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Everything posted by AshSparkle

  1. does anyone knows which mod is this armor from? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/31962-1-1275111599.jpg It is definitely not Assassin Creed armor mod or Hashashin mod, mainly because of the "skirt" isn't just two rectangle pieces of clothes like those two mods. Edit: nevermind, I found it. It was indeed Nexon's Assassin Creed armor.
  2. How awesome. I just ran into this problem and was looking for an answer and here it is ^.^ I tried just disabling UV in the data window and it didn't fix it...I'll try the patch you mentioned here and if that doesn't work, I'll just use the command list to finish it. Thanks for the accidental help everybody XD Edit: The patch didn't work either so I just input the SetStage MG02alter 90 command after I talked to her about Falcar running off and her wanting me to find the gems and it worked fine for me. The soul gems disappeared from the chest too...I hope it doesn't affect anything else badly but at least it's finished :D You can disable the soul gem effects from UV in UnnecessaryViolence.ini in the oblivion/data folder I personally disable this feature because I don't throw soul gems. That said, you need to use the patch or change the .ini before you open the chest and aquire the soul gem,
  3. waiting for the video to stream :)

    Btw, I used BOSS to sort out my mods recently..and now I can't load my old save games anymore because the load order is different 9same mods) >.< Guess I am probably going to start all over yet again

