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Everything posted by tritonforge

  1. you can craft wooden posts and use the rail gun...
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1050/? - just can't have settlers, allows you to build anywhere
  3. Hey I'm trying to fix the same thing. I only found the sound file in Sound>Fx>UI>perk>Menu. Is there another one? I replaced that one with a blank sound and it still plays argh
  4. I extracted the Sounds file with BA2 and found the Sandman perk under Sound>FX>UI>perk>Menu No other instances of 'sandman' appear in any folder. I replaced it with a blank .xwm and uploaded the archive into NMM , and yet the annoying Sandman piano sound still plays in game. *Edit: that sound file is only the menu selection sound effect, not the kill sound* *Can someone help me find where the actual kill sound effect is located?* What have I done wrong? The Idiot Savant sounds were removed the same way under Sound>FX>UI>perk Does the Extractor not show every file?
  5. The Sandman Perk allows instakills on sleeping people. The sound effect the Pipboy makes is just as freaking annoying as the Idiot Savant sound effect. "Euyuhh!" Can someone please remove the sound effect for Sandman? Possibly also the Pip Boy popup?
  6. I haven't tried it yet, but the harpoon gun they discovered might have the mechanics to replace a bow type weapon.
  7. I love this idea. Wanted to write on walls but didn't think of using letter posters. I don't think there's a need to make them snappable on a grid system; would make placement much harder and encourage clipping issues. Without snaps, you could customize the look (graffiti style, alternating heights, custom kerning)
  8. Skyrim had a decent ecosystem but in Fallout it feels like I'm seeing the same things over and over. Can ugly, irradiated rabbits be brought in? Acknowledging the existing creatures and their game size, assumed diet, or niche (no need for buffalo if we have brahmin, or wolves if we have hounds/mongrels already)...then here are some Other Ideas: - mutated foxes - mutated pigs - mutated sheep - mutated, giant frogs - mutated snakes - there were slaughterfish in skyrim; can we try to add the live, carnivorous dolphins we see on the shore? swimming and aggro you from the depths, one hit chomp out? so now that I'm immune to swimming radiation, the ocean isn't just a fun shortcut? This addition also adds immersion, and an incentive to hunt for food/meat. I can't stomach bloatfly anymore, man. I just can't. Would love to see something scurry in the wasteland and I snipe it with my Deliverer, Mad Max style, and cook some ugly rabbit for lunch.
  9. yeah haha exactly, I've already found a couple pirate flags but they're all the wall mounted flags
  10. Is there any way to port over the auroras from Skyrim? They were beautiful and I'd love to see some solar wind in the irradiated wasteland
  11. a white skull and crossbones on black background, pirate flag that blows in the wind from pole (standalone)? Additionally, one with the Mad Max symbol? Road warrior: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/roadwarrior/images/7/70/Immortan_joe_insignia.png/revision/latest?cb=20150708103059 Preferably detailed texures, not a soul sucking black color hehe <3
  12. Probably way too complicated without CK, don't even know if possible with CK. Spectacle Island attacks are not immersive as the enemies are just spawned onto the island; there is no indication of how they got there. Requesting a mod that spawns a shored transport vehicle along with the random settlement attack event. The enemies always spawn at the same location so the vehicle just needs to spawn on that corner. After fast traveling/sleeping/resetting the cell, the vehicle should disappear. Ideally the vehicle would correspond to the enemy faction (landed vertibird for BOS, boat for gunners/raiders, wooden rafts for super mutants, none needed for teleporting synths); if not possible then one universal vehicle (wooden raft most neutral)
  13. Some ideas for creating C3P0 from Star Wars (without gold plating): - use Gen 1 synth model - equip/attach combat armor (limbs) + shrunk light metal armor (chest)(anything that only covers upper torso) + gray/rusty synth field helmet (eyes modded to circles?) - pair with Codsworth dialogue options as an easier project using game resources before GECK comes out
  14. I don't need an eyebot companion with interaction AI, just one that will fly around my settlement and roam within the area for aesthetics. Should include relevant sound effects. Preferably craftable at the workshop and no need to have companion options. The eyebot mod on nexus currently converts a radstag and requires FO4Edit outside the mod to replace the radstag sounds. It also makes the eyebot a follower, which I don't prefer. I'd rather have an eyebot I can create/recruit then dismiss to a settlement of my choice.
  15. A couple mods just like this were made for Skyrim (in game journal you could type into), so it's possible.
  16. *forgot to add that stealth knife kills shouldn't alert nearby enemies
  17. using cheat engine is a pain and the mod itself allows placement of one object at a time between activating the mod, so it's super slow
  18. Requesting a mod that allows building in water, all objects static. Would allow floating settlements such as Water World: http://assets2.motherboard.tv/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/bbffe2899202fab36e4d11f744df8f46.jpg example: a raider fence would clip slightly under water surface and stay/sit like it would on land Other related ideas: - workshop floating raft (can use existing wood floor or group together rotated wood posts, with tire pile resource) - add existing moving platform for player transport to workshop (wooden, operated by cables and a button, horizontal movement) - add existing fish bodies and dead dolphins to workshop - add existing water tower to workshop
  19. I've been camping that path for days haha. Isn't even generated in game for me to use console and move him to me. I think he has to naturally occur as a random encounter.
  20. Looks stupid when brahmin are eating from an empty tub. I would like standalone objects for the following: - brahmin feeder tub filled with food/slop (functional and added to workshop)(tub in caravan tent also fixed) - dog bowl filled with food/meat (if possible, tag so that Dogmeat would sniff it or inspect)
  21. Currently, the knife sneak kill is a slow thrust downward the collarbone, and the enemy yells out. I would like a mod that: - firstly removes the enemy yell, specifically for a knife stealth kill; the yell defeats the purpose of a silent/stealthy kill - knife kill does not alert nearby enemies - animation altered so that player left hand covers mouth of enemy from behind - animation altered so that right hand knife stabs perpendicular to throat, faster and more forceful; or, increase animation speed for original downward motion (not pull out motion)
  22. Instead of waiting indefinitely and searching the entire wasteland, I would like a mod that makes Gene the dog vendor stay in one location; this way the player can buy any number of dogs at any time. Possible immersion: - Gene's fixed location has a fenced dog farm, where a few variants are inside - setscale and reskin variants create puppy versions, solely to reside in fenced area for aesthetics, not sale/companion - Gene has a partner NPC with a shack/stand selling dog objects (collars, bowls, canned food, etc)
  23. Can somebody make a mod that allows the player to shout down NPCs within a radius? To rob them blind without killing them. If you've played Payday then that's exactly what I want. I want to be able to unsheathe my weapons and press Z to shout "Get down!" and all NPCs within a radius will activate their "cowering" animation. Details: - when the NPCs cower, make them stay in one spot so they don't run - limitations can be added, such as a NPC max level, so soldiers won't cower - no visible effects of the shout, meaning no auras or projections, just a sound file - when NPCs cower, they will play default dialogue "Don't hurt me!", "Have mercy!" or their other stock Thank you so much
  24. Such a noob question that I can't find the answer. Can I use the XP32 skeleton with dimonized UNP bodies? I want to use Dual Sheath Redux but I like the UNP body. Are body mods and skeleton mods the same thing, or is UNP/body mod just an external appearance? Then, which should be loaded before the other? What if I manually downloaded UNP textures without NMM, so I can only load XP32 into NMM? What even happens, will NMM loaded mods take precedence over manually downloaded mods? Thanks for the clarity
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