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Everything posted by caleb68
player.placeatme baseid is to create a new item from a base object, not the object id you get in game. prid objectid selects the object ingame (i.e. as if you clicked on the object while the console is open) moveto player will move the selected object to the spot the player is standing at. baseid's are used to create new objects, the objectid is the id assigned to the object that was created from a baseid. So in order to make 'new' radio's you would need to know the objects baseid, I don't know of a console command that will get you the objects base id, but you might try something like 'help radio 4' to search for them and scroll through the output looking for items labeled 'Radio', mind you it might take you awhile to find the radio your looking for. here are some base id's for you though: Diamond City Radio Reciever - 00082447 Freedom Radio Reciever - 001642EE Institute Radio Reciever - 000CA89D Railroad Radio Reciever - 00218C3C Silver Shroud Radio Reciever - 0022E058
Its uploaded now, you can find it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20538/?
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
mediafire being wierd, wants you to download a zip, but yeah there are replacement pieces that can be used to rebuild the upper part, it would just take a little bit to get it all lined up. heh, I wasn't being to careful while stuffing them into the shack layer, so I probably shifted a few of them out of place, quick as in I didn't care about the pieces I was moving to hide, otherwise I would of been more careful. If one did rebuild the upper balcony they would need to build the hall and stairs from the side to go up to the upper balcony area, the start of it is there, just caved in first flight of stairs, but sense its a all nice n' lined up cell doing that wouldn't take much time. I may have to poke around more with the combat zone after I finish these other areas up im working on :D, and actually do some serious work in it. -
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I took a few minutes to see how much trouble it would be, after moving all the raider stuff to the shacks layer, it was a pretty quick cleanup on the main floor, the only trouble area I see for cleanup is the upper balcony, its just one giant mesh, one would have to replace it with individual pieces like the below floor in order to restore the large hole in the middle of it. http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/czcleanup.jpg -
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
thats the script that handles the main entry scene bit and tommy & cait after the player opens the doors to the combat zone, starts the fight between cait and the opponent, spotlights, etc etc. If you look for CZStageControllerREF (activator) in the combat zone you'll find it with all the filled out options. Haven't looked at the coding yet, was seeing if it was linked to anything already in the game. Looking at the quest CZ, you'll see a bunch of quest stages that are tagged as obsolete, going through them it shows the player was originally going to be given the option to fight with cait in the area, being given a hand to hand weapon by a handler, and then entering the ring to fight her. At the end (further obsolete quests) the player gets paid for beating Cait, and can ask for more caps (success / fail). If you go into the Scene tab of the CZ quest, it was litterally meant for the player to have multiple matches, again look at the 'obsolete' scenes, CZ_Arena_PlayerMatch has conversations setup for the player to return and have multiple matches against other npc's. I have no idea why they dropped this, this would of made the combat zone so much more immersive rather then 'go in kill raider, get awarded Cait'. One even low level with enough ammo and a good rifle can kill every raider, just staying in the first room after opening the door, only two raiders only ever come up to the door at once, and most of the raiders in there are pretty wimpy to begin with. Back to the stages, CZ_Arenea_PlayerMatch even tells the player in conversation to go downstairs and enter the lift in phaze 4. It looks like most the stuff for the original arena idea is there, although some stuff seems broken, someone who's good with quests could probably get it working properly again to trigger most of the stuff. -
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
