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frank lee

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Everything posted by frank lee

  1. Forty out of a hundred an twenty something quests, I'll see you back at Lvl 3. . . .
  2. I'll connect my games machine when they have got the bugs out of the patch ( and how f**ked is that?) But by the look of XSoldier's list Bethsoft have just admitted that every single quest in the game is bugged . . .
  3. Whoa! your PC is downloading 250meg of stuff and you don't know what it does!!! Am I the only one here who thinks that is some f**king dodgy s**t? :ohmy:
  4. Either my Animation Mod controls are bugged or I'm just stupid because I can't make the same thing occur twice (or both of course!) So if you don't mind I made this, it will have to do until I master the mod controls and produce my Bollywood spectacular dance number. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfcfBp_P9Qg In 1995 Jim Jarmusch made 'Dead Man' starring Gary Farmer, and Johnny Depp with music by Neil Young. . .It's outstanding! Also we are all over the Nevada desert and no-one mentions Carlos Castaneda or Hunter S Thompson's 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' . . . . We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded" This needed addressing 8)
  5. (Sighs) I'm with Regis on this, there's killing in battle, then there is murder. So if I get points for overcoming the Legionnaires who try to bushwhack me around the place, can I have some karma for putting my guns down and taking them on mano a mano? Being as the poor things only have a bit of leaf-spring or whatever that machete thing is made of, and I can (and have) offed them while they're just specks on the horizon. Karma is supposed to be the justice of the universe. . . Or have I got that wrong too :blush:
  6. Well then dish out some bad karma for massacring a bunch of guys with a sniper rifle from half a mile away 'cos in truth, they really didn't stand a chance against you did they? You just slaughtered them for XP or because they were in your way. . . :dry:
  7. Bad karma for picking stuff up in the Powder Ganger's HQ after you've slaughtered them but not Vipers etc. Bad karma for doing Caesar's footlocker or those Westside slaver dudes. This badly needed reappraising for this game. Bethsoft, You've Lost Karma!
  8. I was once in that part world when I witnessed the God Mercury going about the business of the Gods! It was spooky and thought provoking. However I am not only aware of stuff like 'katabatic wind phenomena' but I have my own set of superstitions with which I could interpret what I saw (UFO's, Black helicopters, etc) so I'm not condemning the Romans for this, they did the best with what they had. We have a scientific and deterministic view of the world which the they didn't. They took much of their animist view from the Etruscans and built the stuff like the Sibylline prophecies into their government and public business (President Reagan's astrologer anyone?) Rocks, mountains, trees and 'interesting' locations could be the domain of Numia (spirits, demigods etc) such as the boulder in the temple of Jupiter which was a God called Terminus because no-one succeeded in moving it during construction. :whistling: The rich and well educated Romans were supposed to be less susceptible to superstition but Pliny wrote about 'important' people who wore charms to ward of blindness. Even Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (Caesars heir) wore a tiny model of Hecate and upon it's loss he believed himself doomed, He shortly died! Their world was full of manifestations and portents and they had no better explanations, so yea, superstition I'm afraid. So; di vos incolumes custodiant (and shall we try to get this thread back to the vile upstart on Fortification Hill :blush: )
  9. I wouldn't say superstition. :biggrin: the ideas they had don't translate well, they were pre-monotheistic. Christianity, Islam etc were a deep shift in thinking about this stuff. Ask your teacher which Roman empire he means, the Republic, the dictatorship or the 'Holy Roman empire' :ermm: a lot of people who study the period make a distinction between them. In fact most scholars divide the 'real' dictatorship of the Caesars into the Julio-Claudian era and the rest! The point being, these empires only look like smooth homogeneous entities from 2000 years away. And the Caesar in the game wasn't going to be waking up when I was done with him...
  10. I keep playing up to Lvl 28 -30 and going back to a Lvl 5 save. I've been trying to get all the quests in the right bloody order. With different companions . . . And without success!
  11. A lot of that was to do with their religion (we'd say superstition) the pre christian Romans knew they were going to hell, the underworld, unless they became deified (a God, demigod etc). The only thing that would relive their condition down there was worship and prayers, to be adopted by some people or group and prayed to. Makes me wonder why the devs left such a juicy plot element out of the game. The Burning man is half way there already.
  12. Yea, sorry guy, I guess everyone has some aspect of the game, concept or universe that rubs them the wrong way, this one's mine. Some people are hacking at the shins of the plot and others the gameplay, I suppose we should try to remember that we are doing this for fun eh?
  13. You just let me know when your going to put black powder in a modern nitrocellulose firearm, I want to come and see that . . . (from a safe distance!)
