaxon light “on”. The integer parameter just controls how the given animation should start in case the activator is already playing a animation. It does not stop it. To turn the light off you should use “PlayGroup Backward 1” instead. “Backward” is a short, non-looping animation of the klaxon turning “off”.