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Everything posted by 363rdChemicalCompany
On this note I agree to not get carried away with mods lists. Who needs 7 different additional weapons and 5 different addtional armors? I limit myself to one additional weapon or two ( from Neehers Select series , usually just the assault rifle) and one extra PA (usually either the SE-01 from Neeher or the T49 armor of the Storyteller) I do collect a good number of settlement mods though I must confess, but my highest payoff mods are various utilities like textInputMenu/Rename anything, MS Clone Settler outfit ( to easily dress and equip my guards, farmers etc in appropriate attire and weapons/armor), cheat console (to manipulate the universe to my liking), SPECIAL zapper ( to adjust key NPCs special values), settler builder, custom settlers, better settlers, settlers of the CW, Tales of the commonwealth, some dialogue improvements for settlers, more DC security, DC plus, Better settlers and as many new lands mods as i can get from Zorkaz and others, topped off my the indispensable Atomic World. And of course CBBE and a number of VTAW and Lazman clothing mods, combined with showlooksmenu, showlooksmenu compendium and various looks assets like eyes of beauty, facial sculpting , plus a couple of AAF mods for immersion, etc etc When you add in requirements for all of the above I find myself with a hard floor of approx 250 mods below which the game is not interesting enough for me anymore. I also noticed once I bust through about 350 mods, issues seem to pop up that do not ,with shorter mod-lists. So these days, I try to keep it just under 300 , for me thats the sweet spot balancing added content , with acceptable level of risking extra bugs.
Quest - A Long Way Down. What is it?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to jjb54's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
In that general area there is something from either Jurttus interiors or Underground and Forgotten Spaces, I think which involved a basement on bottom of a house. Do you have Atomic World 2.0? It adds TONS of new locations above and below ground ( and to digress from your original question, if you dont already have it i strongly recommend u get it, couldnt imagine the game without it) I am on .163 and recently discovered something in that general area and it was from one of my mods. But from your Description I am not 100% certain of the exact location, so I suppose it could be from .984 (shrug) :) -
You are both competent contributors. Too bad that in this case instad of our shared passions brining us together it has served to drive you apart.
And this seems like a good spot to say it: - The mods they pushed are mostly the kind someone who has beaten the game with most factions, is at level 100+ and bored and is now playing around and now would download content that is borderline non-sensical ( like TV for helmets!), yet this "NextGen CC" stuff is pushed as soon as a new player steps out of the vault unbalancing the game so much it amounts to vanadalism on the Fallout experience. - BTW did you see my links to NixGen to remove and/or postpone the NextGen CC content form .984 games?
A better way to Alter Settler Appearance?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to surg23's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I never tried it. it has a holotape hmm , maybe its easier to ise than arch unique? has anyone other than me tried the Arch unique mod yet? With the arch unqiue settlers file I posted above in this thread, I sometimes have issues with assignments and AI also,, but that may or may not have been by my inability to proper assign them to a settlement via "move to" command as all my favorite settlements were too full to accept more. Maybe the issues are similar with this file. Even so I may also try it. Perhaps its easier to use and I am curious if the level boost from Better Settlers "hooks into" these or not. I would like that especially for my male settlers as they are the guards mostly and with AFT I frequently take settlemnt guards form Somerville (which I always buuild up into a huge fortress, due to its location) along on my Reconaissance in Force Patrols agains the Atom's Storm Forces (a mod with the glowing sea settled by highly militarized Children of Atom under a new prophet and heavily armed with weapons from the glowing sea.) (But taking settlers as followers via AFT and then dismissing them back to the settlement later, causes its own issues with settler dialogue back in the sttlements, its often gone altogether but at least they are still assignable) -
If accurate, then this is a fair point , that I think we must concede. But I think there is also no doubt that a greta many players would stop playing this game if it wasnt for mod. I for one cannot imagine sitll playing it ( and buying it twice GOG and Steam!) if it wasnt for mods. Actually I only got turned on to this game in 2021 and decided to buy it, from watching online vids about FO4 mods. Before that I had not played agame since 2002.