  14. It goes quite a way further than that. I'm trying to get a definitive map together that shows; (1) the game-space. (within vanilla invisible walls) (2) the pip-boy map space, and (3) the terrain map space And impose all three boundaries on an actual topographic map of the region. I think this would be a useful modders resource as far as creating new lands and overlapping mods. Also for modders to include some of the wonderful sounding 'real world' locations such as Calico ghost town and Zzyzx Road. It would also help the Area 51 thing (which is way, Way! north of Nellis) Its proving tricky to do because the Fallout devs have squeezed and distorted the map/terrain to no particular system.
  15. I can't tell whether my installation of this mod is bugged or not. 1st, my only full keyboard is Spanish so all the punctuation keys are. . . different (I've set Kb to English - more confusion). 2nd there seem to be differences between the zipped read-me instructions and the Nexus downloads page instructions. And finally I suspect Zluka's first language is not English, on top of that I'm dyslexic (or possibly just stupid) but I can't seem to make the same thing happen twice in a row! I'm flailing around here getting no-where fast so if anyone who has mastered this mod could write me a definitive set of instructions I would be extremely grateful. Accidentally teleporting the Rat pack dancers to Caesars camp was pretty funny though!
  16. It's either a dropped plot thread that the Devs forgot to remove or it's a DLC hook. Don't you think its connected to the blocked canyon south of Goodsprings 'Go home courier six'. Looks like DLC stuff as that location would open one of the largest unused areas on the map.
  17. Well the NCR also has a Senate and other branches of government as well and they'd still handle things with Kimball dead. After all, the USA never went *poof* when one of it's presidents was assassinated. Totalitarian states work differently, I recommend 'Downfall (2004) and empires like the Mongols can run for a while on the founders momentum but unless the leader has had the foresight to keep someone equally charismatic and driven around, the thing tends to unravel within a few years. Interesting to note that the Roman emperors went out of their way to choose worse successors, so that their own reign would be remembered as good in comparison.
  18. Sorry all I have this in most of the time No Weapon or Armor Degradation mod A firearm that's bullets fly slower by the end of a firefight is counter immersive for me. I can suspend a lot of belief but not that much. As far as I understand old 'black powder' muskets and what have you do degrade very quickly. poor steel and the fact that the powder residue is extremely corrosive. Anyone fancy taking on a deathclaw with muzzle-loader?
  19. How about a [shift>R] key for pull through, y'know just maintain :rolleyes:
  20. Are there any other shooters here who think the weapons degradation thing is just stupid? I mean what exactly are guns in the Fallout universe made from anyway. I just testfired a pristine Cowboy repeater with standard .357 rounds and it went down to the condition notch in 102 shots. Aw c'mon a firearm that poor would blow up in your face long before you noticed it becoming less accurate. And energy weapons . . . No moving parts? I could imagine laser crystals burning out but that wouldn't necessarily lead to inaccuracy. More like a simple catastrophic failure of the device, could the optics wear out? in that case it wouldn't 'lase'. It was pointed out elsewhere that all of the weapons in the game are hundreds of years old. Sorry but in that case it a 'blow your hand off' job and the Gun-Runners among others are manufacturing from pre war designs. So who came up with the whole game 'weapons degradation' paradigm and why hasn't someone tracked him down and shot him!
  21. Except for the ones manufactured by the 'Gun-Runners' and any you've crafted yourself, Alice McLafferty intimates that CC wants into the market, Then there's the Van Graffs. The latter opens the questions why an energy weapon with possibly no moving parts??? would degrade at anything like the rate of a firearm. . . You might find this interesting Firearms maintenance forum The penultimate poster reports over 2000 rounds between cleaning with no problems ( I really wouldn't recommend this if you own a gun!)
  22. Tried going by monorail from McCarren? Edit: I meant from an earlier save, sorry it's late here.
  23. Hoverchair . . . Playing the game as a paraplegic, how f**king hardcore is that ?!!
  24. I like the idea of the desert being hostile, but people are more vulnerable than machines. A machine wont get frostbite at 2am because the night time temperature has plummeted at a rate you have to experience to understand (something to do with the dry air) and loads of stuff along those lines. Could you use the drug transitions to produce sunstroke? Shelter in the middle of the day and night, dawn and dusk being 'safe' to exert yourself? There is a sandstorm mod (in here somewhere) now that could jam a gun pretty swiftly. Soup is a nice concept for sure.
  25. Evidence from places like Chernobyl would suggest that after a couple of hundred years the dam would have accumulated radioactivity, not the reverse. Water has some odd properties and picking up radiation isn't the weirdest by far. However particles, irradiated or otherwise are lifted by moving water and dropped by standing water. So sorry to tell you, but a good proportion of any 'hot' material from the entire watershed is going to end up in Lake Mead. Now there's a 'realism mod' idea.
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