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Everything posted by LadyMilla

  1. I am also using Windows 7 64bit. After first install it ran in low resolution, but crashed in higher settings. I tried the deletion of the "Oblivion" folder, but that did not work for me. I have done two reinstalls without success. I always now get the "Oblivion has stopped working" dialogue. I tried Windows XP service pack 2 setting as suggested by Bethesda, but no go. I am using a Dell XPS studio, Core i7 860, 8gb Ram, Radian HD5770 with the latest Catalyst installed. I have the latest patch version of Oblivion. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Try Catalyst 10.6 instead of the latest (Catalyst 10.7). I read a lot of bad feedback about 10.7 on the AMD forums. I have 10.6 installed (Windows7 x64 ultimate, HD4870), and before 10.6, my machine locked up every now and then, but right now, Oblivion seems to be rock solid.
  2. It is possible, even in the TES Construction Set: Start TES CS; Click 'File' -> 'Data'; you will see the list of .esm and .esp files. If you click on an .esp file, in the Parent Master list on the right side of the Data window you will see the dependencies. Now, in the Parent Master list, click on the .esm file you want to remove, and then press the Delete button. Voilá, the .esm dependency is gone! Be careful, this operation cannot be undone by pressing 'Cancel'.
  3. Click on Advanced Search and type "arrow enchant" into the Description Contains field. Then you can select the best that suits your needs.
  4. I have a couple of suggestions: The Highslide script should be upgraded to 4.1.9 to fix the bug that causes pictures to shrink into a tiny dot when you click on them repeatedly in Chrome browsers; A warning could be added to the file upload page, reminding people not to upload copyrighted materials/music. The fact of life is, many people simply click through the site rules at the time of registering, I think a reminder like the 'no nudity' notice that was added to the image share section's upload page, would be a better deterrent. A "non-skimpy" tag could be added to the list of tags so people can search for less-revealing armor. (I have no problem with skimpy armor, but some people find it difficult to look up such gear); EDIT: No response from staff members - you would think at least the suggestion concerning the upgrading of the Highslide script would draw some comments from the site owner or other staff members (feasible, not feasible, it would be feasible but we are not doing it for some reason). Not a good incentive for submitting more suggestions.:ermm:
  5. If you have the money and you feel drawn to Oblivion mods so strongly, then buy Oblivion. Believe me, modded Oblivion surpasses the vanilla game in every way.<br>On a second note: if I were you, I would remove the Torrenting part from your poll A.S.A.P., the moderators on this site have a zero-tolerance policy against anything involving piracy (and no, even though you own the Xbox version of Oblivion,it is still illegal to download it. So you should respect the law and the wishes of the site owner to stay out of legal troubles, and refrain from mentioning even the possibility of pirating the game). <div><br></div><div>(Well, the mods beat me to it. <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif" alt=":teehee:" class="bbc_emoticon">)</div>
  6. Why ask people about something that only you can find out? My experience with Fallout 3 may or may not be the same as yours. The only thing I can tell is: - In general, I hate post-apocalyptic settings. There are enough depressing things in this world without playing a game based on such an environment. - That said, despite my better judgment, I grabbed Fallout 3. - Once I overcame my disgust with the bombed out landscape, I actually enjoyed it. I even recognize it as a great game (one of the best games I've played). I'm going to replay it and it is very likely that I'll grab Fallout 3: New Vegas. Be open minded and try it. You may be surprised, and in a pleasant way.
  7. Not so great... according to my Internet security software. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif After clicking on the 'free iPhon' ad, this warning popped up: http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee116/MillaMerani/Misc/HarmfulAd.jpg To quote the reasons for blocking the URL: I fully understand that Robin wants to recover some of the costs of operating this website through these ads, but when the ads on your site link to websites that get caught by firewalls/security software, you really should not blame the visitors for resorting to ad-blocking plugins. It does not matter if the alert is false positive or not, the average user will not investigate the validity of the alert.
  8. I've also noticed this problem with Chrome 5.0 and the Highslide images. After a short investigation I found that the bug affects Chrome 5.0 browsers that use the AdBlock plugin. A temporary solution would be to turn off AdBlock in your Chrome browser for the tesnexus.com domain. The long term solution: - the site is currently using Highslide 4.1.8. On the Highslide author's site, the latest version is 4.1.9, and in the changelog it is mentioned that the Chrome/AdBlock issue was fixed in 4.1.9. (I can confirm that the sample images work flawlessly there with the Chrome/AdBlock combo). Maybe Tesnexus should upgrade to Highslide 4.1.9.
  9. I also think that the negative 'endorsement' should go, I find the 'did not fit my personal tastes, beliefs' option particularly stupid. I don't like rap, but I won't go and visit rap sites, and start voting down rap music because I don't like it. Also, as other posters have already mentioned, a huge percentage of mod users are too lazy/stupid to read the readme files, install other mods that are shown in the 'Requirements' section, and there are very few people who use this feature intelligently. There is also the question of when to use the negative endorsement option. The author may have uploaded a mod with some serious glitches that got revealed through user testing and feedback. In its current state the mod deserves negative endorsement, but what if the modder fixes the bugs and uploads a clean version? How long should the users wait before they use the negative endorsement option? Should it not be possible to reverse a negative rating once the mod is fixed? All in all, the negative endorsement feature presents more issues than benefits. Maybe a positive endorsement/number of downloads ratio should be used instead? Or a combined sorting feature that shows the most frequently downloaded AND highest rated files? There is one more thing: when I re-visit a mod, the site does not show if I have already endorsed the mod or not (I have the same problem with the tracking feature, the only way to find out if I'm already tracking a file is to click on the Track link again and get the error message).
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