A better way to Alter Settler Appearance?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to surg23's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I was attracted to Simple Enslavement because it promised to change the character into a unique NPC that can be SLMed. And that part works. Its just that the NPC has to be knocked out and I find it almost imposisble to do on command no matter how much I adjust the settings in knockout framework or SE. Besides I kinda feel bad ; the brutality of it involved in hitting these NPCs again and again unarmed, in the hope of knocking them out, doesnt sit well with me. I'd prefer a more elegant solution like a ""knockout gun" "knock out syringer" or something like that. With just business there is no feature that converts the NPC into a unique coded one is there? ..... I get your point about not liking console commands. Its unimmersive. But to me I just cope my headcanon that if we can accept a radiobeacon , they simply appeared via radiobeacon. Who is to say these young women did not seek out the safety of my walled, well-fed, well guarded settlement from the harsh wasteland? Just like in the real world. If you are in certain positions, of money or prestige, women tend to just suddenly appear. -
A better way to Alter Settler Appearance?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to surg23's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
PS: So you are running simple enslavement generate uniques I tried this but found it impossible to get a reliable knockout going. Of course i have KO framework installed but it just seems to knock out folks by rare exception. Even when I go thru the MCM settings and set it as permissable as I can. So I kinda gave up on it, any tricks u can share for a reliable knockout of targets? -
A better way to Alter Settler Appearance?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to surg23's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I am glad you read my response and that it was useful for you, especially grateful for the Kudo. Also edited the post for typos and clarity. -
A better way to Alter Settler Appearance?
363rdChemicalCompany replied to surg23's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This has always been a struggle and its generally accepted it cannot be done without specific unique coded settlers, such as from "Commonwelath settlers" mod or the like. But those all look good already and are not so many anyway. so its not a great solution for this problem. Here is the more complete answer to your problem: 1)Build settler works fine, but you get 7 slots for each sex (and I dont care all that much about the looks of the men, I usually try to pick the tougher looking vanillas for the guards and the intellectual looking vanillas for doctors/traders and the like). You get 7 slots in settler builder to build unqiue NPCs. However 7 is the maximum. any beyond that will be a duplicate of those 7 models. There is an 8th one hidden after the men in the menu BUT the 8th one doesnt seem to any good in settlement intercation and asisgning. You can change given slot form one look to another if u want, but then it chnages all settlers from that slot globally: all you have ever built in that settler builder slot. So I usually pick my 7 favorites and then leave it alone and build same 7 unique SLM hotties for each new settlement. Still,... its a great help ( be sure to read instructions). All girls made will be at FO4 default level 2 like normal settlers, even if you have "better settlers" mod installed , since i use vanilla egneration methods for makes "betteler settlers" hooks for the men, ( and they need those higher levels as I station them on the perimeter of my settlements near know enemey spawn points, and i use the mortal pack for them so attackers CAN kill them, but then they ARE lvel 40 or 50 and are comprehesively equipped, my settler Bosses even with power armor and 50 cal machine guns) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63451 2)The other file I use is the entertaiing and plausible mod called "Commonwealth Captives". So now when you bust up a supermutant or raider camp they will have hotties tied up for you to free after wards. The dialogue gives you the option to send them away or to send to a settlement or to have sex with you (for this a working copy of AAF frame work, plus animations needs to be on your mod manager though, not everyone has that, its not trivial) Most of those are quite attarctive and they reallty add a lot of different looks ot my settler girls. Also will spawn at level 2 only. Often when I know I need to populate a new settlment I cheat console one or two male settlers with a Far harbor settler code ( those guys look tough and with Better Settlers enabled, start at level 40 and I need my guards to look tough and be tough, not uniques though). and then go known raider outposts, or SM camps to farm captives. (be sure to adjust setting in MCM to your liking, MCM is (or should be ) another requirement for this mod) https://www.loverslab.com/topic/154476-commonwealth-captives/ A 3rd option is the most powerful tool for this potentially unlocking 100s of unqiue coded NPCs that you cna change the looks on, it does require a little more work than option 1) though 3) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27969 Arch unique settlers. Read the instructions and you will never be short of unique NPCs again its a bit more work than settler build. (For settler builder I can just cheatbox myself all the bone and blood packs into the workbench and from then on, its all push button from the build menu to create settlers, but here its slightly more work per settler.). For this I need to go into console commands and do a couple of them to get my settlers ( and I am prone to typos). But once I got the hang of it , I was able to make it work quickly. There can be some bugs associated with this but they are managable I think. Do this When there is still room in the settlement to assign them to the settlement you are in , if you dont they are not assinable to work but Sending them off to join another settlment often does not seem to work. SEU works fine with them (if u are fmailar with LL and AAF you will know SEU) PS: Edited for typos and clarity -
and this is what worries me. I worry that Bethesda simply isnt capable anymore of the level of work that made Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Those people have mostly left. Not all but most. isnt it now just Todd and Emil left over form the old guard (Emil BTW is IMO a lot better than people give him credit for) ? So do we have enough of corporate "memory" left on how this is done? I dont know and I have my doubts becuase.. Starfield. In Starfield they failed at things they had done well in the past. They are pushing updates and addtions and maybe, just maybe, if we are lucky n 8 years we will be all talking about how great Starfield is. Maybe.. we dont know and can only hope.
