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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. VWilcox2000 banned Reason: Ban request has been received and granted. (Too bad that your attempt at grandstanding failed.) Reference post
  2. Conquestus banned Reason: Ban request has been received and granted. Reference post
  3. SpongebobTrianglepants banned Reason: Alt account of woop1990 Violation of the "one account per person" rule.
  4. woop1990 banned Reason: Creating an alt account to upload a troll mod Only one account per person is allowed on the Nexus. See Terms of Service. Reference post
  5. Jesse119 banned Reason: Troll Ref for staff
  6. Please use the "Block" function on the mod author's profile page to block those authors whose content is not to your liking.
  7. VayaPutaMierda1 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  8. A lot of hysterical statements, with exactly zero data or studies to back up the bombastic, sensationalist predictions of doom. Meanwhile: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/pressreleases/iaea-finds-japans-plans-to-release-treated-water-into-the-sea-at-fukushima-consistent-with-international-safety-standards
  9. Krailer97 banned Reason: Misuse of the report system to spew anti-trans hate. Reference post
  10. marsstorm2000000 banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  11. pyrrusfire banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  12. Marsstorm200000 banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  13. marsstorm2000s banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  14. dragonborn200000 banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  15. dragonking12s banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  16. codeinject2 banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  17. dragonking2023 banned Reason: Alt (older) account of invictusthraex
  18. codeinject202 banned Reason: Alt account of invictusthraex.
  19. invictusthraex banned Reason: Multiple accounts. User created and used multiple accounts on the Nexus in violation of our Terms of Service, and site usage logs show that some of these accounts were used simultaneously. Other accounts: codeinject2023, codeinject2, Marsstorm200000, marsstorm2000s, dragonborn200000, dragonsking2020s, dragonking2023, dragonking12, spyrrusfire Reminder: You may only have a single active account on the Nexus sites. If you do not want to use a previous account, then it must be closed/deleted (from your own account settings), before you are allowed to create a new account. If your only issue is that you do not like the user name you picked at the time of account creation, you can use the Account settings -> Change username feature.
  20. hgcjhfhkvjygk banned Reason: Continued posting toxic comments despite previous warnings. Reference post
  21. Vilitrum banned Reason: Foul-mouthed troll. Reference post Reference post
  22. RenTheCat banned Reason: Posting a straightphobic comment. The user was previously warned for a biphobic comment. Reference post Moderation history This member received 1 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
  23. 1Youhouyouhou banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  24. miwagiw758 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
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