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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Yes, we may definitely have issues with reuploading files using the same filename at the moment as we don't know the internals of the caching mechanism either. I will have to speak with the guys from the CDN tomorrow to solve this and other performance problems that may be caused by the same caching mechanism too.

    In the meantime please upload a file using a different filename. I'm really sorry for the issue :(

  2. Joedpa and DarthFalcon: I discovered some of the files were corrupted in our download stat system and that occurred on the 9th of august because one partition ran out of space.

    I manually fixed your download histories and only one single corrupt entry should be missing from each.

    Every file you downloaded until now should reappear and you should be able to endorse your files without need to download them again.

    Can you please check if everything is in order and confirm the fix worked? I'm sorry this caused a lot of trouble until now but at least I was able to recover the whole (minus one entry) history and it should be much easier to fix if it happens in the future!

  3. In response to post #17559139. #17570074 is also a reply to the same post.

    We've had an automated server selection/queue in place, but people said manual server selection was better... so we reverted to a manual selection list (and because people click continuously on the download links this overloads the servers even more than usual, expecially compared to the automatic server selection).

    The mod you are trying to download, was it uploaded recently? It takes some time to sync the new files to the fileservers.

    We have an experimental system in place you can try by clicking "Experimental: download using CDN" that uses an external network to download files, have you tried it?
  4. In response to post #17291169.

    In order to guarantee 1MB/s for each download with our current fileservers we need to have a maximum of about 100-110 connections to each server. They have a gigabit connection so the bandwidth is saturated after that many connections and everybody's speed decreases. Now consider we have peaks of 350-400 connections on every server and you will understand why you are downloading slowly. (Obviously as an ISP guy you will know the bandwidth available will not decrease linearly because of the losses between layers, protocols and inefficiencies. Double the amount of connections and you have less than half the available bandwidth. Three times as many connections and it goes down by a lot.)

    If we were trying to cripple normal users to push them towards a premium membership, then why would we even bother with the new CDN download system (that hopefully will solve these problems)? Feel free to go on and try it, if you haven't already.
  5. In response to post #16560239. #16560544 is also a reply to the same post.

    The passwords are not stored in our database. What we store is the result of a very complex set of mathematical functions. Every time you insert your password we run those functions again and check if the result is the same as the value we have in our database.

    Even if someone could access the database the password is not written anywhere and in order to get it back by running that math function in reverse they need months/years for *each* password. This makes it extremely inconvenient for an attacker to try and steal a password by hacking the database.

    For the tech-savy: your passwords are hashed and salted several times.
  6. In response to post #16450037.

    Unfortunately no, it was not an update.
    We've had some networking issues and because it's not under our direct control we could only force a maintenance mode until the situation became stable again.
    Right now we have enough "network capacity" available for the website to be usable but not every server is currently up yet so expect hiccups and slowness until we can solve this problem for good (tomorrow, probably, given it's 3:30 AM right now here).
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