How best to transfer to a new computer
363rdChemicalCompany replied to chefbt's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
When I got a new computer I had a shop mirror-copy my C drive (old SSD 1TB) into my new C drive Samsung SSD 990 Pro 2T) Everything works game and mods. -
-There been some complaints about the new version but not all agree with it. it is absolutely possible that despite your short mod list ( u made sure all of them are ok with the new game version??), that you get some issues with the version. but what are your mods? texture, trees? We need to know to make educated guesses. -Yes. but the pathing for steam (if u have steam FO4) and your mod manager all has to get corrected to the new drive and that takes a lot of attention to detail and a bit of kowldege too. if I tried it I'd likely miss something somewhere. Alternativly you can buy an extra copy on GOG and install it to a drive of your choice from the get-go.
I cant think of any scripted mod affecting the games random attack mechanism though. This attack problem set happend weeks ago suddenly so it was likely connected to a change to my mod list. Maybe I have to go and start a new game, but i am givng up hundreds of hours of makign the CW (and the various new lands) a better place. I do still have all the TFBs for sttlements though so at least that wont be an issue. I dont if any of these mods could play a role. None look especially suspicious: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64302 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14581 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/70031 This is a high suspect file since its the only workshop file I cna think of but still, its disabled now : https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35004 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32717 This one is still enabled: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27086 this was enabled on that svaegame for a while: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/86755 These were tied to a TFB I donwloaded and since disabled ( TFB still stahnds at Sanct) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10075 and https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11189 and a couple of other settlement objects since disabled Ran this for a while at about same time since disabled https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/84692 This mod is buggy but powerful and I use it at all my settlemements now. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68030 This MCM setting manager also came about same time and its still in use: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56195 And this one I also still use at all settlements: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/57139
Wenn Du ein Problem bei bestimmten Formulierungen hast poste es hier, oder PM mich.. Ich bin Vortex Benutzer und habe viele Jahre Deutsch Studiert und auch war auf viele Jahre in der BRD stationiert . Also wenn Du hilfe brauchst lass es mich bitte wissen.
I linked the two NixGen mods for you on that other thread you posted.
Well the "Defend random attack" quests are back. Despite my CMRQL mod (should be) Blocking all quests with the word Defend in them from firing and I also placed a "no settlement attacks" blocking box in that settlement. And I am in the middle of a New Lands mod with a significant travel chain back to the Commonwealth., sigh.
NixGen : Disables: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82345 Another NixGen to postpone cc content as far as you like,for,m the description I believe you can pick which ones to postpone to level 500 or the like and which ones to keep active. never tried it though as I am locked on game version .163. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82311 Author ineptEuropean is a friend of mine, who has been less active as of late. Please dont forget to endorse to encourage his continued work on mods.
Attached is a pic of my hair cutter at the castle. I put her into this just to sho you the pic (I dont use these dresses anymore for this reason ) That black and red brocade outfit from that Lazman mod and you can see the clothing item is built and the character reverted to zero sliders and/or vanilla body. The other attachment shows vtaw clothes on settler at castle with the same body slide in effect ( same savegame) and no issues with these other clothes her body is not a stickfigure. The glicth with this clotehs pack has just occured a few months ago and has not gone away. Which is a shame because I love this outfit on Piper, I used to console command it onto her when I first met here in front of the DC door (plus a new preset of course). Now I use some vtaw clothes for that. Anotehr lazman file also has some good ensembles though but they do not include shoes so this issue is absent. (I usually add shoes from vtaw 8 and black net stockings from TRS onto them)
The issue with some slot 33 items I refer to is more severe than mere clipping. Equipping some slot 33 items appears to undo the prebuilt bodyslide on the NPC and often will lead to ultra slim figures walking inside clothes that now look like tents on her body ( I exxagerate a bit but thats the gist of it) Never been able to solve this in nearly 5000 hrs of play. But this glicth affects so few items for which equal value subsitutes are readily available it does not affect the Bodyslide experience in a meanigful way. Many player who build fewer clothes and play fewer hours may never experience one of these glitches. I believe the OP seems to have the opposite glitch and he leverages it for better visuals.
No your good. Understanding it fine. I been using it heavily for a couple of years now, since I have insisted from Day one my NPC women have better figures than Vanilla. (and I am sure they are grateful for it )) There are however some cases where some items, especially in slot 33 dont seem to be built properly. Its rare and not a huge issue as its easily managed by simply using other clothes, among my 1400-1800 clothing items (depending on game) usually only one or two dozen or so are broken and resistent to rebuilt, always slot 33 items. (I run vtaw 6,7,8,9, lazman , TRS, and ASA clothing) https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Body_Slots_usage_for_Fallout_4