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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. sarenaaaaaa banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  2. idontwantacc2 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  3. gumlojotro banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  4. whyrequirelogins banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  5. f7ckyouflufy213 banned Reason: Throwaway troll account. Reference post
  6. sdcfcsfsdfx banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  7. NEXTT1 banned Reason: Piracy of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  8. nuexham banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  9. wastehuams banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  10. courvttmeikkuvygyb banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  11. BiBobBingi banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  12. bugmenaught23 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  13. ausbfdhoi banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  14. There is this notice on your unpublished mod page:
  15. clobron banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  16. sadrgoilushelrogiuh banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  17. nowscat banned Reason: Misuse of the report system to spew braindead Russian propaganda. Spread your brainwashed hatred elsewhere. Reference post
  18. blablub123455656 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  19. alihannon095 banned Reason: a) Transphobic comments posted in mod comment topics. b) Ban evasion - previously banned user: Dag0nb0rn101 Reference post
  20. nologinnologin banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  21. vakefo6641 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  22. nexussucktest banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website. (Also, test failed.)
  23. Poopyman12345 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  24. Auragnnl banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  25. Guts17 banned Reason: Piracy. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
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