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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. Guess what?

    It's eating time here soon, lol..

    I don't like coffee at all :P

    I drink milk instead :D

  2. Lol..

    You must know, one of my neighbours was in my school class once and when I had a long night playing computer games, I could hear his mom...you know...doing what adults do at night.

    Nearly everyday in the summer holidays she did it.

    Then I told it my friend and I never heard anything again xD

  3. WOOOT, after 4 hours of waiting, I could finally update Modern Warfare 2 (300MB O_o)..
    1. MonsterHunterMaster


      lol, Steam just crashed down and I have to reload about 10 mb.

      I'm stitting here for 10 minutes now and it only downloaded 5 mb -.- Crapiest internet connection I've ever seen

  4. My (moms) landlord is a nice guy too. He gets a lotta calls from our neighbours cuz I often play really loud music. But he's isn't like

    "hey, stop playing loud music or I'm throwing outta the house", he is more like "hey, Your neighbours called me. Ignore them. They're old, you know"

    Yeah, my neighbours suck, they are stalking us, I swear.

  5. Free rent?

    So Your landlord is a nice guy? I haven't met any nice landlords yet. You seem to be lucky XD

  6. Oh, that sucks...Can't you do anything against it?
  7. Why don't you move somewhere else when this house sucks this much? I mean, this leaking stuff you told about in the rant topic seems to be REALLY hardcore
  8. Hehe, the last days I always woke up at about 1 pm when my mom finished cooking. Looks like I'm having the spaghetti as breakfast tomorrow.

    I can't wait for it *eats his sandwich..at 4:18 AM!!!AHHhhhhhhhhhhh*

  9. Muhaha, I use to eat 1 Pound Pasta and drink 1 liter milk for breakfast everyday.

    How dope is that, huh?

    Yeah, I have to, I need it cuz besides playing games, my other passion is working out at the gym..and therefore I have to eat everything..Oh, lol, I just remember:

    My mom is making spaghetti carbonara tomorrow and I can't wait for it:P

    Oh no, I'm gettin hung...

  10. Haha XD

    BK isn't that good at all imo..

    I prefer a lotta meat. I love meat, especially with this awesome garlic sauce my aunt makes at BBQ. It's awesome. Or some pasta. I love pasta. And everything else which has a lotta proteins and carbohydrates.

    I need them for exactly what you said:


  11. Yeah, I guess it's until 21.

    Your bf is still growing? How old is he? O_o

  12. Lol, you're huge.

    I just used google and found out that I'm

    5'6.9"...THAT is short!

  13. Hey Balagor, where are you? I haven't seen you for ages. I hope you're fine :)
  14. Dude, I can't WAIT for a new Disturbeds new album
  15. Lol, I hope I'm still growing, I'm a pretty short guy XD
  16. Wow, also new Avatar...looks awesome, doesn't it?
  17. Yeah, you must know, I hang out at the gym every 2nd day and I need to eat a lot.

    Sometimes I have the feeling that I eat TOO much..But 2 hours later...I'm hungry again O.o

  18. Yeah, gimme some!

    I'm always hungry...

  19. Hmm, so spät noch auf? ;)
  20. Ich bin zwar nicht der Typ, dem die Love Parade gefällt oder sehr interessiert, allerdings rein Objektiv betrachtet, ist es irgendwie schlimm das Menschen zu Tode getrampelt werden und niemand merkt es richtig...
  21. New signature...looks awesome, doesn't it?
  22. Ja, hab heute den einen Bericht darüber gelesen. Schon schlimm was alles passiert in der heutigen Welt...
  23. Gestern gabs hier ein Erdbeben der Starke 3. Mitten in Österreich.
  24. Ziemlich groß, was?

    Ich hab vor ein paar Monaten hier ziemlich viel herumgepostet, daher die große Liste..wie geht's so?

    1. Illiad86


      I just made spaghetti and garlic bread :D Want some? hehe
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