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Everything posted by frank lee
Need a quest maker for my mod of Cyrodiil Map
frank lee replied to Illumbris's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
When you say make quests to you mean write the stories or ideas, write a script like a screenplay or actually produce the quests as code or scripts for implementation? You see the difference here. Stan Lee wrote the Iron Man character, he didn't write the screenplays for the movies and certainly didn't direct the film. But on the first aspect, there is a mountain of Elder Scrolls fan fiction out there. So ideas shouldn't be a problem. Good luck. -
Septimus Signus, when the maximal apex was reached, this guy fell off. . . And landed on his head! Delphine, just how many times can you get stuff wrong girl? Wrong about the Thalmor and the dragons, wrong about Paarthunax and if you'd kept pushing the Greybeards at the conference, possibly terminally wrong, Which brings us to the Old One himself Paarthunax, just cool. talk about been there done that. Krosis, but he's not just memorable but admirable, and representing redemption is possibly the realist character in the game. Balgruuf, The man represents the sort of leader we would want really. Thoughly good egg. And finally Elisif the Fair. Sad, the girl is so out of her depth and trying so hard, sweet.
To wake this tread up from its slumber with a question. Why does your bow (and a very nice bow it is too) auto select the crappest arrows? Now I don't shoot often but sometimes some ugly falmer git needs knocking off his perch. now when I was in Skuldafn I aquired many lovely daedric arrows, which I carry around in case of need. The need arises I grab the bow and I'm shooting rubish rusty iron arrows with harldy any damage and there goes MY ELEMENT OF SURPRISE! This is very very annoying of course I could use one of my extremely limited hotkeys to keep the best arrows handy. . . so what should I give up the Dragon Aspect or a summon? Annoying and one of the reasons I don't do much with the bow. Plus from a purely imersion/credability aspect a rusty iron arrow that has made it through my (character level 50 or thereabouts) armor is, I suggest not going to be fit fo much afterwards. really! No mods for this issue, hardly any refferences on the internet. Seems it's only me this bothers, however any advice would be welcomed.
LE Hire guards for your home [Hearthfire]
frank lee replied to lolikols's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Can I just say, hiring big ugly dudes to stand around??? Sorry but I'm the Archmage of Winterhold. Why wouldn't I be looking at a couple of graceful flame atronachs to float about. They dont need feeding or paying, they seem to be able to endlessly amuse themselves doing backflips and they only go for people who wish me harm. Failing that, a magic barrier such as the one the eye generated. It wouldn't have to be that powerful to see off the odd bandit. . . Point is a bunch of unemployables cluttering up my home seems, inellegent. -
Honest Hearts Story Issues (SPOILERS)
frank lee replied to raverbane's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Two tiresome DLC's down, two more? Don't think I'll bother. One Bioshock flavoured run around with incoherent speech challenges and now HH. Someone runs at you, you kill them, quest failed, someone else runs at you, kill them, quest failed. Tell you what, reload game from entry and bring my Fatboy, slaughter everyone! might as well there's nothing else going on in the place. . . -
what did yoy enjoy about Dead Money?
frank lee replied to BlackSampleAdmin's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Walking round like a fugee, Not! mod 'Dead Money - Keep Your Stuff' by Shade117 If I can't wear my suit an my shades . . . . I aint goin! -
Return to Shady Sands (NCR Capital City!)
frank lee replied to Mr Lepidus's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
That - Sounds - Brilliant! Really, that is great sounding mod. Agreeing with drakeelvin that the Mr House premise needs a little work but I'm seriously impressed by the scope and depth of that proposition. -
Really don't get it, the doctor in the wasteland? what about 'doesn't carry a gun' or 'nobody dies today'. . . . I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry ; )
Nuclear apocalypse in real life.
frank lee replied to BloXboX's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Grew up in the cold war, twelve minutes to oblivion and Bertie the Turtle singing 'Duck and Cover' I wonder if that's why I now live in the mountains with my guns an ma' dawgs . . . Seriously look up prepping. If you can survive undamaged through the first minutes of any kind of disaster you vastly improve your chances of making it through the first hours. If you can make the first hours then the first days and so on. -
Have you considered making music videos or even machinima? With all the controls, mods and effects it's not too hard and it makes the whole wasteland into your studio lot. The funny thing is that as soon as you've posted one to Youtube, you look at it and think, tch! should have done that different or could have done that . . . It gets quite addictive.
