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Everything posted by 363rdChemicalCompany

  1. How would one even do such a thing? I have no idea. And why? (shrug) I had no idea what he was even going on about. Yes its a huge number of views for as short as it was up, but other pics randomly get those too (I looked around) for no reason.. and have no more endorsements than mine ..and why was he hostile about it? I was very happy with getting those 4 endorsements I did, that's a big number for any pic thats not pretty NPC girls in skimpy outfits .
  2. This is fair. I also agree the big weapons should be PA only for normal humans but SMs can use them.
  3. I want to reenagge some general points. As fraquar said single player games are our own sandbox. I do however try to keep my mods grounded and not go too crazy with over-the-top mods that will make it harder to suspend disbelief. This is important to me, to make suspenion of disbelief easier. So Luxors texture improvements are a no brainer, I am fortunate enought to have what is likely top 10% hardware, so I have no issues with running 4k anything. No TVs for helmets, No flamboyant over the top outfits for my character or NPCs. Who would have the resources to create those in this poverty stricken wasteland and except of being an official in large settlement, a suit and tie would be completely out of place in the wasteland. The Firearms in this universe are a bit odd. The Devs involved either did not understand Firearms, or did not like Firearms or likely both. Otherwise cannot explain the WW1 style waterjacket on an "Assault Rifle". So replacers for oddities like this, are mods I am willing to spend a plug-in slot on. DC Security outfits are also quite odd. So yes, "Loaded Bases" mod has attmepted a, IMO good, explanation for those in a dialogue, , but these outfits pushing right at the line for me flirting with fantasy rather than SciFI Post-Apoc. So I use a fast equipment mod to requip the DC sec men with Army fatigues, complete sets of Light and/or medium ceramic Lvl IV plates (aka "Combat Armor" in this game), Sunglasses, and Neeher's "Select Assault Rifle". This is a rifle mod I add to a lof of folks in the game, settlers too,. it looks like a Vietnam Era CAR15, "falloutisized" with thicker receiver, much more weight and a left side charging handle rather than a rear one. Quite plausible for this universe IMO. The DC security get a slightly leveled version to reflect greater resources that DC has. Most settlers just get the basic one which performs exactly as a Short Combat rifle in the game. And of course settlements , I avoid the TFBs that create thse beautiful perfect cities and prefer a more gritty style (one can check my mods section for pics of my own TFBs) so it fits the Fallout universe but still sets my settlers up for success. I am also not a huge fan of these oddball legendary effects on weapons, too much magic involved for my taste and there was none of that in Fallout 1 and 2 and I guess thats the style of universe I like to steer my Fallout 4 set-ups towards. So to get combat power I use a mod that un-nerfs the minigun and use that (supplied by easy ammo crafting mods). In a world without magic, (this is not Skyrim), heavy weapons is where firepower is at. I also added a mod that adds a version of the M2 Browning HMG to be carried/wielded by Power Armor. Resources I just cheat console myself on a large scale into Sanctuary . Why, isnt that unimmersive? I believe not, since I just got out of a giant uninhabited vault, who is to say I and my helpers can't do a multimonth scrapping effort on it? That would keep me in scrap materials for generations to come and this effort could not be visble to me as the player simply due to game and time limitations. (The only unrealistic thing I do, affects the bodies of women. Turning the gulag survivor bodies of the vanilla NPCs into beautiful hour glass figures via CBBE and clothing mods. Nothing over the top cartoonish mind you. Those figures could be possessed by real women, albeit perhaps only the top 5% of bodies on a large college campus perhaps. Back when I was young and good looking, I would date women like that and I treasure the memory.) So the bulk of my mods seem to go towards aligning the game with the spirit and universe Fallout 1 and 2: Monsters, yes, high end meds (stimpacks, radway) yes, magic armors and magic weapons no.
  4. I post, what I believe to be a decent pic of my uparmored Minutemen gathering at the castle, add a plausible lore-friendly caption, dutifully list all the mods used in the screenshots and I get a hostile reply of gibberish? Have no idea what the poster is trying to say, or what offended him or if we are just dealing with a psychotic episode. I guess I am fishing for an explantion, of what could be "bad" about my pic? The link gives a better view than the screenshot. I only took the screenshot in case he sobers up and decides to delete his post (probably the best solution, but I want to figure out what happend) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/290037
  5. Have u tried opening another profile on your mod manager copying over your save files disabling the mod, maybe replace with “another pine tree mod” which does nothing in glowing sea. Could work.
