I also think that the negative 'endorsement' should go, I find the 'did not fit my personal tastes, beliefs' option particularly stupid. I don't like rap, but I won't go and visit rap sites, and start voting down rap music because I don't like it. Also, as other posters have already mentioned, a huge percentage of mod users are too lazy/stupid to read the readme files, install other mods that are shown in the 'Requirements' section, and there are very few people who use this feature intelligently. There is also the question of when to use the negative endorsement option. The author may have uploaded a mod with some serious glitches that got revealed through user testing and feedback. In its current state the mod deserves negative endorsement, but what if the modder fixes the bugs and uploads a clean version? How long should the users wait before they use the negative endorsement option? Should it not be possible to reverse a negative rating once the mod is fixed? All in all, the negative endorsement feature presents more issues than benefits. Maybe a positive endorsement/number of downloads ratio should be used instead? Or a combined sorting feature that shows the most frequently downloaded AND highest rated files? There is one more thing: when I re-visit a mod, the site does not show if I have already endorsed the mod or not (I have the same problem with the tracking feature, the only way to find out if I'm already tracking a file is to click on the Track link again and get the error message).