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Everything posted by caleb68
ps4 doesn't allow scripting, and scripting would be required in order to make a slaver mod work.
hrm, thats kinda a good idea, think i'll add it to the mod im working one :)
MOD Request: Renovate the "Cheers" Bar in Boston
caleb68 replied to PoppaSmirk's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/prostbar1.jpg Working on a mod that has a restored version of prost bar in it. though it has a quest involved with it, its not for getting baseball relics from sam, but that does give me a idea :) ty. Still much work to do on the bar, as its been fully restored including the basement, and upper floors, and its part of a larger mod. -
Loot Skulls From Humans and Ghouls
caleb68 replied to Dimensionlord1's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
This mod provides ways to clear corpses and get 'bone' pieces from those corpses, including skulls, the bone pieces come from scrapping / butchering corpses across the commonwealth (and addons) along with various other things, not sure if its what your looking for specifically but thought i'd toss it in: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21262/? -
A mod for random (or placed) ennemies in Nuka-World ?
caleb68 replied to Go6s's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Nuka-world has issues when making mods for it, especially when it comes to the random spawns (breaks creature leveling), but I agree, Nuka-world has way too little spawns around the area and they become predictable for the random ones. -
you might try asking Robboten, take a look at his snappy and housek mods, they really add a ton of content for settlement building, might even cover those already.
Correction - The door doesn't have to be navmeshed, only the teleport location marker has to be navmeshed. The door can be completely outside the accessable area, but as long as the teleport marker for the doors is in a navmeshed area, the npc's can still access the doors, as they use the teleport markers, and not the doors themselves.
The problem with the elevators and lifts is the scripting, its specifically written to only allow the player to activate them, so even if the npc actually interacted with the device they would just stand there and the elevator / lift wouldn't do anything. Perhaps if someone was to rewrite the defaultelevatormaster script to allow npc's to interact with them, they may work, however it may cause problems too, as I've noticed with some npc settlers they will consistently wander back and forth between two objects while others wander around more so. I prefer using the invisible door method to make it "appear" that they used the elevator to transport between floors / cells. in doors you'll want to use the door InvisibleLoad01HiddenMinUse and place it outside of the accessible map area in both cells, if its transferring to a outer cell, stick it under the ground where no one can get to it. Link the two doors together, then move the exit markers to the point where they would enter and exit the door, the npc's will go to the marker and teleport into the next cell after playing the 'open door' animation on the actor. If both doors are in the same cell, just make sure the door itself is outside the usable area and the markers are placed in front of the doors they will be moving between, i.e. the outside of the elevator doors. The reason you want the door itself outside the physical area the player can access is so that they can't 'see' the invisible door. With the door teleport markers in place the npc's can still use the door normally.
The problem with the elevators and lifts is the scripting, its specifically written to only allow the player to activate them, so even if the npc actually interacted with the device they would just stand there and the elevator / lift wouldn't do anything. Perhaps if someone was to rewrite the defaultelevatormaster script to allow npc's to interact with them, they may work, however it may cause problems too, as I've noticed with some npc settlers they will consistently wander back and forth between two objects while others wander around more so. I prefer using the invisible door method to make it "appear" that they used the elevator to transport between floors / cells.
sent pm.
[Project] Nuka World Settlements, few questions
caleb68 replied to dropsnorz's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
If a method that ever comes up to make settlements work properly in Nukaworld without breaking anything, I've already made a quest safe settlement out of the Hubologist camp, but however due to things breaking in game when building settlements in the wilderness areas, I haven't release it yet. Perhaps someday someone will figure out the proper method to get them working, as of yet, I still haven't seen one that works, including speedynl's method. http://www.caleb68.com/Fo4/hubologistcamp.jpg -
your method still breaks things Speedynl. Existing games it works fine, fresh games no.
No, it does not do this - it`s a toggle.It does something only when player activates it, one action at a time. Either closes and locks or unlocks and opens. Activating = pressing "E" on the door. I tested it in the game as this is a script I`m using for my settlements just without a lock level and key. Without lock level it won`t let to unlock it with some certain key so for using key need to set a lock level. yes I understand that, but for instance - if you have a object that unlocks the door but doesn't activate it, then when the player opens the door it will flip shut and lock again, likewise, if the door wasn't originally locked, when the player opens the door, it will flip shut and lock. As long as your door is locked to begin with, and nothing is used to just 'unlock' the door but not open it, then all is fine and dandy.