  6. I know the Holy Grail, right? But I know this is possible since recently I tried, "Simple Enslavement" and it already does such a thing. There a person is knocked out via knockoutframework and on wakeup one can pick an option to convert to unique coded NPC to change her apperance via SLM. BUT there are moral issues involved IMHO with using this mod, plus its pretty involved. Plus knockout framework does not allow me to pick and choose at will, since knockouts are near impossible to accomplish on command. But even so this proves it can be done as the "knocked out" condtion clearly as a gaming feature of that mod and almost certainly not a neccessary condtion of the change of code in the software. I know some of the hard hitter modders often come on here sometimes so : Thank you for reading and considering
  7. This mod includes a couple of fantastic Enclave paintjobs for X-01 Armor: Urban Camoflage ( a mix of blacks and dark greys) and "enclave paintjob" just look great. BUT they are suppsoed to have extra anti radiation protection... As far as I can make out from the listed specs in two different parameters the author added, a rad reduction effect of 100 times via 2 different parameters each. Except an error was made and they were rad multiplication effects each by a factor of 100. So a total Multiplication factor for incoming Rad of 10,000 when wearing this armor with one of these paintjobs! In other words just passing by those radfioactive barrels that sometimes stand around gives you fast death before you can even touch your Radaway! (I tested it extensivly) But I'd LOVE to use those paintjobs.... so, anybody know how to fix this? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42323
  8. But even if you download the new F4SE, a F4SE dependent mod (which is many of the best ones) will still not work if the author has not updated it to the new F4SE. This is a fairly mature game at this point, many of the best mods are older and while still working, the authors moved on and in many cases will never be back.
  9. I locked my game version up at .163 (pre update). The issue with the update is a) its spams a lot of creation club content right as you step out of the vault. With no explnation why the sole survivor would be interetsed in these things and no explanation why they would know about them. Most of those CC mods are the kind a bored player who has beaten the game and is at level 100 would add but IMO , they are absolute poison to the balance of the game: Too many people will keep getting killed at this too hard content for a early character and stop playing while others will save scum thier way to OP end game level armor and weapons removing a huge gaming element of weapons and armor progression. (Luckly there are some mods that address this egregious issue, "NixGen series": Disable update content: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82345 Postpone update content: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82311 ) b) many mods are now updated , but not nearly all and some of my favorite ones are not yet. Many never will since they are abdoned, yet still work great on .163 c) While I am not as adamant about it as I was in April/May time frame, I still recommend if given the choice, to lock down your game at .163 version. But at least the nixgen mods exist I linked above so that helps and makes the new game version .984 less onerous (but still locks you out of some key mods like CBBE).
  10. I have not reached 1500 hrs in a single playthrough but am not aware of a time limit in the game. Maybe something got corrupted in your save file? or do you have that one Brothel mod running, that corrupts the save file after so many loads unless you run the patch with that.
  11. System is working properly for me now. But I do have a question (on the mod page questions turned off, so...): -Do the Patrols that SKK Settlement attack system optionally spawns ever despawn? Or do these NPC keep patrolling between locations and (unless killed) stay active? Reason I am asking is I want to give some of them extra/better gear.. But if they despawn after thier trip from one settlement to another its not worth the effort. Right now I am following a patrol from the castle to Red Rocket and they dont despawn even if I leave the cell, at least so far. My guess is as a minimum they keep going until they reach thier goal. -This patrol is 4 men but I seen patrols arrive with only 2 or just one man at their destination. Are some patrols just smaller or did some guys die on the trip via Combat (after all thier equipment is usually light) Update: The MM Patrol I been following lost one man against the raiders near Jamaica Plain/University Point. They would have lost more if the walking WW4 that is theier General, had not intervened and taken out 3 out of 5 raiders. Thing is I have a mod that buffs the raiders significantly in armor/weapons and level , so there is that... In return I now equipped all the survivors with absolute top of the line armor: legendary medium combat armors and heavy combat armors . Plus top of the line weapons, even a couple of legendaries. (but no OP legendaries no, explosive anything etc, just mild legendary weapons) How could I afford this largesse to my troops? With this mod here: where I only need to equip an NPC once with the best and then copy it again and again. So I have a Minuteman Light ( Light armors all around Minute outfit, MM hat, plus a Short AssaultRifle from Neeher), Minuteman Medium Plus (thats a complete set of medium Armor, his minuteman outfit has advanced ballistic thread on it , chest piece is legendary and maxed out in improvements, plus Neehers assault Rifle maxed out in improvements so its basically an LMG) and MM Heavy (complete set of heavy armor, all pieces improved with thread, Overseers guardian with extended mag and best stock added). Other saved sets are various complete sexy vtaw and TRS assemblies for my farm girls but they dont go on patrols of course. This mod is a bit buggy in that everytime you equip an NPC, they keep thier old gear plus requip default random gear for their NPC- Idendity as well, at least twice.. So they wind out with a) their original clothes/armor /weapons, plus the clothes/armor/weapon i gave them, plus once or twice more basic clothes armor/weapons appropiate for that NPC. So 3 to 4 sets of clothes /armor/weapons most of which is low level though. So I sometimes take out the extra stuff to store in the armory or sell, or if its junk just throw away. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68030 Update2: On the way to Red Rocket (form the Casle) , my Patrol ran into another Minuteman patrol hevaily engaged with the Supermutants at the intersection of Fallons, the hospital and the MTA station south of Boston. The place is crawling with well armed Supermutants including some suiciders. I got there in time to see some of them die and survivor leaving. LoVe the slogans these SKK Minutemen shout during and after battle. Update 3: The patrol went past Diamond City. I also painstakingly ( before I discovered that fast -equip mod linked above) upgraded weapons and armor even Specials for DC security. It would have been super immersive if the MM Patrol and DC security had exchanged some respectful greetings among fighting men, but such was not to be. Also met with yet another MM Patrol, this one was still at full strenght and included a MM in T45e Armor wielding a flamer.