With the addon DLC for capturing critters / people and doing arena battles it also gives more possibility to making the combat zone more immersive. Far as keeping Caits stuff safe, simply don't allow the arena stuff to work until she's either a) become a companion, or b) not until she is cured. I think B is the better option of the two, that way it doesn't interfere with the existing dialog with her and the current owner guy, and allows you to setup a script/quest to handle the place afterwards, one could even make the current owner move out sense he doesn't have any further dialogs for the player, and have the player take over the combat zone as a settlement area. Looking at Nukaworld in the packs area, there is a cage where you will see molerats and dogs (thats all i've seen) battle eachother while the general people including your companion ignore them unless they are in one of the special interaction spots, so making a arena area that others outside of it won't try to jump in and join is possible as well. My idea with the functioning area - player triggers lift 1, NPC comes out of the dressing room and triggers lift 2, and enters the lift. Simple triggers to close and lock the gate behind you after you enter the lift, so both you nor the npc can get out except by triggering the second lift button. The players second button isn't able to be activated until the gate for the npc has closed, at that point the player can trigger the lift button and both lifts begin rasing up, another trigger at the top of the lift sets the npc hostile to the player, this automatically begins the fight once the lifts are high enough for both to shoot eachother. The gate to the cage topside remains locked until the NPC is dead. If the player dies... well, the game itself reloads the last save, so no worries. After the fight the player can exit the cage, head back down to the lower area, and start the process all over again. Gaining a perk after winning x battles, i.e. like quickdraw, would be a good reward, or setup some sort of terminal where the player can bet, and pick the difficulty of the opponent. Just what i've thought up for it thinking about the area. -
Got the navmesh all squared away, here's some screenshots of the finished area: http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/dalton/dalton01.jpg http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/dalton/dalton02.jpg http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/dalton/dalton03.jpg http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/dalton/dalton04.jpg http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/dalton/dalton05.jpg The workbench is also moved into the little shed behind the house, figured that was a fitting place for it to sit. All the doorways can have doors placed on them, including the doors on the dock barn and the shed. Just about everything added short of the structures themselves can be scrapped (beds and stuff inside the house). Just a few little touch up things to do and I think its ready. This was a fun little challenge to get all the base structures setup and looking good in the area :)
the navmesh there is a nightmare, so many microscopic nav polys, its crazy, no rhyme or reason for it either, gonna take awhile to clean that up.
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
With the existing buttons in the cell? o.O the scripts on them say otherwise. Edit in - Ah yeah you can set them up as basic elevators, not really useful sense its a single player game, still they aren't functioning as intended (look at the button scripting) it was meant to be quest driven, the player only being able to activate the button for lift 1, which basically says you'd be going into a fight arena yourself against a npc. And as I stated before the scripting for the buttons is incomplete. one could rewrite it to work like that (fight arena) with random opponents, not that hard I would think. -
heres a shot of the prototype in game after scrapping a bunch of stuff around the house: http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/daltonfarmsapleig.jpg
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
There may be a way to have Cait & opponent on the lifts that are tied to a trigger that as you step through the platforms raise (maybe one of the many elevators in one of the dlcs, mods, vanilla?) The lifts are tied to a non existent quest, looking at the scripting for the lifts (which are incomplete) they were initially planned to be raised up into the arena from the lower area, one could easily do it, they'd just have to fix the lifts grouping (like the general elevators), the coding for the switches would have to be replaced to trigger the animation events for the lifts which ticked, and a simple addon quest done to fire off the lifts when the fight scene between cait and her opponent is set, raising them both up into the arena. Far as betting on a fight, that would have to be done either via dialog or a terminal via a repeatable quest i'd think, you place your bet on red or blue, the lifts drop to the lower levels and the two opponents would be spawned in the lift box, then raised up into the arena, you get to watch the fight and if x opponent dies, it divvy's out the winnings. -
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Just a note about this: When I build larger things, I most often build them in an empty interior cell then group, then copy/paste them into their intended location. I could see that as a likely reason for this. Same here, I do the same, This is what I was thinking they had done with it as well, I've even seen some 'small groupings' in cells that are off abit created for making multiple groups of the same item, as if they forgot to clean it out afterwards. -
Just a prototype, but you mean something like: http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/daltonfarmsaple.jpg
Combat Zone Restore The Cut Arena.
