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Everything posted by windclan

  1. Personally I find this to be a horrible thing. Yes, I can appreciate modders wanting to get something for their work but don't make it a requirement, otherwise you'll likely drive off people that simply can't pay for mods in addition to paying for games. Speaking just for myself, I would avoid any mod that requires payment like the plague for the exact reason I stated above. I have used a ton of mods for Skyrim and for several other games but that was because they were free and added life to the game I had already paid for. I simply don't have the budget to buy both games and mods for them and when it comes to a choice between Game or Mod...the obvious choice is Game every time. By all means, if modders want to get some money from their work, make a system for letting people donate if they have the money to do so but don't lock those who can't pay out of being able to use mods, in the long term that will only kill the life support system that keeps games from dying after a few years.
  2. Oh my god...I am such an idiot...Was mistakenly thinking the names would be different because they were when I added stuff one at a time the normal way...Thanks Lanceor
  3. I recently discovered that you could drag a NIF file from a folder directly into the object list, even adding several at a time which proved incredibly useful for the mod I am working on. Even more recently I lost that ability for some reason. I can still add NIFs the slower way but drag and drop no longer works. I haven't changed anything that I would think could cause this so I am completely stumped. I even tried a full Oblivion reinstall and got nothing out of it. Another modder offered suggestions on another site but they got me nowhere. My searches didn't turn up anything that helped so if I missed something then my apologies. Hopefully someone around here can offer a solution so that I can resume work on my mod.
  4. Went in and got the exact error I keep getting: (different numbers) invalid index(es) in block # (different numbers) NiTriShapeData.Triangles...
  5. Not the best place for this since I'm only doing it for myself and not for a mod, but it works... I'm working on trying to do something sort of crazy for my next game. Wanted to bring some older style to Cyrodiil so I'm trying to bring a few of my old favorite mod items from Morrowind into Oblivion as static items. Have managed to get paintings to work properly in the CS but attempts to do the same with an armor and a shield went weird. Was given advice on how to update the Nifs so they would work in the CS (and not say it was too old) by loading the mesh in Nifskope, putting the textures onto it, exporting it as an Obj, exiting and reopening Nifskope, importing the item and then saving it as a Nif. That worked for the paintings but with the other items I tested it with parts disappeared upon import, with the shield only the straps were left and on the cuirass all but one piece vanished and I got a little pop-up box that said some blocks had invalid references or something like that... Hoping some of the experienced mesh people can help figure out where I am going wrong here...
  6. An-Arane Cey, a nice follow the clues quest and quite fun in my opinion :) http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/20184 Kragenir's Death Quest, have yet to actually get very far myself but it seems really cool from what I've seen of it http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5784
  7. It is what I did in the first picture as well as everything else up to the Museum...I've always hated the lighting when it comes to creating display areas. I find it so annoying to have to move things (especially armor on mannequins!) in order to find the spot where it isn't glaring from the light or lost in the shadows. It's a big museum though (still 4 unused doors in the Hall of Doors) might create a non-ambient lit exhibit hall, cater to those that prefer a more realistic look in their rooms. Then people can use the rooms they like and leave the rest empty. Probably be a little over 100 mannequins in Exhibit Hall A when I'm done so another room like that but with realistic lighting should be plenty for anyone that isn't as crazy about display and collecting as I am :D
  8. Up to 52 mannequin spaces in Hall A now. I think this is going to work really well :) Also figured out that ambient lighting can go above 100...and that 150 is PERFECT! Not having to fiddle with the lighting in the Museum is going to save me a literal ton of work.
  9. Finally got the Museum design figured out. Already got 32 spaces suitable for armor mannequins set up in the first Exhibit Hall :)
  10. I've just made a major change of plans. Realized that I was going a tiny bit (WAY!) overboard ideawise and that while I have a lot of patience for the CS and it's annoyances, I don't have quite that much. So I have cut the estate down to 5 buildings: the Warehouse, Tavern and Manor I've already built and the Museum and Companion Quarters that are still under construction.
  11. FCOM: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12249
  12. Just added a pair of crates to the Warehouse with some nice decorative things that I really didn't want to mess with in the CS. Might add more before I'm done ;)
  13. Planning to do a Temple of the Nine later in the project as well. A nice spot with shrines to all of the Nine Divines as well as the wayshrines.
  14. I needed a statue of some sort there, and Dibella seemed like the most appropriate choice :)
  15. The player's personal home is now complete! 5 rooms, lots of space to decorate to your own preference and a decent amount of safe storage. Going to work on a couple of the smaller, faster to build areas before I go to work on the Museum I think :)
  16. Finally figured out how to get water in an interior cell which solved a major design problem :)
  17. Only have the bedroom and entrance to furnish now :) and another small picture... http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr56/thunderclan2/Untitled-6.png
  18. Player Manor is now fully built and ready to be furnished. Going faster now that I seem to be getting a feel for where the pieces I want are :) Thinking I might release a test version after I finish a few more buildings, just to make sure I can get this thing packaged properly since I am using a large number of Modder Resources and I'd rather not have vast chunks of the Estate coming up as the giant exclamation points we all know and hate.
  19. Got the entrance hall and one of the special rooms done in the Player Manor. Working on the Player's personal quarters tomorrow, possibly the servants quarters as well if time permits. Then furnishing and on to the next building!
  20. How about the Thieves Guild HQ mod? Haven't tried it myself yet but it sounds like a cool one. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=34465 There is also the Vaults of Cyrodiil and the Imperial Palace Expansion. The first one adds vaults to all the castles and the Market District while the second adds a Treasury, Armory and other stuff to the Palace. Again, I haven't tried them but I have all 3 mods loaded up for my next playthrough. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40051 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9357
  21. Looks like that might have been the problem. Makes sense I suppose and I'll just have to be a little more careful. Probably worked fine last night because I was dropping exteriors onto land, always something to land on there.
  22. Not at all sure what is going on but now whenever I press the F key in the CS to drop an object the CS crashes. Was working just fine last night since I dropped a bunch of items and I haven't changed anything since then. This is making it very tough to build though so hopefully someone can provide a solution quickly...
  23. Jumped ahead a bit and laid out most of the estate, or at least the buildings anyway. Planning to start work on the Player House and Museum buildings next :)
  24. Got a couple of new issues, the first regarding my use of modder resources. I noticed while furnishing the Estate's tavern that all the items I had added while working on my previous project were missing...Assuming that it was because I added them while working on the project ESP and so they were saved as part of the ESP. So what would be the best way to preserve the added items in the CS from project to project. And my other issue is regarding NPC's. I started playing with the NPC creation to see how hard it would be to use and with a tutorial helping it turned out rather well. Managed to create a basic character. But when I was looking at the clothing options I noticed it seems like rather slim pickings and so I started thinking about the possibility of downloading some clothing mods and using those to clothe my Land's End NPC's. Not sure if that would just make things more complicated then they need to be though. I mean, I'd like to do it that way, give them stuff that's different from what everyone else in Tamriel has but don't know if that is the best decision.
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