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Everything posted by Nebrule

  1. Man I really hate how fast and crazy the ghouls are in FO4, it's kind of an immersion killer. I've never been a fan of hyper active sprinting zombies and these guys make the ones from 28 Days Later look tame. I want these guys to actually walk, stagger and slug around like the good ole classic zombies, even while they're attacking. Anybody else with me on this?
  2. Yeah I had a pretty unique hunting rifle in FO3 and it made my character look like that much more of a badass with it slung over his back.
  3. I guess no one reads these after all.
  4. haha, well it kind of speaks for itself. I dont use that weapon mod because I dont like the quick back and forth animation between ready/unready, plus if I'm walkin through a house full raiders, I want my gun up at all times with out having to hit a button to do it. That being said, a simpler fix without having to use that mod would be to change the weird issue in 3rd person where when you have a weapon up in first person (normally, not aiming) then switch to 3rd there's nothing in the players hand until you right click, but then after a couple seconds the animation goes to a rested carry posture like in your image. If someone could simply fix it so that any weapon you have equipped in first person is immediately in the rested pose in 3rd, instead of not being there at all, I think that'd just about do it. But I still want a freakin rifle across my back and a pistol at my hip.
  5. I loved this about FO3 and really miss it. Of course it wouldn't be as detailed or in depth, with perks, reputation or NPC reaction. But just a simple mod that added a karma gauge/rank with the sound effects and prompts like (you've just lost karma) from FO3. All you'd have to do is base bad on the theft of red items and the killing of green (friendly) NPC's. Gaining karma might be a little trickier though.
  6. Man it'd be great If we could sort our 'tracked files'. I use the tracking feature to not only keep up with mods I've already got, but also use it as a way to flag mods I plan on trying but haven't downloaded yet. I know a lot of folks probably use the tracking center in this way as well. There's nothing like browsing the Nexus on my laptop or phone while I'm at work, school, church, DMV, ect... and flagging files I'm going to download when I get home. As of now the default sorting is by "last upload" date (last update) all you'd really need to do is add a selection between that and "date tracked" or "added to tracking centre" (date). I think this would be a great feature and would only take a few lines of code. Alternatively, you guys could go a step further and just merge the "Tracking Centre" and "Download History" with the feature mentioned above, plus any others that come to mind and just rename it "Download Centre" where you could untrack, endorse, ect. Though that'd be a lot more involved and complex. Thanks!
  7. Cool, I'll keep sniffin around for a solution as well and give this a bump every now and again.
  8. What FOV setting are you using? I'm at "FOV 80 87" 80 being the 3rd person, which effects the PIpboy for some reason... anyway. You can right-click to zoom in on your pipboy when it's up. Just try different FOVs you'll find the sweetspot sooner or later and the pipboy will be basically in fullscreen. Although I'm with you on the mod idea, totally.
  9. Post this in the discussion board for that Mod?
  10. BoatFlies would make more sense than Rad Roaches
  11. As much as I liked it (got used to) in FO3, I'm kind of not missing it. Though it would still be cool if it were done right. I had mod for FO3 that allowed you to use practical misc item like tin cans and tire irons to repair your weapons. With the new crafting system, I'm sure will have something like this before long.
  12. yeah, I was wondering about this as well. You sure it's not a part of a higher perk of any kind?
  13. yeah it's pretty stupid, as of right now it looks like every shot with a rifle is from the hip. Definitely need this, plus the weapons need to be holstered, rifles, long guns, missile launchers on the back with pistols, short rifles, sawed off shotguns at the side. Man if somebody could take care of all that with one mod, it'd be #1 on the nexus for a good while.
  14. I think you're a troll and you just don't realize it. Why are you so concerned with issues you never even had then? I've said repeatedly that whatever player head tracking FO4 has, it can be vastly improved upon. I'm not going to quote myself because there's only 15 posts in the thread including this one, rererererereread.... then go away and bug somebody else.
  15. So Thanks, that's all you had to say in the first place, but your complaints about that mod are system specific to your personal hardware and setup and don't nullify 27k endorsements and just as many if not more people who had absolutely zero issues using it.
  16. Can you read? or are you just trolling? It's basically like this, the 'player head tracking' as it is now in FO4 is no different than it was in vanilla Skyrim. What you're calling head tracking in FO4 represents only a fraction of what the features this mod effectively did for Skyrim. I never ran SKSE with any of the 120+ mods I had for Skyrim and never had any type of script issues with any mod, including this one. Again, it's cool if you don't see it or think it doesn't need it, if so, you shouldn't feel the need to have an opinion on this at all. Go enjoy the game the way it is man, or find another thread that's talking about a mod you might actually use, but don't come in here and try to dismis the possiblity of improving upon something, this is a mod request thread, not a mod debate thread.
