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About Bernt

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    Fallout New Vegas - Again again
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout series, Civilization.

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  1. Any idea when this issue will be solved? I know it has been reported several times. But I cannot figure out how to add my own experience so....... My media tab show "0". It will show my uploaded videos and supporter images. But when trying to see my SFW images it simply says - as with others- "something has gone wrong". I can upload content. And people can see it on the - in my case- New Vegas site. But they cannot see my newly uploaded content by searching my profile.
  2. They were no more than a day- or two old. Quite recent.
  3. Right...... so on top of the other issue, my notifications have gone. Only the very last one is showing. The other 7 or so - gone.
  4. I was not notified of your reply to my comment on your image. I get notified - by mail- of updates to the forum. But only on specific threads whixh I follow. Nothing on the notification system.
  5. Well - I get that. But the problem is that when I comment to one of - say Cormell's uploads, and he answers to my comment, I don't get notified of his answer. Which I did before. Likewise - on my latest image, Mr.Smile commented - as he usually does. I answered to his comment but he was not notified of my answer - which was the case before. You might notice ThatMrSmile's reaction here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/200888
  6. One thing I am missing on the new notification system, is getting notified when an author has answered to a comment I've made on eg. an image. I always answer to comments myself. And one of my friends only accidentally found out I had answered to his comment on a an image. I have - just in case- everything turned on.
  7. Thank you Daxoss. I'll try that. A few minutes later: It worked. Thanks a lot :)
  8. For some reason my latest mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49904/ doesn't show up on my profile page. Any ideas why not?
  9. Well - hit and miss. Hit it this time..... :thumbsup:
  10. Can't. The game won't start at all. Not initiating the start sequence. It gets stuck when I tell Steam to start off-line. The label that comes up is "Connecting Steam account (username)" and then nothing happens. I've never had this happen before. Edit - again.......... I tried loggin on on-line. I had to repeat my password. But then I was logged in and immediately told it to go off-line. Seems as if that solved the problem :unsure:
  11. All of a sudden my game won't start. I played a couple of days ago and evertthing was fine. Today it simply won't load. Not on the Fallout launcher and not on F4SE - which I usually use. I notcied Steam downloading a huge update to my computer when I tried starting the game first time today. And I told it to stay off-line for playing. I always run Steam off-line in order to at least avoid the game being updated. My game is heavily modded. But I haven't added any new mods lately. Nor have I uninstalled any. Game version: 1.10.163 with corresponding F4SE
  12. You speak out of my mind. My head -and eyes- hurt from all of those angled pics. I see a thumbnail like that and - whizzz- fast forward :D
  13. Just as I thought......... :sad: Well - no blame on the staff. I know you're working hard to solve this issue. Thumbs up and thank you for your hard work :thumbsup:
  14. Maybe a stupid question but......... Will Borderlands 2 run on a Win10/64 bit machine? I know it's an old game. And I had to throw out a lot of my old games when I switched to Win 10. But I'm curious about the series and it's dirt cheap right now.
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