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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Any plans to move to .Net 4+?


    Windows 8 is pushing in this direction.


    I don't think right now .NET 4.0 features can justify a move to it 3.5 is still the "average standard".


    Ever considered to try a built with Mono? (No demand, just an idea to make it really open source. See here.)


    We will try to achieve a sort of framework neutrality (I'm a linux user myself). Yet, the code is opensource so if you want to try running it right now, please feel free to try :) (and maybe send a patch or two :P).


    Here's the link: Nexus Mod Manager Sourceforge page

  2. What might be nice, and is something that FOMM never had, would be a plaintext storage of the found paths. Store the paths of the programs that have been installed in a file right next to NMM in some ini file, and keep the paths relative to where NMM is installed "\Games\Fallout 3" instead of "C:\Games\Fallout 3\" for example).


    I second this (as written before on this thread)


    Seriously, why does everyone want to use the Registry to store everything, anyways? It just seems to cause headaches.


    But not this. Windows Registry, while flawed, is still better than nothing and ini files have other problems, too. The best choice for me is simply to activate a "portable" option that lets you save your settings inside a ini file, but only if and when you choose to do it.

  3. We are working on a system that will be able to sort out a lot of problems without the use of an external tool. It is in a very early phase of development, but we think it is totally worth it.


    The best thing we can do is to try out every method we know and then, if everything else fails, just tell the user the two mods conflicts in a way the NMM can't solve.

    Still, achieving a 99.9% success rate is not possible without something like the bashed patch (and I hope we can reach an agreement with Wrye's team for supporting it somehow) but you will always have that 0.1% of cases where two mods simply are not compatible, even if you merge them using TES4Edit.


    The amount of output can be regulated by a simple switch into the options menu, so you can choose between "normal" and "power user" and have lots of debugging messages if you wish, so I don't really see that much of a problem here.


    NMM needs to support operations on all sort of different games. What I think would be an ideal solution (and it may even be feasible being the NMM opensource) is to have two levels of actions: the global layer just handles the generic stuff (downloads, global dependencies, game-independent file operations) and then you can load plugins that support operations for that specific game you are currently using (so you will have a plugin for Oblivion, one for Fallout3, etc etc). The plugin should support existing tools, whenever possible.


    This may be a win-win solution for everybody, because we will not directly try to replace existing tools (that will be both ethically unfair and time-consuming IMHO), but just add a way to use them like most command-line unix apps.

    Now, having a bit of support from the tools' creators would be a very nice gesture :P

  4. I think this will be useful in the near future. We *may* have something coming down this road, but it's too soon to talk about it. Cross your fingers! ;)




    Sorry, Kaburke posted about at the same moment as me with a much more in-depth reply!

  5. But mind, the Nvidia one shouldnt be the slowest one you can find, because the radeon has to wait for the physx calculations. For example, if you are using a hd 4870 you will need a 9800gt.


    I plan on buying an used GTX 260 or similar. I found some cheap ones and it should be ok to experiment with. If it cannot be done I would not lose so much. The 260 has plenty of processing power for CUDA applications and PhysX and has two monitors out.


    About the eyefinity, I don't want to do it: I want to buy a single 30" monitor. Eyefinity requires every display to have the exact same resolution as the others. You can't mix a single 2560x1600 with two 1600x1200. There is an hack that makes you use a sort of "fake fullscreen mode" and allows eyefinity on different screens, but comes with quite a bit of a performance drop and it doesn't work with everything (and causes problems with crossfire, too).


    I fear that when the PhysX is turned on, one of the two side monitors will shut off because one of the two heads of the nvidia will be used for PhysX.

  6. I think (haven't actually looked at the code) that the Nexus Client just searches for "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Installed Path" (for Oblivion).

    If that's the case, it means that if you install the game and move the directory afterwards then Nexus Client will not be able to find the game anymore.


    I don't think searching the filesystem for the game is a good solution, though. I propose, instead, to support "mobile" versions of games, by saving the relative path into the Nexus Client. Here's an example:


    You have your game inside a directory you do change often (for example inside an USB drive).

    You will install Nexus Client in the same pendrive.

    The Nexus Client will save the path to the game not as:




    that will fail each time the letter changes, but as a simple:




    As long as you keep the Nexus Client on the same partition of the game, this will work and you can always put a switch in the config file for the Nexus Client to know if the path of that particular game is absolute or relative.

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