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Everything posted by caleb68

  1. found two things that will cause the workshop menu to crash out: 1) bad formid like the others mentioned. 2) bad model file. In both cases for me, its when I moved to the workshop section that contained the bad formid/model.
  2. raiders will hop into power armor owned by the BoS, so I don't think this rule applies to all factions.
  3. something i've noted while working with material swaps, if you apply a material swap to a model who doesn't have all its materials 'pathed' in the nif file on a base object, then when the model is loaded with your material swap you'll end up with the purple texture effect, while if you apply the same material swap to a object thats been added to the render window, you don't get that purple texture. If you edit those models and add the correct path to the bsgm files for the materials missing them, then apply the material swap, the purple texture effect will go away. This might be the issue your having with the inserted power core.
  4. I've noticed with previs/precombines taken care of, you may still have issues with LOD in areas, while the npc is close enough to the cell everything they scrapped will be gone, but if they are two-three cells away, the old LOD kicks in and it looks like the old structures are there. Even when the Nukaworld DLC was released, heading to the trainstation that sends you off to nukaworld, if you watch the overpass, you'll notice this same effect take place. Without rebuilding the LOD, your kinda stuck with this effect far as I can tell.
  5. the conduit is a power line, so you are asking about power lines, but the conduit may work like the walls. Far as basic snaps, looking at the vaulttec dlc and vault88, the only linkage I see between the preplaced wall peaces is workshopitemstackedparentduplicate linking them together on some of the wall pieces, sense they transmit power, that might be all thats needed. (i.e. like the little nursery area where the molerats are), I'm not seeing anything else linking the pieces together for their snaps.
  6. dogmeat uses quest aliases to get his name and set it (as well as the mutant in Farharbor you can buy dogs from), you might take a look at those and see how they pull the name, just a thought. you can use aliases to change the name of a actor as well, both the above quests use aliases to change the dogs names.
  7. you can also have the game move the actor to the nearest navmesh to avoid having to calculate the ground height, if they have been spawned in a navmesh chunk behind the player, that would move them to that navmesh chunk. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=MoveToNearestNavmeshLocation_-_ObjectReference
  8. double click the workshop in the render window, or right click in the cell view window on the workshop and click edit. scroll to last tab, scripts, double click the script, set the following (don't use defaults): OwnedByPlayer = trueStartsHostile = FalseEnableAutomaticPlayerOwnership = TrueMinRecruitmentProhibitRandom = trueMinRecruitmentAllowRandomAfterPlayerOwned = FalseAllowAttacksBeforeOwned = FalseAllowAttacks = False (if this is a player home and not a settlement, if settlement, set to true for random attacks)that should automatically make it so the player can use the workbench. You'll probably also want to set AllowBrahminRecuritment = False so you don't end up with brahmin running around inside your cave. Another step you can do is add a workshopSetOwnedTrigger, it doesn't need to be big, just place it right where the player teleports in to the cell at and linkref it to the workshop, this will ensure that for any reason the workshop gets flipped to not player owned even with the above flags set, that the workbench will get set to player owned as soon as they enter the cell. don't forget to setup your workshop quest too. if you haven't: create a new quest and give it a unique name, something like mymodSettlementQueston the Quest Data tab, check Start game enabled, run once, set priority to 41on the quest stage tab on the right hand side, right click and click new, type in 10, right click again and click new, type in 20click on 10, check the box that says Run on Startright click in Log Entry and click new, add a Designer note that says 'quest start'click on 20, right click in log entry and click new, add a designer note that says 'quest end'click the 'Quest Aliases' tabright click and click new Ref Alias Collectionset the alias name to 'Workshops'add a match condition - haskeyword workshopkeywordadd a match condition - locationhaskeyword loctypeworkshopadd a match condition - getincurrnetlocation - the location assigned to your cellclick okayClick okay again, then open the quest back up and click on Scriptsadd the script WorkshopAddLocationif properties didn't pop up, double click the scriptclick autofill in properties and it should autofill the workshopParentclick on workshopCollection, click edit, and set it to WorkshopsThe location assigned to your cell will need a couple keywords added to it: loctypeclearableloctypesettlementloctypeworkshoploctypeworkshopsettlementyour zone for the location will need to have never reset and workshop checked on it. you'll need a centermarker for the workshop and a spawnmarker (bothxmarkers) you linkref from the workshop to them using workshoplinkcenter for the center marker and workshoplinkspawn for the spawn marrker, bother markers should be xmarkerheadings If you want the people you send to the cave / settlers to wander about the cave you'll need to add a defaultdummy and linkref the workshop to it with the keyword workshopsandbox then size it for where you want them to wander about, this can also come in handy say if you have a room on the outer edge of the area you don't wnat the settlers to enter, as they will only wander the sandbox area. the buildable area is a defaultdummy linkref it to the workbench using the keyword workshoplinkprimative, you can have multiples of these linked to the workshop to cover odd shaped areas, and scale them to fit the area.. Hope the info helps.
