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Status Updates posted by MonsterHunterMaster

  1. Of course, everything is fine. Though I stopped making mods for a while. I'm trying to learn Call of Duty pro gamer style XD
  2. Too tired to play..........................
    1. slygothmog


      woot! too tired?....grab a beer :) you will soon be back in the swing of things :)
  3. Haha, yep I still have holidays. But I have to start to go work for school on monday for 1 month, so you can say they end on monday.
  4. Hehe, I need to make a frag movie of of playing COD6.
  5. Yes, COD Modern Warfare 2. This game just rocks!
  6. And at how many fps does it record videos max? Is there a kinda limit?
  7. And at how many fps does it record videos max? Is there a kinda limit?
  8. Lol that's

    A: not a big size

    B: cheap

    I thought it would cost like 100 bucks..lol

  9. I have to get Fraps then. Is it like paying in the internet and downloading it (you know my connection lol) or can I get it like on amazon as Disk version?
  10. You know of any good recording program so I can record ingame videos? Except fraps?
  11. Not much since steam is the biggest Fail after Madonna and Britney spears. I can't play Call of Duty right now so I have more time for the forums here. Lol
  12. I gave your image a thumbsup.

    You write stories? Didn't know that...

  13. MW2 kinda sucks, everyone is camping and tubing (kills you with a grenade launcher all the time) and stuff like that.

    It's really annoying -.-

  14. I added you at steam :P

    lol, I suck so much at MW2...

    But its getting better I think, I need a lotta practise....lol

  15. haha.

    I don't have a problem with female gamers.

    I like my ass getting kicked by women ;)

  16. Hehe, yea, I'm sniping too right now.

    Actually, I wanna learn to scope, but I suck at it...

    Lol, I found out that he is a she..

    I was like: Dude, teach me to scope.

    And she was like: Maybe. Btw, your gettin pwned by a girl

    I was like :O

  17. dial up...pretty weird.

    Gosh, I just found an awesome scoper at CodMW2...

    He is god

  18. I'm goin to school for the next 3 years so I cant get a job right now.

    But I saw i have about 300kb/s at my dads place O_o weird

  19. Pizza? Hehe, I'm going to have some food in a chinese restaurant together with my mom..:D
  20. Lol, I had about 20 kb/s and I was able to play Modern Warfare 2 online. I played I think 'til 4 am. I lagged like hell, and everyone thought it's cuz of the host, so they were all like

    "Get the *ban me* out of here host you noob. You lag."

    Today I get to my dads place for another month, you know, I gotta work. I have about 60kb/s (Wow) there and I can play normally without lagging..

  21. Uuh, I feel so good right now :D
  22. I hate it...

    I can't even play online :/

  23. Lol, it's a miracle if I would get any higher than 60kb/s here :/
  24. Yeah, I can finally play my steam games again.

    I just hate my internet connection >:D

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