1st, what a great discussion, a round of applause to all contributors. Sorry I missed it but been busy. I'm voting for the NCR, not because they are the best but the least bad. While I read the Wiki stuff and I congratulate the writers, it's fiction and though good fun, not particularly convincing. Like Pob, I perceive the Legion as existentially flawed. Its based on fiction, lies and a skewed idea of a historical society that wasn't that wonderful if you were a slave, a woman or German for instance. The NCR on the other hand is also deeply flawed but the flaws are less crippling in the long run. The NCR permits dissent, We could have this discussion in NCR territory or be crucified for it in the Legion's. This is why the followers exist in NCR and not in the east, no? And that brings us to the NCR's real saving grace, it's a dynamic system. The most miserable excuse for a democracy has more going for it than a totalitarian state. Democracies can be won over or subverted from within and dictatorships usually just fall. As there are so many fans of ancient Rome here let me make an analogy. Suppose the NCR was like the early Roman empire, corrupt and callous of its subjects, now imagine the Followers as early era Christians. So it took 300 years until the first Christian emperor but hey, job done and the Holy Roman Church was the nearest thing to a plus in the dark ages. And that's why I vote for the NCR because while they are not exactly nurturing the Followers of the Apocalypse they are permitting them to grow and the followers are the only people I've met in FoNV that has a feasible long term outlook that doesn't end in serfdom or its idiot brother slavery. Finally here's a test for fans of the Roman empire. Try to calculate which possession is worth more, (1) A slave, (2) A Woman, (3) A German, Now calculate again as if you were a female German slave . . .
To add to whats been said, I really liked the Karma in Fo3. One if the jollies I get from these games is playing the supergood person, making all the selfless decisions that the real world would crucify you for and being the saint that very few of us achieve in reality. So I was 'disappointed' because there's no point in playing FoNV like that. I was so disappointed I made this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BSNTYorSFE It seemed as if the devs wrecked the karma system while trying to replace it with the reputation system which wasn't as compelling for us ethical souls even if it was bug free and consistent, which it wasn't!
Please wait. . . . sarcasm loading when a companion decides to do something stupid like take on a deathclaw with a powerfist, "Oh do pay attention 007" When there's legionaries running at you with their stupid homemade knife things, And I'm feeling charitable and draw my Greatsword "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya" has crossed my mind more than once. And the first time I visited Nipton I interrupted whatshisface's monologue with "Oh F**k off Grasshopper" (*) But the catch phrases I think the most often while playing are "I see dead pixels" & "Guns don't kill people, lag does" * Hot Fuzz (2007)
Apart from issues with various codecs the autosave and hotkey save seems to be problematical for many people. I got a lot more smoothness by disabling them and the 'Purge Cell Buffers' mod by Foxtrot seems to have eliminated the lockups I occasionally got. I'm XP (sp3) Pro if that's relevant. Guns don't kill people, Lag does!
I suddenly began getting CTD's so went over my machines install log. One of the Apps I had installed (a effects plugin for Premiere pro) had installed Quicktime which I don't normally keep on board. I removed it and we are back and running again. Might have gotten by with doing some 'exception' stuff but it wasn't needed .
What game ending-outcome would you like?
frank lee replied to frank lee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Agreed Dasim, The roman model might be fine for welding a national unit together and conquering/pacifying the region but the long term . . . the Julio-Claudian Caesars went to hell in around 150 years that was swiftly followed by a theocracy. . .Nice! Sorry the legion is too vulnerable to the guy at the top going nuts and taking the whole show with him. The NCR is least of evils. But to provoke a different spin on this can anyone think of a faith, a creed or philosophy to introduce to the game to effect the outcome. Supposing the far left came to power in the NCR (Roosevelt style) or the followers suddenly embraced Jesus (or Buddha for that matter). Not a hell of a lot changes if gangs like the Jackals become devotees of Kali the Destroyer but if the Great Khans suddenly discovered Timothy Leary had all the answers things could change faster than you could say "LSD in the water supply". Just wondering whats the smallest thing to introduce that would have the greatest effect. -
The state of New Vegas
frank lee replied to thetorturedbodysoul's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I still think they were simply cramming more complexity into the game than the engine could handle. Perhaps that would explain why so many of the quest glitches mentioned above and at length on so many of these threads cause so many problems. I've had the most trouble with quest order and quest interconnection so it looks to me as if the devs didn't get bored but realized they were just generating more and more glitches as they assembled the game. And that would be when they decided to take the scissors to it and release what they had. Because if I'm guessing correctly here, when they hit an invisible tipping point in the overall software stability their only other option would be to tear the project down and start again. It's even possible that they did! Though it would be a cold day in hell before a software company would ever admit such a thing, (re; Duke Nukem, Postal 3 etc etc) -
Fallout New Vegas... Dance!?!?