  9. i was bouncing around on the web seeing if I could find anything to help you, and I came across something I did almost a year ago to my fallout4custom.ini found in documents/my games/Fallout 4 that didn't even cross my mind, you might want to give this a try and see if its resolves the issue for you: go into Documents/My Games/Fallout 4 edit Fallout4Custom.ini look for [Archive] if its not there add in the following lines, if it is make sure the two lines are as follows: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= if you want to be able to see the papyrus logging information, look for [Papyrus], if its not there, add in the following or make sure the papyrus part reads as follows: [Papyrus] bEnableLogging=1 I also have some additional settings underneath [Papyrus] that are for logging info, the full papyrus block in mine reads as follows: [Papyrus] bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 bLoadDebugInformation=1 bEnableProfiling=1 sDefaultLogOverlay=Papyrus I think that may resolve the problems your having, if you turn on the papyrus logging, it can be helpful to track down errors with your scripts, but you'll have to weed through a bunch of other errors that pop up from the default game itself, the log files are found in Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Logs\Scripts The key lines here are the ones under [Archive], the bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 tells it to look at all the loose files, and the sResourceDataDirsFinal= just tells it to use the default directories under the 'data' folder for loading loose files. I didn't even think about these two things honestly because most people already have it added in for using mods, and like I said, did this over a year ago to my fallout4custom.ini file. *knocks on wood* hope this works for you.
  10. np :) makes for a good little addition, I didn't like the idea of eating glass, is why I did the bottles lol, plus I made a still that allows the creattion of wine n' beer for this mod im working on, (yes i know you don't make beer at a still) which requires empty bottles for the various types :)
  11. heh, I've actually seen your portfolio before, some nice stuff on it. I especially like the concept art for locations / vehicles. Hope you find something good to add to your portfolio :)
  12. all you really need to do is duplicate the effect for the bottle cap adder, and give it a new name, i.e. mymod_bowladder edit the effect, and down in the script window, click on the nukacolabottlecapadderscript and click properties change caps001 to whatever item you want it to add. Repeat for each item type you want to add, i.e. emptybowls, bottles, milkcartons, etc. go to the item you want to add it to, in the results window, click 'new', and on the effect window that pops up, select the effect you created for the item. if it has two items, just add another effect to the results window. you really wouldn't have to write any new scripts that way and it would be compatable with both the xbox and ps4 (if the mod was only adding items for different things like that) sense the ps4 doesn't allow scripting. Things to keep in mind - if these are default items, other mods that change them will either be overriden by yours or override yours depending on the load order, i.e. there's a mod out there that changes the default names of the food / drink objects, so if yours was loaded after it it would override that mod. I did something similar in one im working on, that gives empty bottles along with the cap when they drink the drink. (however this mod won't be ps4 compatable as it has custom scripts for other things)
  13. lol I hear ya, did you get the problem with scripts not working fixed?
  14. well this is just a thought off the top of my head, without actually testing to see... but... perhaps it uses fallouts settings for the render window? If it does then one would only need to set everything to low in fallout then load up ck. It does kinda make sense that it might use the games settings for the render window, and I have noticed that different peoples screenshots from inside the ck seem to have different qualities when they have their lights / sky turned on. like I said, just a thought.
