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Posts posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Yup, during the monthly conversion to old stats we had a problem and the table crashed. The table is repaired now and the stats will slowly update back to normal values. We update about 500 mods per minute, so please allow the process some time to finish.

    It was borked indeed :psyduck:

  2. Comparing Stonekeep masterpiece to Anvil of Dawn is ridiculous. Anvil of Dawn might be less buggy on the technical side, but considering it as a game means you like sterile, barren and repetitive environment and enjoy periods of concentrated boredom. Authors with all that technical polish simply forgot to add an actual game. Stonekeep is a well deserved classic offering premium entertainment with average game time of 2 months. Anvil of Dawn is a weird software package and "playing" with that in my opinion is a chore.


    EDIT: Stonekeep is much better in overall artistic impression and graphics as well.


    This is, obviously, my subjective take on the matter. AoD feels more like Eye of the Beholder/Dungeon Master II (games I deeply love). Puzzles might be a bit more repetitive, but I enjoyed the game and loved small details, like you can choose one of the characters and encounter the other ones later in the game. Stonekeep graphic seems more "fake" to me than AoD ones; maybe it's because I like pixel art more than semi-photorealistic renders. Stonekeep movement is really awkward, too. You are not on the middle of the square, you are on the edge. It's really difficult at times to correctly judge proper distances when interacting with the objects/environment. Because of the bugs I think I could not really enjoy the story, too.

    Again, it's just a subjective matter, but I think Stonekeep is a bit overrated (not saying it's a bad game, though).

  3. I will try it just as soon as I figure out how, lol.


    Ooooops sorry!

    Open a command prompt (Start - Run - write "cmd") and then inside the command prompt window write "ping static.nexusmods.com", press enter and check if you have ping replies (usually 3 or 4 rows...) then repeat with "ping static.skyrimnexus.com".

    Feel free to copy/paste here the results, it will help anyway!

  4. Seems like a problem between you and the static content server.

    When it happens again, can you try pinging "static.nexusmods.com" and "static.skyrimnexus.com"? I'm interested to see if you can reach the server when the thumbnails are not displayed (you will have something like unknown host or ping timeout).

  5. I've tried the links right now with both premium and non-premium users and the download works for me. Do you have this problem with every file downloaded manually or only with a few?

    You might need to try clearing cache/cookies/logging out/try with another browser.

    If you are able to download after any of those operations, then it is probably something with your main browser, else if you still have problems can you please link here two or three different mods you can't download from?


  6. We just optimized a bit the skyrim part of the static server. Can you tell me if you still have issues with the images? If you have problems a link to the missing image or the name of the mod would be very helpful, thanks! Same thing for the other games, because I see every thumbnail but there may be problems between caches and a direct link is very helpful in debugging the issue.
  7. I bet most of you have heard of ArchiveInvalidation or, to be exact, the bug within the ArchiveInvalidation code found inside Oblivion and Fallout engines.

    This sneaky bug may cause all sort of troubles when installing data files and was more or less taken care of by the mod managers using different methods (BSA redirection being the most widely used).


    While a Construction Kit is still not available for Skyrim, early tests show that the ArchiveInvalidation bug may not be present anymore. If proven true, this may simplify the life of both modders and users quite a bit.


    As we try to shape the Nexus Mod Manager into a real all-purpose tool, we will surely benefit from any detailed information regarding the presence or absence of such bug in Skyrim engine.


    Thus, we would be very thankful if you were to share your latest discoveries about the AI bug while installing Skyrim mods: the more we know, the better for everybody.


    Some useful links:

    Archive Invalidation at The Elder Scrolls Wiki

    Archive Invalidation?


    Big thanks to everyone for your support!

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