  12. a) I have an AMD 7800 X3D playing highly modded Fallout (300+ plug-ins enabled, including 4k texture mods for most in-game items, most settings on "Ultra"), am eyeing the 9800 X3D. Just got that 7800X3D six months ago though. The 9800 X3D has debuted to rave reviews. Otherwise I was going to wait until the 9950X3D comes out in Spring. My PC shop is convinced the 9950 X3D will be just as good for gaming, perhaps even slightly better , than the 9800 X3d but much better for multithreading . I understand Fallout 4 is a single or dual core game, but a minority of my mods use multithreading, (especially the Mod Control Menu is slow to turn on with my AMD chip and I go in and out of there relativily often) The 9950 X3D is expected to be noticably more expensive than the 9800 X3D. I am a well paid Professional and not overly price sensitive, but also dont want to throw money out the window willy-nilly on afools errand, while I am trying to build savings toward retirement, which is coming up, in a very few short years. b) Currently running the RTX 4080 Super (also a fairly new addtion). Great game experience even with all my 4K texture files installed in the gaming files overwriting the stock textures. No complaints. But still I have to wonder about the RTX 5080 coming. Its said to be slightly better than a 4090, Would it be complete over-the-top money waste, to get a RTX 5080 if my sole game now and in the near future is Fallout 4, albeit a highly modded one? c) I dont care all that much about FPS, which is locked at 60 anyway for most Fallout 4 configurations, and FO4 while having First Person Shooter moments, isnt really a firstperson shooter. Instead I aim for a complete absence of stutter when in the presences of large and complex environments, combined with 4k graphics to bring out beautiful landscaoe/City. EDIT: Sadly I found no CPU/GPU reviewers who test this CRPG, application Fallout 4, with triple digit mod load, played at 4k with (nearly) all textures replaced by 4k texture mods. Thoughts? PS: The rest of my specs: 64GB of DDR5 RAM, Samsung 990 PRO SSDs EDITED for clarity
  13. Sorry a bit beyond my paygrade. if it was something easier I might have piped up.
  14. Ok course SLM and SLM Expansions such as LM compendium, if skillfully used, will take you very far. But it seems like you are searching more for a global adjust. Here is one, it works noticable on approx 50-60% of female NPCs. Some are not affected enough to make a difference to the human (male) eye but its certainly helpful IMHO. Botox for Fallout 4 (female) NPCs: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63623
  15. I use this mod to manage that. You can completly shut those quests off which I usually do after the castle, it cna even block settlements attacks. On a long playthrough it has stopped workign for me before, but right now its working fine: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39575
  16. This worked really well for a few attacks but then a weird bug started. The attackers where immune to any and all damage. I could stand next to them and pump salvo after salvo from overseers guardian, or maxed out minigun ( mith modded buff) or gatling laser, anythign, you name it. And not scratch them at all. (I am maxed in Commando and heavy weapons perks) UNLESS I shot at the feet. My turrets who did not figure out to shoot at their feet were suddenly worthless after making mince meat out of attackers in the beginning.
  17. Perhaps I didnt explain very well. yes the mod that blocks them has a feature to turn the block off and I would of course turn the block off when I am lookting to test my defenses. I will check both mods linked, thanks to all who replied!
  18. You have to remove his essential flag to kill him. (But he is marked essential for areason. Depending in which direction you take the game you may or may not be able to complete the main quest without him. Hence the flag.)
  19. IMHO PRP is something for power users since it requries so much care and so many pacthes depending on other Mods. I do not recommend it for noobs and I wouldnt have said anything, if the OP wasnt a self identified noob. I dont even bother with it and I have 5000 hrs in the game
  20. My settlements are small fortresses. But i am tired of being chased around the game map to defend them, I fixed them with a mod so now they dont happen. But I'd like to get attacked at least sometime and when it happens by good attacks. Any mods like that? There was one recently "extended attacks", but it did not work for me and was then deleted.
  21. Ypou did not mention which mod Organizer you use? Vortex or MMO or? If you dont use one yet its infinitely harder to do it all manually.
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