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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. You too my friend.

    Bought Morrowind this week, probably play it now for the christmas holidays. But don't tell anyone that I'm not playing cod right now O.o

  2. Thank you, merry christmas to you too :D

    Yes, I have to stop it, I'm sick :S

  3. Thank you, Merry christmas to you aswell :D
  4. Nope...I don't care about fps stories, I like the storys about games like oblivion more...
  5. Lol, your name is THE calliton?!

    I never recognised that, dayum...

  6. I never listen to the cod music...

    I also never play the cod singleplayer.

    Multiplayer only :D

    And yes, Black Ops isn't THAT good now, after the patch I still have around 25 fps, I better stay at cod4 and mw2

  7. Sorry m8, I couldn't work on your sig yet, too much stuff to learn for school, but I can finish it this weekend.
  8. Lol, still doesn't work o0

    Anyways, what I wanted to say, maybe I can make a thor related christmas sig if you want?

    Just tell me what kind of sig, you know, if it should be related to a game or I dunno..related to a movie or whatever you want :)

    I try my best then, just pm me or leave a comment :D

  9. Hmm, how can I explain...

    Bad programming I guess, pretty much f***ed up on the 'not so good' pcs like mine (means runs bad on dual cores...)

  10. Thanks you too!

    Yes, can't wait for them to come. Lets hope they bring out the Black Ops patch before my holidays lol...

  11. Lol, exam was easy...

    Yea, winterbreak in 2 weeks :D

  12. Delete some old pms, I can't send you one, it says your box is full :O
  13. Meh, having english exam tomorrow (I guess it's called language arts at your place or something like that) and I'm tired of learning
  14. Just had a pizza...again lol :P
  15. Lol, I hate Burger King, Mc Donalds and all that stuff :P
  16. Haha, no pizza?

    No prob, you could make your pasta :P

  17. Black Ops? Right now no, barely can play it, lags too much, treyarch failed on making it so they have to patch it...

    I stick to cod4 right now, thats fun yea.

    So how u doing?

  18. Tell me when u got Black Ops.

    We'll have a game then :D

  19. I saw ur comment on CommandaCrazys profile.

    Maybe it helps you if I tell you that I'm using 64bit win7 on 4 gig ram and it works perfectly ^_^

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