  4. Hi there, Recently, I used BOSS to sort out all my mods to remove an odd startup crash I get when I added Duke Patrick's Combat Archery. BOSS pretty much sorted out everything and the load order is probably very different from what I used in the past (in Wrye Bash's save game tab, all the mods in the save games ar yellow in color). Now I can't seem to be able to load my save games anymore, it jsut get stuck around 30% of the loading bar, stopped there for 5+mins before getting a CTD without any messages. My question, would an altered load order cause old save games with an old load order (same mods) to not load up and cause Oblivion to CTD? Thanks!
  5. vanilla: Fine steel Longsword Modded: Black Luster Bow :D Looks pretty and awesome. I rarely use any other bows these days, and all my companions use Black Luster too. Knight dual blades and Hades dual blades from Romuska Fantasy Store.
  6. The Hades dual katanas are from Romuska Fantasy Store http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22254 In regards to dual wield mode, you could try purely asthetic mod like DMC stylish animation replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16459 or a combat overhaul mod like Unnecessary Violence. I personally used both with some modification to DMC http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24936
  7. Yep, very good schronization too! I have no idea how you did it, but it's amazing :D
  8. :woot: Now I am interested in that hair too. DO tell me if you find out where to get that from. :D Could be just me, but that pose looks similar to the one from Personality Idle 4, not that it's 100% the same, since this one is played even in the inventory and the way her hand tiles is different from what I am used to, but the hand on hip can definitely be found in Personality Idle. You might want to check that out and see.
  9. That hairstyle looks awfully familiar. I might have used that hairstyle before. (Similar colour too I might add) The only race/hair/eyes mod I ever used was Beautiful People-2ch edition Could it have came with the hat? Edit: nevermind, I didn't notice 2ch was on the list
  10. Thanks!! Have a kudos. Hmm...the screenshot isn't really in the image section is it?
  11. Can you please direct me to that loading screen mod? I might be able to use that image to ask around about possible mods if there's any. :D thanks!
  12. I've never tried running both myself, though I read here that Streamline is incompatible with Stutter Remover. Not really sure what it'll do with both enabled. Hopefully nothing bad. :tongue: They are not incompatible. The safest way to use them together is to set SL's FPS capping range equal to or within OSR's. For more suggestions: SL.ini Tweaks. Edit: Actually, all you have to do to ensure that they do not conflict is to turn off Streamline's StreamSmooth feature, but many users of both opt to have both work on the FPS smoothing, which is fine too. Good to know. Thanks :)
  13. Not sure if you are still looking for a solution, but are you by any chance using Unnecessary Violence? The throwable soulgem feature makes the black soulgem not registering as the quest item. You can either disable that function in the .ini if UV or you can get a fix here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28677
  14. You mean Antoinetta Marie? I like her the most :D
  15. There are tons of mods that adds Katanas and Wakazishi, and i believe they are probably the most widely added weapons in mods. Try searching around the weapons section. I believe Akaviri Samurai Shop has some awesome Katanas and Wakazishis.
  16. Wait, I am not supposed to use both? o.O I used both >.<
  17. Gosh this replacement of the initial greetings into the one from toaster's (expedition/hire contract etc) is annoying, I kept wondering whether I missed some npc's interesting introductions or not. Some npc do play their introduction after exiting and entering the conversation, some don't. If only someone could remove the initial greetings and let the play choose from the dialogue choices instead. =\
  18. You can show a screenshot? My guess is that it's from Tona's Travelling items http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22003 The download file is removed though, but you can get it together with the other armor mods by Tona in Tona's Mods store. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29090 Hope it helps.
  19. Hmm...I can't really recall how it happened for me and I don;t have access to Oblivion at the moment. But I vaguely remembered that after reading the note and that sound played, when you try to activate the door, there's a message pops up that says you can enter now. There's no message or whatever when you try to activate the door? That's odd..
  20. What noise did you hear? DId you get any message saying that the door's unlocked?
  21. I was in love with Argonians when I first started playing Morrowind (never played the previous series). It was the first time I actually played a game like Morrowind and it was amazing. I could never play anything else except for Argonian in Morrowind though (mainly due to the fact that I find the Imperial and the elves looked weird, then again graphics back then wasn't as advanced as today). I played as an Argonian for a month or two when Oblivion came out, then switched to an Imperial after that. After that, I kept to the same character, an Ohmes-Rath, until now. (Around 150+ hours?) She went through some changes in terms of looks and hairstyles, since I kept changing her whenever there's some new awesome mod that alter looks :P http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm154/windyXD/ohmesbefore.jpg This was how she looked originally. I used a Tabaxi mod but to stick to the lore, she's an Ohmes-Rath. Originally an apprentice to an old Khajiit mage, but she sharpen her skills with blades, bows and sneaking on her numerous adventures. After that, I switched her to an Ainmhi. http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm154/windyXD/ohmesafter.jpg Her backstory was that she had to remove her fur though a potion when she made her journey through Tamriel to Morrowind. (Integration the Stranded Light stated that after the Elswyre war, bosmer-looking Ohmes and Ohmes-Rath were forbidden to venture into Tamriel for fear of them being spies. In Morrowind, she crossed path with the Nerevarine. (explains why she knows the story of the Nerevarine). Anyway, I wrote her backstory in another topic if anyone is interested in knowing her :P http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=167105&st=60&p=1464015&&do=findComment&comment=1464015 My character's newest look would be the one in my display pic. She has some tattoos now. I just started a new game a week ago with her again so that I could mess around with some new mods I added. She's staying with me for a loooong time.
  22. Shouldn't you be posting this question in the Heart of the Dead topic instead of troubleshooting? I doubt that this is the right place to ask a mod related question. Either way, I think I know which section you are talking about. did you use the translate spell and then read the note at 12am/12pm?? The door will open when you "read" the note at 12.
  23. I tried searching the site and didn't really find any mods that add something like this. Basically, I was thinking that with lots of scripts that exists currently pertaining to dual-wield weapon and stuff, it would be easy to pull this out for an experienced modder. I was thinking of some kind of blade weapon (katana, long sword or anything) that when you unsheath, the sheath goes to your off-hand, acting like a shield or an off-hand weapon. You could block with it or attack (with the appropriate mods available here ;) ) And when you sheath your weapon, the sheath will go back to your waist with the weapon in it. It would be more awesome if after sheathing your weapon, instead of the weapon showing on your waist, the empty sheath on your off-hand is replaced with a sheathed weapon model. :P I think there was a character in Devil May Cry (not sure if I am correct about that) that pretty much embodies what I had in mind. You could use in-game models or a custom-made model of blade weapons. A katana would be totally awesome. :D Sure hope someone could do this, or if there's already something like this out there, please, do point it out to me. Thanks~
  24. I never could finish playing Oblivion XD Keep finding new mods to add and it would screw up my old game and I have to start all over again from the beginning = Omg 4 comments! Sorry! this is the last one >.< Well, just a few more days then you can slow down abit :P
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