frank lee replied to neoxyooj's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Trying to do a serious project with windows live movie maker would be like trying to repair your car with the toy tools from Christmas crackers. You are to be commended for getting anything out of it at all! Now you have a real editing suite I'd recommend playing with it for a while, rather than trying to produce something, this will lend some consistency to your output. Or you may find yourself looking back at early episodes (when your still struggling with workflow) and wanting to re-do them all. Most of what you are seeing in Three Card Bounty Killer! is the ToonIt! filter that I've gone on about. It's one of 5 filters and its an effect I love because everyone knows what a comic looks like. I mean everyone! there are bushmen in the Kalahari that could recognize a comic strip. The problem with Machinima is it looks like games. That's Ok for us because we are gamers but if folk like Boone of the Wasteland haven't heard of it, he's a serious gamer and its been happening for over a decade. . . .something isn't working? Since movies are mostly about 'look' I believe producing machinima that looks like games is the stumbling point. If we want to get the genre out of its sub-gamer ghetto we have to produce something that looks less like games and more like an other (or a new) media. Machinima hasn't shook the world of film making, despite 'Lionhead's The Movies' the Sims and PreViz in the mainstream cinema, It's not lived up to it's early promise to do what 'Punk Rock' did to the music industry. So unless we are content with an audience of the gamers that know about this stuff we really need to try to make films that has something to say to a broader audience. Something that grabs them by the eyeballs and leaves them amazed, even something that leaves them thinking "I could do that" . . . . -
3D (stereoscopic) vids of Fallout NV Gameplay
frank lee replied to jjk999's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Y'know easily half My favorite movies are in black&white, and Mono sound, and low def. I saw the last Res-Evil movie in 3D and I was bored with being hit in the face with a rusty airplane by half way through it. What was interesting was the similarity between the new 3D movies and the very first films shown in public, films of trains steaming straight at the camera that had audiences running for the exits. The thing was, when they invented movies they had yet to invent cinema and all that means. They had to create a visual grammar and teach the audience to read it. And again with sound, and again with color and here we are again with 3D. Unfortunately all the lessons of history indicate that until the language between film maker and viewer has been developed or reinvented almost everything you will see in 3D will be crap. The plus side of course, is right now the field is wide open. good luck -
Fallout New Vegas... Dance!?!?
frank lee replied to neoxyooj's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Three Card Bounty Killer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg84225dU74 Which is about as much as I can squeeze out of gunplay. -
Those of us who're not rich or get software from work might want to keep an eye on this Cinefx It was good once, and they claim to be working on updating this open source video tool.
I like Hanlon at camp Golf, he is one of the few people with more than a cardboard cutout personality. Kristofferson's voice is hypnotic and I would have liked more from that character. Mr fantastic's lines makes me laugh, but I don't even want to be in the same room as Col Moore, the stupid cow is a psychopath.
Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?
frank lee replied to Zephyr2011's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Inspiration: -
The proper name is Dynamic range compression, its used to improve audio in noisy environments, where background noise muddies up quiet sounds. But the head rising from the dark water, Apocalypse Now was first I think, then Arne in Predators, saw Vin Diesel do it but like I said it just doesn't get cliched for me. So how many episodes are yo looking at and what time scale to complete it?
Really nice work guy! Like it a lot. As W-A said the sound needs work, you could try a compressor on the voice track to lift it without messing too much with the levels. And for me, the edits could be snappier (but that's just my fetish). Its a shame you couldn't pull off the head rising out of the water Ala Apocalypse Now, that effect never ever gets old for sheer menace. See you on Youtube. :thumbsup: