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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. kingblack666 banned Reason: Asking for help with a cracked game. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  2. boatman777 banned Reason: Piracy of Hogwarts Legacy. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  3. xpoverzion banned Reason: Piracy. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  4. stoploginwall banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  5. xxmyasshurtsxx banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  6. darkmagic892 banned Reason: Misuse of the report function to post transphobic comment. Reference post
  7. xStarQuakex banned Reason: Posting a transphobic copy-pasta. Reference post
  8. AlpagaCeleste banned Reason: Misuse of the bug reporting system to insult a mod author. Reference post
  9. WADIF2 banned Reason: Asking a mod author to support pirated version. We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action. Reference post
  10. NexusTartFarts banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  11. dosim49825 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a monitored website.
  12. izaeahklinton banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a monitored website.
  13. iJustWantToDownload50105 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a monitored account sharing website.
  14. civife8801 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  15. Cottage5111 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  16. sammy1488 banned Reason: Inappropriate user name (Nazi reference)
  17. nexusfcker banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  18. SAHGUDYhw3g8isagdy banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  19. Fuucknexuslogin33 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  20. yondaime34291 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  21. TotallyNotSova banned Reason: Previously banned user: UnhingedSova Reference post
  22. morbidparrot88 banned Reason: Previously banned user: range85
  23. BUTTERurBISCKET banned Reason: Trolling.
  24. Buggersmenot69 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  25. loraxi1720mustbeitcom banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
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