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Everything posted by AshSparkle

  1. Yes, I did. Though some mods that are minor and are "unknown" to boss that I had to place by hand. I placed 2 companion mods near the end of the load order too, Vilja and Neeshka. I moved a few mods that were not functioning higher up in the load order at the end before bashed patch too, Romuska Fantasy Store (causing CTD when I enter it when it was high up), personality idle 4, p1seeyousleep (not working when it was higher up). I am currently doing a conflict check again on OBMM. This is a stupid question, but what do I do with all of the "unknown" mods that BOSS doesn't recognize? Do I just leave them at the bottom or do I move them up before bashed patch? Yes, I started a new game 3 times over the course of the past 2 months, with the addition or deletion of a few mods, MMM and OOO were the ones that were constant throughout those 3 playthroughs, and I have the same persistent CTD in all 3.
  2. Somehow, I would get CTD around npcs/creatures that were added by MMM, it happens when the combat ai is toggled (I found this out by using tcai at places where I have CTD and I could approach said creatures/npcs without crashes. It also mostly happens in Tamriel exterior, I haven't had any crashes related to creatures in dungeons yet, so this is baffling to me. I could just run around in the wilderness and suddenly hear battle cries from MMM's NPC and bam, CTD. >.< I installed the newest version of OOO and MMM according to the instruction given, but I still got the CTD. I don't use FCOM. This is pretty much the only presistent problem I have with Oblivion. Could it be because of the leveled list? Or something to do with ai behaviors? Any help would really be appreciated.
  3. Was probably removed because said person did not ask for permission from brucevayne to use his magic missile script and ever credited him.
  4. Hmmm...I don't have any mods that add will o' wisps...except for MMM. Anyway, after rebuilding the bash patch with only Oblivion.esm activated then activating the others, no CTD occured. I then tried rebuilding the patch again, this time, with all the mods active, and the CTD is gone for some weird reason! Though I should try waiting for 72 hours and see whether it is really gone. Now I am having weird green colour on npcs and creatures when they are near death. >.< Not sure if it's MMM, since even Vilja from a companion mod has that when she was nearing death. =\ Will get back to you later.
  5. Yes, I tried resting in the testinghall, which does not have any NPC or creatures. edit: Tried disabling MMM...still having the crashes...so I guess MM was not the cause...>.< gosh this is annoying! edit2: I tried building my bashed patch with only Oblivion.esm activated and then after rebuilding, I activated all my mods. The CTD was gone and I was able to pass 12am when respawn occurs without issues.... but of course..by doing that bashing then activating everything...most of the functions would be missing. I noticed my avatar was using plain face texture instead of my tattoo texture. >.<
  6. I am having issues with CTD suddenly. It started a week ago and after testing around, I noticed that I kept getting CTD with my save game and the CTD happens everytime I rest/wait from a time to after 12am the next day. The particular few saves had my character on day 21 at various times, whenever I rest/wait past 12am of the 22nd day, after resting, I can move around for a few sec before getting the CTD. Since it is the 3rd day of the cycle of respawn, I come to believe that it was a bad spawn issue that was causing this. Can anyone please, with cherry on top, take a look at my load order and possible notice a problem with it? I tried disabling a few mods that I was sure I installed before the CTD started to identify the problem, but it didn't seem to work. Those mods were an update of Romuska Fantasy Store and Librapoet's Busy Road. Initially I thought it was issue with Return of Shadows chapter I and I could never disable that mod and saving (kept getting CTD whenever I save after disabling it. No one on that thread was helpful enough to point out except to say I need to fix it myself). Not sure whether it was Return Of Shadows though because I had it since the beginning of day 1. OOO 1.34 Beta 5 and MMM 3.7b3p3 were updated to the newest version
  7. Integration- The Stranded Light. I haven't started any of the quests yet though >.< even though I have it loaded for almost a year. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22320
  8. Is this the one?? http://tes.multimediaxis.de/?go=dlfile&fileid=215 Not sure if this is the one you are looking for since I found this quiet easily....I searched for Integration the Stranded Light and this was a requirement and a link was provided
  9. From what I understood, Duke Patrick removed SCA from TesNexus after he kept getting trolls and flamers who kept complaining when they never read the readme file. I heard that he primarily uses TESNexus to host his mods, so I am not sure whether we can find it anywhere else.