caleb68 replied to AtomicFire555's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I have been thinking about doing a restoration mod for the combat zone, I saw the second cell for it and was really curious why it was cut, It actually seems like it was meant to be a addition to the first cell rather then a individual cell if one checks it out. And I have to agree, looking through things it hints that you would have been able to wager on fights going on in the combat zone, or even participate yourself in the fight with how its laid out. The lifts in the second cell are non-functional, It seems they never finished working on them, dropping the idea and moving on to something else. It would be kinda cool though to enter the combat zone and see the lifts raise up Cait and her opponent into the ring for the fight scene at least. Patches does exist in the actors (CZ_Patches) and his Vendor chest (VendorCAPatchez) and services (ServicesCZPatches), patches seems to be setup as a generic vendor, selling armor, weapons, and misc items. I can not find any relevant linkage to Patches anywhere in the game itself though besides a the dialog for generic doctors oddly. I wonder how many other characters are sitting there in the actors that may not of been used in game... edit in: just as a example of what I was refering to about the area itself, the second cell was designed to fit perfectly within the first cell, the doors and platforms lining up perfectly: http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/combatzone.jpg -
try the console command workshopbudget. It removes all scrappable/buildable items and sticks them in the workbench.
its possible - but - to have a fully working vault gear door, it would require the vault dlc, only the vault door in that one has a open and a close animation, all the others only have a open and reset (reset just jumps it to closed position).
if your playing on the pc, you can do this by opening the console and typing workshopbudget That will scrap all scrappable objects and store all storable objects, giving you a clean empty settlement to work with.
Fizztop Grille's workshop area is directly tied into the red rocket gas stations workbench ( the upper outside part ), I think modifying that to make it a independent settlement might cause issues with the main script. Wouldn't mind seeing a settlement created for the town area around it though :) break it up into 3 different settlements so you could set it up like the raider factions that are already there, be it if you kill all the raiders or help them. That would be a pretty awesome mod :) I think near the airplane would be a good central location for Far Harbor, there is that large lake just below it, and some nice semi flat areas near by that could make for some nice settlement locations. I'm not sure about the commonwealth, its pretty cluttered with settlements as it is, its hard to find a nice location there that won't bump into another mod or existing area.
Looks like we are talking about two different things, I'm refering to being able to assign raiders to a settlement, which you would use the DLC04WorkshopWorkbench. The raider attacks are controlled by shanks dialog with the player, under DLC04Raid***** settlements have several flags that stop them from being raided, i.e. like companions living there, most of what allows you to make the settlement so you can send raiders there you can see from the ref aliases and looking at the "startup" functions within the scripts.
free info? was that was that was? 3 days ago? could of fooled me. then the comments today as well? The comment which caused me to delete the entire thread to prevent needless a**hattery was anything but 'free info' and was only posted because you didn't bother to fully read what I said. People skim posts too much, and that was exactly what you and speedynl did. rather then allowing it to continue in the thread, I removed it before it even got started. Then again today you post another uncalled for comment. Yes, It was removed, there is no need for it on the page. All the helpful information that you posted, its been left, just the ones with the bs comments were removed, like the one you posted and felt the need to repost here on this thread. There really is no need for that, and is why people stop being helpful. If you want to post helpful information, thats fine, but keep the side comments out of it. No need for that at all, you don't see me running off and posting bs on your mods pages. Yes I let it get the better of me with my first reply back on what speedynl wrote about nuka-settlements being 99% working, but I did post further information on it afterwards.
Think I did elaborate on it. But if you want me to get down to the exact details with how Speedynl told you to make it so you can add a settlement, the wilderness locations will be as follows: Deathclaws: always lvl 40 supermutants: always lvl 28 raiders: always level 21 & 22 scavengers: always level 2 etc. etc. etc. Basically what your doing is wiping out nukaworlds ability to level the creatures in the wilderness zones to the pc by removing the encounterzone for the world. There are other obvious issues that arise with the settlements, and you can see one reflected with Tarsis's proof of concept, the settlement happiness dropping to 30 right off the bat from 50 whenever a settler joins, regardless if you have food, water, power and defenses setup based on the happiness scale for calculations, this isn't related to the worlds encounter zone however. There are a few others that will pop up that if anyone properly tests building a settlement in nuka-world and can be found with very little effort. And far as adding the ability for raider factions to be able to take over a settlement, you just have to use the proper workbench, the default settlement workbench will not allow raiders to take over, as they did not modify the default workbench, rather they added one for use with the DLC.