  15. from messing with it myself (creating my own menu) it seems to order the list in the order they are in the formlist, so say if i have oranges then apples then pears, thats how it would be displayed in the menu rather then apples then oranges then pears.
  16. Also remember - when duplicating the cell, you'll need to change location / zone references for it, if its using the old cells zone / location and the npc's are sent to a 'location' for placement they may end up in your duplicated cell rather then the original. Remove any of the location keywords from objects in the duplicated cell as well, the auto keywords being the most important to remove, if you leave them, they can cause all sorts of wierd stuff to happen as a quest may accidentally link to it (had this happen once, took me forever to figure it out). Adding them afterwards via a quest is fine, but leaving the existing ones can cause problems. I've actually gotten into the habit of rather then duplicating, creating a new cell, going to the cell that I "would of duplicated", selecting only the objects that I want to copy (from the cell view objects list NOT render window) then edit, copy, go into the new cell, then edit paste in place. Saves me alot of time and headache in the long run trying to find that one little thing thats screwing everything up. Big thunder storm rolling in, time for me to exit for awhile.. Cheers, hope it helps.
  17. spacing for the elevators is pretty easy after you've copied one from another cell (hightec / vault) each floor is spaced 250 in the scale bit for the bar that the elevator moves up and down. Just remember to edit the properties on the defaultmaster for the floors after editing it (or change the top floor so its the bzzzzt sound). if your looking for a load elevator, check out redrockettv's tutorial on making one of those, there is a packin for the base elevators for those, then you just need to do the final linkage. here's a link for their video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J55WZ9PVSgY
  18. if its doing this on external cells on you, you can open up the properties window (button on the main window) go to the second tab, and change the loaded cells from 5 down to 3, or even 2. This will cut back on the load ck throws at your video card when working on external cells. two things about this however: it doesn't save this setting so you will have to reset it each time you use the creation kit, when switching from a external to a internal cell, there will be a 'ghost' version of the exterinal cell in the internal cell sometimes that will effect the external cell if you modify any of that 'ghost'. the more things its displaying the more resources its going to want for the card, if your not working with markers at the time, turn them off, (lights, patrol paths, etc), same with light radius markers (L key to toggle). I did notice with my nvidia card and its "latest" drivers, its become more of a resource hog on the pc, kinda wishing I didn't update to the latest this last time, that machine is running a 750 ti 2gb card.
  19. add the keyword to the power armor suit / armor called 'blockplayeractivation' this should stop the player from being able to use the suit / armor. if its a armor piece, if you untick 'playable' the player shouldn't be able to remove it from the suit / npc that has it equipped. They can still replace it but not remove it. if you do make it a unplayable object, you may want to test and make sure the player can't pick it up as well, the blockplayeractivation keyword should keep them from being able to pick it up i would think, sense it will stop them from entering doors, opening containers and the like.
  20. you have to hold the S key while dragging for the scaling to work, its not just a tap on/off thing.
  21. grab it in the little V shaped area on the arrows near where they all connect, that will evenly scale the object :)
  22. looks pretty cool :) hope you get the issue resolved one would think its probably something simple (like a ini setting) did you know there is a Caleb in the game already? I ran into that and was like "ha cool" the world could use a few more though, like art! (don't know if you've met him)
  23. Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\ is the path to fallout on my system, under that folder the paths are as I discribed above Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\data\Scripts\Source\User esp goes in data, pex goes in scripts, psc goes in User the User folder is just for the scripts so you can see the source in ck Sounds like you need to get some help in the trouble shooting forums, custom ini files? maybe something in them is turning scripting off? Only system I know that ignores user scripts is the PS4, good ol' paranoid sony.
  24. yeah that would be frustrating, you do seem to have something wierd going on, not sure what it could be if not another mod nor a currupt save. I've had a couple oddball things happen while I was building stuff but never anything weird with something as basic as this. I even have fallout installed in a alternate path rather then the default steam path so I know that wouldn't cause a issue either (have several drives setup for steam games). trying to think of anything I can to help you but i'm out of ideas at this point sorry :(
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