  10. I am having the same issue, though it was incompatibility with pc sound set and Duke's Combat archery, I think. I am not too sure, I just know that if I trip (Duke's mod feature) in 1st person, I would get that bouncy cam. My avatar is shorter than the most average npc, so it could have been issues with the skeleton.nif (Duke said that it was that problem). Either way, I am able to fix that by nocking an arrow and shoot, or opening a container. The nocking of an arrow works most of the time for me. Hope that helps.
  11. The installation guide on the site looks pretty complicated. I am using Beautiful Pople 2ch-edition 1.7.1 beta2. Besides new races, what does the modular and newer version do?? >.< I am not sure whether I should upgrade it or not.
  12. That was just answered in the "Mod Detectives" section. Check it there.
  13. Which timestop things? Is it a spell? Something from that video? (I didn't watch it) edit: Oh, I saw it in the video. I am not sure if it's the same, but it could be Fearsome Magicka. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30973 That's probably the only timestop spell I've ever used. edit2: Gosh, where did that sonic blade slash thingy comes from? I keep seeing the person in the video kept slashing at thin air and those blade thingy shot out or something.
  14. The mod is still around. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31601
  15. That idle for two handed comes from DMC stylish animations. There are two versions of wielding over the shoulder though, so yeah, just pick whichever you want after downloading. Hope that helps. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459
  16. I am curious about this animation mod. Did OWA Seph ever release it?? I've always wanted something like this!!
  17. My character's name is Sher. She is a nightsword. She favours agility, speed and flexibility over brute force.She favours light armour for mobility and being able to evade, run and do acrobatic moves without any restrictions from armours is a must. She uses lightweight blades so that she can strike quick and precise. Being an apprentice under an old Khajiit mage made her proficient in magic skills as well, though she prefers the schools of Illusion and Mysticism whereby she could make herself invisible, teleport behinds others or to safety and manipulate time. This complements her agility-based fighting style. Before she ended up in Cyrodiil, she was in Morrowind with her tutor, and she learnt the ways of arcane archery, whereby she can manipulate her magicka to shoot out numerous arrows to strike a target after the arrow nocked on her bow hits the victim. She sounds pretty bad@$$, but she really isn't, especially after languishing in the prison for 2 years. Race: Ainmhi (or a shaved Ohmes-rath lore-wise :P ) Class: nightsword Weapon: light and flexible blades like the akaviri style katanas, or daggers (which she would duel wield or reverse grip) Armour: Skirt (for maximum mobility and dodging) + any kind of light armor, though she mostly prefers coats or dressarmours. Gender: Female Specialty: Agile blade skills, magic knowledge from the schools of Illusion and Mysticism, arcane archery. http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm154/windyXD/untitled.jpg
  18. hmmmm......the only two I can think of that was a partner of yours in the last (not really mercenary I guess?) are Red Sonia and Neeshka. Red Sonia http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13017 Neeshka http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8256
  19. This? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32131 Awesome effect when you charge up your shot. I personally switch the "light bow" and "light arrows" meshes and textures with the "blue fiend bow" and its arrows. I was tempted to switch them to Black Luster bow and arrows because I just love Black Luster's bow and arrows and I wanted that magical arrows function.
  20. The bow seems like it's from Black Luster, but I might be mistaken. The shape and the colour are the same though. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10544 I always use Black Luster bows in my adventures ;) Edit: Yep, it is Black Luster's. I was hesitant because the design kinda looked different, but it was just my eyes :P .
  21. The link to filefront I provided still has the file if you are interested in downloading it.
  22. GOsh! Now I can't get Bad Romance out of my head and it keeps looping at 'Ra ra a a aa" xD
  23. I believe that's AlexScorpion's Sneaking Gear, I have a screenshot of that armor from his mod. Oddly, I can't seem to find it on TesNexus anymore. Edit: There you go. Alexscorpion s Sneaking Gear
  24. Not sure if this is the same, but Personality Idle 4 has some poses with blankets too. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14280
  25. To get the swords, you need to go into the dungeons. You can't buy the swords from the vendor, you can only get them from monsters in the dungeon beneath the store depending on your luck
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