  17. It's not the same bro, that's either just an idle animation or you're engaing in converation yourself. This is for live action, general, non-engagable dialog. What this mod does is track the players head to any NPC/creature/action within a wide proximity the entire time, not just the NPC you have choosen to engage in conversation with. You can walk through Dugout and have lots of npc's casually confront your character with general dialog (not action-able dialog) and regaurdless of wether you're wallking, or even stop to listen to what they have to say, your character will continue to stare off into whatever direction they we're orientated towards. This is universal across F04, Try it, walk past a guard or anyone who stops to engage in general banter with your character, you character will appear to not give a crap, unless you turn them to face the NPC yourself. This is also true for followers and companions. It's cool if you don't see it or if you're fine with the way it is, but whatever it is you're seeing is nowhere near to the quality or degree that that this mod would take it. Some folks think the vanilla textures are perfectly fine, I'm not gonna go into a Mod Request thread and find someone asking for high reolution textures and tell them... 'we don't need that, it's fine the way it is.'
  18. Yeah, I see what you're saying FO4 defiantly has the NPC head tracking down.... but the not the player. And that's what the mod for Skyrim (Player Head Tracking) was about.
  19. Negatory there Joshuahoeth, this is not already in the game, at least not nearly to the degree or quality that it is through the mod mentioned above. What little there is, isn't even comparable or worth mentioning. And yes, this deserves a mod because if a game over 4 years old now, running on the same engine can do it, we have no excuse but to match or improve upon it.
  20. I know, without it, just looks like NPCs are tellin you crap you don't want to hear, so you just stare off into space.
  21. I remember this was an issue in FO3, especially in the overpass settlement of Arefu. Everytime I got close a Giant Rad Scorpion or a Yoa guai would spawn right in the middle of town and kill a couple NPCs. Resurrecting the settlers through the console got old really quick... I think there was a mod that eventually fixed it.
  22. I don't think anyone has addressed 'head tracking' yet and we desperately need it in FO4! 'Head Tracking' (such as in this popualr mod for skyrim by Maegfaer...with nearly 30,000 endorsements :blink:) Here's the description from that mod and what it's all about... This mod enables headtracking for the player. Your character will face other actors similar to the NPC's in the game. Your character will first prioritize actors who are currently in dialogue with you, then actors who are currently talking to any other NPC, then actors who are straightest in front of your character. After a while your character may become disinterested in certain actors and stop headtracking them unless they are straight in front of your character. Your character can become interested in them again if they start talking or change their AI package. Since 2.3 your character will have different facial expressions depending on the actors RelationshipRank towards the player. Note that some actors don't have a RelationshipRank towards the player while they should have (like Serana)! For instructions how to customize facial expressions per actor, see the Customization section. This was all done without the need for SKSE (script extender). ...This is a game changer as far a immersion goes and worked pretty flawlessly in Skyrim. Walking through the streets or down the roads, passing NPCs and most importantly the palyers character will naturally turn their heads and look in the direction of one another, like in reality. I think this was done on a general proximity basis. It does wonders for 3rd person casual interactions and conversations. I also noticed, at least in my Skyrim save, that my player would also look in the general direction of many items where an interaction was possible. This did a lot for my play troughs, because there were times in which I simply noticed my character kept looking in one particular direction, this lead to many discoveries I may have not noticed, such as chests, unlooted corpses, switches, harvestable plants and most importantly dangerous lurking animals and enemies. (I can't remember if it applied to all of these but it did for most. I'll confirm and edit if need be.) Again FO4 really needs this one, 27,687 endorsements can't be wrong.
  23. Yeah I'm using it now, I'm using the %0 setting, but even with that there's still the chance of limbs exploding and I think thats the trick with gibs in FO4, there seems to be two different and sererate effects with gibbing as in FO3... One is the dismemberment of limbs, in which they are severed but remain whole parts themselves. anyone else feel like we're in some kind of crazy morbid deep web forum ? :blink: The other is the explosion effect in which these limbs futher break apart into small pieces of blood, guts and whatever in the hell esle. :sick: In FO3 it seems like these settings were collectively managed, the decrease in rate of one effect would decrease the rate of the other. In FO4 it's not lookin like thats the case. So where we're at now is trying to figure out how to reduce the 'explosion' effect. Yanek's Mod seems to have taken care of the effetcs of dissmemberment.
  24. I started another discussion on this here... http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3466735-no-exploding-npc-body-parts-realism-mod-or-setting-anyone-know/
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