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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Turned out the problem is indeed caused by some strange behaviour with network companies using more than one IP for different purposes. Thanks to genolune I've been able to confirm that and now I'm working on a fix. It will not be immediate, unfortunately, as it would involve compromising some of the security settings on our fileservers, but I'll try to find a way around that if possible. I'll keep you people updated here as soon as things change.

  2. We're aware of this issue and we're working on a permanent fix. For now can you make sure the IP you download from is the same as the one you use to browse? This can happen if you are using certain proxies, VPNs, university gateways or some advanced form of connection balancing over two lines.


    This is just as a temporary fix as we'll hopefully be able to fix this issue completely and you will be able to keep on using your current configuration in the future.

    Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience.

  3. Sorry, when I said a caching issue I meant between our website and the content delivery network, so it was not your fault :)


    I'll do some other tests: can you please take screenshots of the page showing the wrong image and point me to the image that should be displayed instead? That would help in debugging the issue more quickly.


    Thanks a lot to everybody for reporting this issue!

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