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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. Lilnova690 banned Reason: Ban evasion. Previously banned user: Lilnova69
  2. CheekiBreekiMan2 banned Reason: Telling a mod author to kill themselves. On this site you do not get to tell other people such things. Reference post
  3. StopGating8KBsOfContent banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  4. PrdelniHovadskaStranka banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  5. wasteoftime1 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  6. niggorppppp banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  7. Nexusdid911 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  8. FurfookssakeNexus banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  9. xegut banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  10. IhaveNexus69 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  11. texes14982 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  12. PalenorBouclier banned Reason: Banned because they asked for it. Member since 2013 176 downloaded mods 0 endorsement given Won't be missed. Reference post
  13. colafic298 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  14. conihay731 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  15. magosibgudecen banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  16. Jarjarbonksspacejesus banned Reason: Alt account of krazykenneth12345
  17. Anonomysjarjaralt banned Reason: Alt account of krazykenneth12345
  18. krazykenneth12345 banned Reason: Multiple account abuse. Creating multiple accounts (Anonomysjarjaralt, Jarjarbonksspacejesus) to upload stolen mods. Reference post
  19. RealDakon banned Reason: Attempt to upload a mod that removes the pride flag from Spider-Man Remastered even though it has been made clear that the Nexus is not willing to host such a mod. Reference post
  20. Oridiron banned Reason: Attempt to re-upload a mod that removes certain content, even though the Nexus made it clear that we are not willing to host such a mod. Reference post
  21. Vort29 banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
  22. AlexTci banned Reason: Abuse of the report system to send this nice hate message. Reference post
  23. svenovermann banned Attempt to re-upload a flag remover that the Nexus is not willing to host. Ref
  24. blazeityoloswagmaster banned Reason: Posted the following unhinged incoherent drivel in the Newbies section. Reference post
  25. vahuetwihthrnjmxop banned Reason: Account sharing. Login info shared on a website.
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