go into your data folder in fallout 4 Remove all the esp / ba2 files that are related to mods Remove all the folders in the Data folder EXCEPT: Layouts LSData Voice\Processing Video now this will set your game back to default if you didn't load any mods that have injectors in them (i tend to avoid those), which requires more steps and sometimes reinstalling the game. If you installed a mod that added videos, the default video files are: AGILITY.bk2 CHARISMA.bk2 Endgame_FEMALE_A.bk2 Endgame_FEMALE_B.bk2 Endgame_MALE_A.bk2 EndGame_MALE_B.bk2 ENDURANCE.bk2 GameIntro_V3_B.bk2 INTELLIGENCE.bk2 Intro.bk2 LUCK.bk2 MainMenuLoop.bk2 PERCEPTION.bk2 STRENGTH.bk2
for many objects you could just create a container out of them, like the clothing objects that sit on the floor when dropped, but for things like guns, being they are multipart items, its not a single nif that makes up the weapon, so you'd have to create a loadscreen / static collection object out of it in order to make it a persistent static, or assimble your own single nif using nifscope. The loadscreen method works good for things like the weapons.
without trying your script, the problem I see with it is when the player opens the door, it will automatically close and lock on them rather then only locking when the door is closed, hense why I used the event 'OnClose' instead of 'OnActivate', that way the door will only lock if its closed, and will remain open until then.
Try this: Scriptname DoorClosenLockScript extends ObjectReference Const Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() If Self.IsLocked() == false Self.SetOpen(false) Self.Lock() Self.SetLockLevel(LockLevel) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Group DoorPRoperties Int Property LockLevel Auto Const {Level of door lock} EndGroup attach that script directly to the door, it should lock the door when it is closed, the property on it 'locklevel' is so you can set the lock level of the door, by default it defaults to novice when you relock a door. lock levels are 1-4, 4 being master there is also a script that you can attach to a trigger box already in the game called CloseLockDoorScript you'd add a default empty trigger on either side of the door, and add the script to it, You want to set the property 'CloseDoor' to true, 'LockDoor' to true, and set the 'LockLevel' then link your trigger to the door using linkcustom01 as the keyword. That triggerbox method would cause the door to automatically close and lock behind the player when they enter the trigger box. you'd have to make sure its set far enough infront of the door to keep the door from pushing the player back out when it closes. Either Method should work fine for you.
oh far as getting the activator to work for you: you can duplicate the DefaultEmptyTrigger, rename it to anything and then in the "name" field, make sure it has something (this will be the text that they see when they hover over it) named triggers are activated by the player, unnamed triggers are automatically triggered when the player walks into them. make sure to add that script DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate on the scripts tab so that it will grab the linkref when the player activates it and open the chest.
I do have an example, download bunker 13 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13282/? in the bedroom there are static weapons on the wall the weapons are surrounded by red boxes the red boxes link to containers behind the wall, making each weapon a separate container I just cant figure out what the red boxes are called heres what they did: found the object they wanted, then added it to the cell, i.e. the gatling gun weapon. They then right clicked it and created a Loadscreen object out of it. Thats the item you see on the wall representing the container. The next thing they did was they created a chest object for it, and placed it out of sight behind the wall. After that they created a custom activator for each chest (the red boxes you were talking about) and added the script DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate to it. they then added a linkref from the activator to the chest. Not that complicated. When the player goes into the cell they will only see the weapon, but when they hover over it (the red activator box) it will give the option to open the chest, and they can open it just like any other chest in the game. Personally i'd use the invisible chest (like what workshops use) so that if the player clips behind the wall they won't see the actual chest and won't be able to access it. so there you have it in a nutshell, hope that helps :)
hrm, im betting its something else then windows 8.1, I've been modding and playing fallout 4 on windows 8.1 on my little pc for awhile now without problems.
my first playthrough I didn't see Gene until I was around level 45, he's pretty random, just like that little girl and her sentry bot that roams the wasteland, I tend to run into all the others including the bartender more often then those two. Even had that bartender spawn right next to a super mutant camp over by good neighbor. It would be nice to have a stationary dog vendor like they have in far harbor in the common wealth, there are a few nice junkyards that would make sense for him to be hanging out at rather then roaming the commonwealth looking for someone to pawn his dog off on. Would most likely have to remove him from the random spawn or set it up so that a trigger will make him & the dog pop into the fixed location, haven't looked at the scripting that handles the random encounters to see if it will just ignore popping them in if they've already been added to the world, the random encounters that do wander have a rather large wander circle across the commonwealth, followed one around just to see where they went once or to see if they would just pop out like they pop in for the encounter.
correct me if im wrong here, but... from a modders perspective, wouldn't it just be easier to add the keyword "FurnitureScaleActorToOne" to every terminal in the game? this keyword should scale the player to 1.0 when using the terminal, and then return them to their actual scale when they exit it. Just a thought there for people wanting a mod to fix the terminal issue for scaled actors.
A new alternative for snap'n build or similar
caleb68 replied to sfrebo's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I was going to recommend the same mod, check out his mods he's got a few options there that are great addons :) -
yeah I was just reading through this and was going its not the nav mesh thats the problem really. All the settlements the settlers will wander about a certain distance from the center marker, or if the settlement has a workshop sandbox, they will wander around the inside of that area primarily. If I remember right from what I had read while researching settlements, if no sandbox is given and no edge markers, the wander distance from the center marker will be controlled by the map marker 'discover' area (the circle around the map marker).